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Everything posted by rune

  1. Le Tondu, That is NOT a bug. The gsme reports the ip of the ethernet card, not the external ip address. Same thing here with a firewall and my internal network. Rune
  2. Sorry should have been more clear, the figures provided by Rexford are 6-10 mm below what Reozil stated. Obviously I trust rexfords numbers... Rune
  3. Thank you rexford... The figures shown by rexford are still much lower then originally stated. I do not know where he got those figures, as they do not match anything I have seen. Also thanks for the reference about the face hardened armor from Miles. I will admit while trying to read it, my eyes glazed over and I had a sudden urge to never look at a report again. Rune
  4. Sergei is correct... "Guards" was an honorific, given to units that fought bravely...albeit with high casualties. It WAS common to have a green "Guards" unit. Also depends on how long the guards unit had the designation, the location, etc. Rune
  5. Ah....Lady Moraine... Hideous? Hideous? You have not seen hideous.... I have a new scenario, in testing...what makes it hideous? Romanians.... Defensive Line [stalin Line] Romanians.... A River called the Dniester Romanians.... Russkies in defensive positions and Romanians.... Now, I would like an AAR of one of your battles so far. Will even let you pick any of the losers you are playing against....except Hiram, as even I can only stomach so much. Once I get some AARs, you might even become the Lady Moraine, Kniggitt, of the House of Rune. Rune
  6. But it doesn't change that his figures are off. The D-25T gun was noted for its poor AP performance. See: http://www.battlefield.ru/is2_1.html The effect only got better when the Germans changed their armor. See the section where the 122mm shell is shown. An example, using the 5% figure at 90 degrees, [which is 0 degrees] at 1000 meters, 142mm X5%=149mm, he shows 162mm. As for the drop off in penetration, would the larger shell have MORE air resistence then a thinner, smaller shell? Rexford, where are ya? Rune [ April 24, 2003, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  7. Russian Sources disagree with your numbers. http://www.battlefield.ru/guns/defin_4.html Look for the D-25T tank gun used on the IS-2. Rune
  8. To answer the question on the scenarios... They are all available from the different web sites...mainly are from Boot and Tracks and Der Kessel. I got the authors permissions to put them on the CD. Rune
  9. Has to do with the angle of the shot...it could hit for the lower hull...as for not being able to penetrate, where did you get that information? 128mm Jagdtiger gun 100 500 1000 1500 2000meters 189mm 166mm 143mm 127mm 117mm 187mm 178mm 167mm 157mm 148mm Front hull armor on an IS3 was 120mm, and various angles from 50-53 degrees. Turret armor varied by the location of the turret, at the bottom of the turret about 220 mm and 110mm at the top of the turret. Again, angles vary. Very possible to get kills past 400 meters from the front. Why are you worried about a tank that did NOT see service during WWII? Rune
  10. Final Bump, if you are enarby you are welcome to stop by, just drop me a message. Rune
  11. As a serious answer, 100 mm of armor at 50 degrees, the gun on the IS3 can take it out easily up to 900 meters. Rune
  12. Still on, guess just the three of us with a possibility of Astrocat and Tabpub. Drop me an email if you need the address if you haven't been here before. Rune
  13. Bump.....anyone coming for sure? Rune
  14. Yep this Saturday at 1 PM. Email me if you need directions, looks like 2-3 and a possible so far. Rune
  15. Anyone interested in a Chicago get together here at my house? If a lot of people are interested, we can always move it to a bar nearby. Saturday, 1 PM at my house....let us see how many are interested. Email me for details on how to get here. Rune
  16. Here ya go... From one web site: Im wondering if this is normal, when I turn of vsync my fps will go up to 100 but it will fall down to 40 sometimes in counter-strike. Plus with vsync off everything is alittle to choppy. Non of my games actually run as smooth as they did when I had windows 98 and an older video card. I have the latest drivers and im running directx 9. My comp has a 1.7ghz intel motherboard, and 512mb of ram. What can I do to make it run games better? From another: icon_sad.gif I have a Sony Vaio, 1.5 GHZ, 384 MB RAM with a GeForce 2 32MB video card. I was running ME and cursing the day I bought this installed, but made the jump to XP pro a few weeks ago. Since doing that, I have also upgraded to Directx8 and then 9, also I have upgraded to the latest upgrade of drivers that are certified by Microsoft the Nvidia Graphics card - Driver version I have tried several different drivers, but ever since I went to Directx 8 and then to 9 all my games graphics are lagging about once a second, instead of smooth graphics I am getting stop and go graphics. I have been into dxdiag and both the direct draw and direct 3D tests exhibit the same characteristics. As I said, I have tried several different drivers and I even reinstalled XP then tried again. I am so frustrated by this. Please help. icon_smile.gif From another: I bought MOHAA when it first came out and was running it on a P3/450 Dell Dimension with Voodoo3 video card. It ran OK, but settings WAY down and still some choppiness. Last June, I upgraded processor to P3/850 and vidcard to Geforce3 Ti200 64MB AGP. Ran smooth as can be with high detail settings. Well, I couldn't leave well enough alone and, last week, bought and installed a GeForce4 Ti4200 8X AGP 128MB card; that is when the trouble started. EVERYthing else runs great EXCEPT MOHAA...even RTCW, which is also Quake3 engine and OpenGL. In RTCW, I can run at 1600X1200, with all detail "ON" and it runs smooth as silk. I can post countless others including the games I listed. Rune
  17. And you would be wrong. Do a internet search on 43.45 and NVidia problem. You will be surprised by the number of games having problems with the drivers, from Serious Sam, to Falcon 4.0, to Splinter Cell. Matt even stated there are other games having problems. With all these games having issues, why would it be BFC's fault? Rune
  18. In Honor of Mace Rune http://www.msnbc.com/news/897776.asp?0cv=CB20
  19. 1. Know what gun damage means. It can be any part of the weapon systems, including optics, the gun, a turret jam, etc. It is not only a hit to the gun. 2. Those of us that went to the Patton Museum saw bunches or armor with gun hits. Maybe some of the guys will post pictures, or I can send some to be posted if people have a web site. Rune
  20. And it is only your opinion. The formulas match test firing reports in most cases. The T34 depends on which model the T34 is. All of this has been gone over before, and historical references given. Rune
  21. I was just messing with mine, as I bought a switch to replace my hub, I needed more ports and am spoiled by the 100 BaseT. So took a little work to get them all to connect, but can use any of three computers to access the internet through the router, or play games against each other or copy files. Thanks for the kinds words....New evilness coming as soon as you are all on 1.03. Rune
  22. Easier way then opening up the computer completely, go into the router as stated above, then go to advanced features. Go to forwarding and set the port to 7022-7024 tcp protocol and to you internal ip address. I will assume. this will send the game information to your computer, now to get your wan address, you can go back to basic and look at status and get the wan address, or just go to www.whatismyip.com, when he wants to connect, use that ip address, and the router will send your computer the information, AND you left protection on your system. Rune
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