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Everything posted by rune

  1. I have asked Admiral to delete his attacks, on this one and in von lauchert. Obviously this person has a hard time understanding that a historical scenario has the actual forces. Silly me... maybe the Germans stopped because they did get bogged down, and the players that took out the tigers [there is another thread here] are wrong. Last he lies and states it says best played two player...no where in my briefing does it say that. Pro bias German of CMBB just shows you it is a troll. I suggest ignorinig this person, and hopefully Admiral Keth will see this and remove his postes. Rune
  2. Well does everyone suggest fopr a bar? Rune
  3. Hoping the holidays has everyone busy...surprised so few answered... Rune
  4. I don't remember what I put in, but I think it was a Stuka. Will double check when home. Rune
  5. Been running on DX9 for a while, it does not fix the driver problem from nvidia. Rune [ December 20, 2002, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  6. Considering where i put the reinforcement marker, and where the road goes, how it is paralleling the front, yes, there is more protection in the field then if I moved it to the road. In this case, more from ground units then the air units. Look at the road, look at the starting position of the russians.... As for making the map bigger, if I had I would have had to change the starting position for the Russians a little. I thought it was a good size to show off the battle. Glad you liked it! Rune
  7. Then how about after the holidays...since the majority seem to be Northside, can have at my house, or if someone comes up with a brillant idea, can do that too. Will wait to see if we hear from anyone else before posting a date...but thinking Jan 11. Eagles....bah..humbug... Haven't seen Jason since the get together at my house. Hopefully he will see this and we will hear from him. Rune
  8. About that time...time for a get together... Who/when are the options... I can host at my house again, but might get grief again Seriously, I can, but will see if someplace more central for all...so who is interested and when? Rune
  9. Yes, playing by pbem or tcp/ip is a lot of fun, even if you don't get to argue over the rules. Use real tactics, and you will do fine. Welcome to the collective... Rune
  10. Tom, It would allow pictures and maps into the briefing. Rune
  11. Well, I haven't heard from Survi yet if the map is accurate...but in the emantime I sent it to some testers to play around with. Anyone here want to test this one? Rune
  12. Laxx, You indeed did well. You learned faster then the Russians did in real life. Glad you posted this...it shows: 1. The Tiger was truely uber when introduced. 2. The scenario IS winnable, and not just me saying it. As a reward...let me know if you are interested in testing a real battle I am calling Panzers in Finland. Rune
  13. Thanks for the kind words. Operations to me ar the hardest thing to do right. I have made over 100 battles now, but only 3 operations, and only Blitzkrieg for CMBB. It takes a lot fo work to make the operation fun and realistic at the same time. That being said...I am currently working with someone on the encirclement near Korsun. Someone will be along to spell the name of the pocket correctly. hehehehehe Only in the research stage, I plan on making an operation and if it goes well, more battles/operations based on the fighting there. I will let my cohort who is working with me talk about it, as I don't know if he wants to say he is working with me. hehehehe Hopefully it will be as good as Blitzkrieg, as we are trying to do this with actual maps and units....so keep your fingers crossed. Rune
  14. JPS, My source is the book available here for sale. Wehrmacht Panzers in Finland Panzer units in Finland 1941-1944 "Wehrmachtin panssarit Suomessa Saksalaiset panssariyksiköt Suomessa 1941-1944" Size: 8.5" x 12" Pictures: 170 drawings, maps and photos Pages: 270 pages Binding: Hardcover Author: Kari Kuusela Text and Picture Captions: Chapters written in Finnish first and then English. All picture captions in both Finnish and English Publisher: Wiking-Divisioona Oy Price: $40 I was impressed enough by the book to make a scenario! Rune
  15. Just created a scenario and had no problem doing this. Rune
  16. I sent the map to Survi to see if it is a good representation of the area. I think it is good from the photos I have seen, but will change it if need be. I got the troops already in, and testing will begin once the map is OK'd. I played it myself, and it develops slow, but is now turning into a wicked fight. Rune
  17. The only way to deal with the Tigers, is to strip them of their support units, and use infantry to take them out. Kill off all the Panzer IIIs and Infantry, but know you are going to take a hit no matter what. Pick your ambush spots well, and if the Tigers go off road, you have a good chance that 1-2 may bog or go immobilized. Historically, the 4 Tigersdid well until they got stuck in the mud. The scenario was created for the "Tigers suck" crowd to show that when introduced, they were a frightful killing machine. It is difficult to win, but it IS possible as the Russians. Rune
  18. Yep, it happened. The division itself was a mix of civilians, Arrow Cross, and anybody they could find. Using a ragtsg collection of guns, and a few given to them by the Germans, who then took them back. The unit took casualties from partisans when people were sent out to find food. Attacked by the Polish tanks, the unit suffers over 2500 casualties and is forced to withdraw. A few times it tried to rest and refit, but each time it is attacked. Withdrawing West, it surrenders to US troops who then sent most of the people back to the Russians, where they were either sent to Gulags or shot. Rune
  19. Keke, I show Panzer Abt 211 with Somoa and Hothkiss, while Panzer Abt 40, which parts were combined with 211 to make a task force, had panzer IIs and IIIs. I have a mix of tanks along with a regular Finnish infantry for the 54th Regiment. Doing the best I can with what I have... Rune
  20. Correct, the 6th Finnish Infantry Division. The battle will not be the attack on Salla, but the cutting of the road, and the attempt to take a bridge. Russians counter attacks with infantry and a couple of armored cars. [unless someone has anything on tanks, but haven't found anything]. So, will be a meeting engagement since you cannot put attack for oth sides. Panzer Abt 211 with Infantry Regiment 54. Rune
  21. Guys, Creating a scenario with Finnish Infantry and Germans Panzers. The actual battle took place on the road between Sulla and Alakurtti. What I need to know: 1. The main road between the two during 1941, paved or dirt? 2. Terrain is a mix of swamp, forest [pine i assume], and hills, I found one map, but anything you have would be appreciated. 3. Any information about 6th Division also appreciated. I have a source book from here, but another reference never hurts. 4. Any additional information you have will be appreciated. Rune
  22. LOL...glad you are enjoying it...sorta. Take some aspirin and try it again, and see how you do! Rune
  23. Red Army Handbook lists both the 82mm and 132mm Rockets. Rune
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