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Everything posted by rune

  1. They are 2 hour only...but I THINK after 9:00 PM and on weekends you don't have to feed them. Lord Dragon, can you stop pver there and find out for sure, the lot to the North of Grizzlys. Rune
  2. There is a parking lot right next to the place. Metered, but i don't think you have to pay ont he weekends. Double check the meter when you get there. Rune
  3. Been there, done that...get out to save your sanity if even just to eat a little alligator. Rune
  4. Here is a clue.... You are a lawyer....take after lawyer and fleece a client or two and get a computer from say....this century. Then try it again..... Rune How did this suddenly turn Pengish? Back to you normal get together topic...
  5. OK, here is the web site of Grizzly's http://www.grizzlyslodge.com/grizzlymain.htm 25th Jan, to give everyone enough notice. Say, 11:00 AM until we stagger home? Or is later better for most? A showing of hands please... If we get enough, I will reserve a room. Rune
  6. WWB, Give Marlow, a member of House Rune, a big old wet one from me when ya see him...then give him Fall Blau to ruin his day. Rune
  7. How about 25 Jan, early afternoon, and there is a place that has alligator, elk, ostrich, and other meats...along with a nice variety of beer. Grizzlys is the name of the place, and is on Lincoln, between Irving Park and Addison. How is that? Rune
  8. Still waiting for a good suggestion...time and place. A nice bar with plugs for laptops. Any other suggestions? Rune
  9. I just have started updating my CMBB with Mods...and all I can say is thank you very much...there are some excellent mods out there. Juju, the newer factory is on mine, trigger, some of your tanks, and others, what a wonderful job. Rune
  10. AHHHHHHH hate......you are coming over to the dark side...excellent.... Well, if nothing else, you got to say it has replayability. Try it again, it sounds like you had a good plan, but bad luck. Luck is a factor in the game, of that there is no doubt. Rune
  11. Don't mind Kingy....I melted his 286 with one of my scenarios again...he gets testy when I do that. Rune
  12. LOL.....jwxspoon is easily bough...but thank you for the kind words. We may be intelligent people and know that...but it never hurts to hear it once in a while either. Look for something in email. Rune
  13. Speaking of finns.... I want to have my scenario checked over one more time by a finn who hasn't seen it yet. Panzers in Finland. Any volunteers? Should be 2 of you, since the battle was really made for two players. Last, thanks to all those who have helped. I had a bunch of emails replies kicked back from Finland, and I don't know why. I got the maps and etc, and many thanks for them and the resources on the battle! Rune
  14. Chased away? I think not. I have emailed with him, and while he is done with packs, [a shame really] he is still about. Matter of fact, the offer still stand El-cid...when the 2 scenarios in those paks have been played in the tourneys, then you can freely post it. I will let you know when they have been completed being played. As for silent CM code...would I take a Mod author's work and change it or post it without their permission? Of course not...and a scenario is just as hard to do correctly. AGAIN, it is about common courtesy. This isn't directed at el-cid, but the people who think the designers are over reacting. Review the scenarios, play them, or don't. I make scenarios to teach, to enjoy, for fun. Now i get attacked for giving away my work, and that is still the key here, my work, for free. As for ego...I think it is less ego and more pride at work you have done. I get good and bad reviews...as I should...I learn from them...and hopefully make better scenarios. WWB works hard at scenario making and testing my and other's scenarios. I hope he has pride in what he does...sounds more like that then ego. Last, I have never refused to help a new scenario designer...altho I have had to make them wait with my work load. To come here and say I say worship me is pure crap, and insulting. I have made now over 100 scenarios for CMBO and CMBB, and have never been attacked like what is going on now. This is ridiculous... Rune
  15. But in coding Linux, anything released with someone else's code, the author of the code is given credit, and is asked if the code can be used. That is the bottom line, play my scenario, don't play my scenarios, the choice is yours. However, allow me to determine where I want it posted...I have been attacked by enough assholes lately. Now, I emailed El-Cid and send him my paks of scenarios and a thanks for what he was trying to do...along with my reasons of why I would have been liked to have been asked. This has nothing to do with the bull**** posted above....it has to do with common courtesy. When you spend 100+ hours on a scenario, not 20, you should take some pride in your work. The bull**** above about worship us is exactly that...pure bull****. It is about ASKING an author what is to be done with his work. After all, he created it...why shouldn't he determine if he wants it released as a pak? I made scenarios just for certain sites as a favor or for tourneys...so I don't post them all over. Bottom line folks, it isn't about linux, it isn't about worship, it isn't about designers whining, it IS about being asked what you would like to have done with your work. El-cid made an honest mistake..and I hold no ill will towards him, and send my scenarios as a thanks for what he tried. That doesn't mean everyone can do what they want with my work...and that is what is is folks...my work. Ask me is all I ask. Leave the bull**** and attacks out of this. El-Cid, again, thanks for the attempt, your heart was in the right place. Admiral Keth, ignore the idiots, as I said, not perfect, but have always said thank you for what you do. Sorry you also have to deal with people who don't appreciate what you do for free... Rune
  16. I have been in contact with el-cid, and like Berli, I understand and appreciate what he tried to do. However, like Mike, I would want to be asked, especially since I am being attacked for historical scenarios which "aren't balanced". Obviously, someone needs to learn what historical means.... See the Troll at the depot thread in the scenario forum to see what was said. Now I come here, and see I only spend 20 hours to make a scenario...and what i make should be free to all. Hmm...does this mean the 3 weeks spent on making Panzers in Finland, getting accurate reasearch, accurate maps, talking with Finns, and getting stuff translated, co-ordinating testing both single and two player, making changes as more things are found out...was done in 20 hours? That I should not take pride in my work, and I shouldn't give thanks to the people that helped me make it? Being asked to use your work is a courtesy, and common sense. I certainly would have thought it over...as I already have rune paks. It just amazes me that people think i owe them something when making a scenario. Also amazes me that people here have so little respect for the hard work that goes into a scenario. So, like Andreas...i now have little incentive to make more. Rune
  17. Just as in real life...the pilots control them and not the ground forces. They will do their own thing. Also, when talking about scenarios/operations, in the future you may want to put: SPOILERS * * * * That way people who have not played it won't see things ahead of time. Thanks!!! Rune
  18. Again, the scenario is only marked semi-historical due to the fact I could not get an accurate enough map. The forces are REAL. A lot of research went into the tank mix, and I answered this in the Tiger Tiger thread. I again asked Admiral Keth to delete his posts. As for von lauchert, he complains it is marked best played two player. Look at my briefing, at no place did i say that....it got added in at the depot. I think Harv added some since something had to be entered in the fields...an honest mistake. Rune
  19. The battle is real...the only reason it is semi-historical is I could not get a good enough map. The forces are accurate. In real life, the tanks advanced over the causeway, and the Tigers were creating havoc when they became mired in mud and sand, and breakdowns. The Germans not wanting to have their new tanks captured stopped the attack, and if I remember right, lost a tiger to enemy fire. A Historical scenario is supposed to show you what happened and why...even though once it starts technically it is no longer a historical scenario. This scenario was made for the crowd that stated the tiger sucks....as you can see, when introduced, it was an awesome weapon. The problem most people have is they focus on the tigers....don't....take out the support elements and you can wind up with a draw or even a win. The Panzer IIIs were to supply the anti-infantry role, and the tiger the anti-tank role and this changed over time, and units were strictly tigers. Rune
  20. bump time... Holidays are over.... When and where? Rune
  21. Sgtgoody, It IS a historical situation, but not impossible for the Russians. If you get stuck, let me know and will give you some pointers. Hope you do well as the Russians. Rune
  22. I have made paks of my scenarios for CMBO and distributed them. I never had anyone post them without asking me first. I do NOT have to post I don't want them distributed, you should assume the author does not unless you ask. This is common courtesy and sense. I have all my newer CMBB scenarios on two rune paks. They will be distributed when a couple scenarios are used in the tourneys they are in. Once done, I will post them all over, and El-Cid, will send to you if you want when we get to that point. I am also working with Bruno on a series of battles, and starting with an operation. I will ask Bruno where he would like them distributed. No one contacted me. Rune
  23. No new tiles for CMBB. Re-write, who know what we may see. Rune
  24. Admiral Keth, As always...many thanks. Yes, it was nothing more then a troll attack. Thank ye for taking care of this!!! Rune
  25. not the only scenario that was marked wrong. Mistakes happen, have no problem with that, but attacking someone still makes him a troll. Gee, I see no scenario under his name...surprising no? Last...several people and several sources were used in that battle. The only reason it is marked semi-historical is I could not find an accurate enough map. The lowest score before troll boy was a 7.2 and the highest over a 9. Yeah, it deserves a 1. There are trolls everywhere..i finally got one! Rune
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