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Everything posted by rune

  1. Lanfear, No problem, shall do. Barrold had to cancel, but the rest of us are still a go. Rune
  2. Also "The Collective" and "Ghetto uprising", but Harv when he has time will get them in for me, which I owe him for. Rune
  3. USMC_Grunt, Do this, get them all to your house one day. I will then play you tcp/ip in a scenario. Tell them an ex-Navy flyboy thinks he can outwit the Marine's finest. If that doesn't get their dander up to play, playing tcp/ip will definitely charge them up. Let me know if you want to do this. Rune
  4. Thanks for letting me know...Harv...oh Harv... Rune
  5. Vanir is correct, I also found this thread from the old days: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/004572-3.html Has a lot of useful information from people who do the shooting for a living. Rune
  6. BB, Bet taken. What do you want to lose? Then will post where an american tank stationary missed at point blank range, and an account where a German did the same thing a couple times in a row. Matter of fact, I believe someone posted an account here on the forums earlier, but do not recall the thread. The surprise and panic when a tank shows up that close could happen, not often mind you, but never say never. Rune
  7. Thanks for the feedback guys, this is the first feedback since the people who tested the scenario. Will look up the percentages who won when I get home, but I think it was 60/40 German. SPOILERS . . . . . . . I think the key here is the rocket spotters and prep bombardment. Used as a prep bombmardment, you can guess the defensive zones. Delay if you think you need it, or time it to get their heads down when you go to cross the bridge. This again was as close to the real thing as I could make it....the problem I had was with the Russian Forces. The German units are accurate...histoically, the Germans hung on for a while but it was a bloddy fight. Look forward to reading comments by others. Rune
  8. But Wacky....we will have beer.... hmmm beer........ Kingfish, start a scenario now, by the time you drive up from Florida, it may be loaded on your Vic 20. Rune
  9. The 25th is on...a bump for all. Rune
  10. A lot of coding only to help with MEs. No thanks, rather have human testers that try different things that help you balance out better. Why only with MEs? Becuase the AI cannot handle the attack well, all it would prove is the AI is better at the defense. Rune
  11. Historical forces = actual forces involved. Like it or not, they had them. Sources: Thomas Jentz, Nafziger, Russian Battlefield, History of the 501st Panzer. Etc Etc Etc. Sorry all these sources got it wrong. Oh yeah, the battle happened in 1944 not 1945, was at a railhead where the units were being resupplied, and the zillion tanks/halftracks is a whopping 13 HTs and no trucks. Also the report of 6 HTs being destroyed in AARs from the battle has to be wrong. Not to mention the Russian tanks are a mix from Veteran to conscript. Try playing the scenario before bashing it. Rune [ January 14, 2003, 06:28 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  12. there are 2 major flags and 2 minor ones. You may not have enough point difference to get a victory. If you didn't take out any units, the relief column would have accomplished part of its goal, opening a way to the trapped divisions. Losses weigh into the battle as well. Last, the AI does not attack well, it is better to play the attacking side normally. Rune
  13. While replying on another thread. To show you how much research I typically do, the scenario Panzers in Finland which only a few people have to test, has been researched with 4 books, and a lot of help from people here on the board. Over a month of research alone, NOT counting makig the battle. Tiger Tiger took longer. Tiger Tiger, Royal Opponent, von Lauchert are battles with the ACTUAL forces. Panzers in Finland will also be. I made these for the people who want to see if they could do better then the historical outcome, or to teach why or how something developed. Seldom were battles balanced, as Lindan so correctly points out. It is why i make a wide variety of battles, sizes, types, fictional, historical, semi-historical. Oh yes, complaining about the forces in a fictional scenario is a waste of time. It is why it is marked FICTIONAL. It is as silly as arguing that historical scenarios should be more balanced. Rune
  14. Thanks for your help guys. The report i saw had them with 10 kv-1s and 16 t34s, which seemed high to me. Am almost done with Panzers in Finland after a few more tests. Research on this one has taken over a month. Rune
  15. Indeed the crews were hand picked and used for the initial trial of the Tiger. Matter of fact, they had training LONG before being deployed at Leningrad. Tigers continued to host the most experienced crews, both for it and the King Tiger. The newer crews usually got a newer tank, ie a new Panther or Panzer IV before a veteran crew got a replacement. The situtation in Tiger Tiger is exactly how the unit was. Historical to me, means the map is right, the forces are right, and the situation is right. If you don't like it, imagine how the real crews felt. I had some experts help me with the research in tiger tiger, and they are listed in the scenario under the thanks. Reminds me of the person who complained that PZ38(t) NEVER were with Panzer IVs, and Blitzkrieg was not historical. A gentlemen names Sharp along with another guy named Nafziger both published books that say different. Rune
  16. Whomever plays Jussi next, let me know. I think it fitting that he play the Russians in my latest scenario, Panzers in Finland featuring Explody things, Finns, more explody things, rat-a-tat-tats, and even more explody things. Something about a Finn having to beat his countrymen appeals to me.... Rune
  17. August 1941, the Russian 1st Armor Division stationed near Salla. I know they have T26s and BT5 and BT7s, i have a mix report that they had kv1s and some t34s. Does anyone know what they had during August 1941? Rune
  18. You are welcome if you make it Wade. Wakcy and Tom, yep, let me know when you get out this way. Rune
  19. OGF, Try to make it if you can...we usually have a good time. After all, after one of these get togehters, it was determined Finns were actually Ewoks. Yes, alcohol was involved. Rune
  20. The confirmed are barrold, Lord Dragon, myself, JasonC, Berli are for sure. Possibilities include flyinghellfish, rob, bauhaus, and Spanishbombs. A couple of sure nos. Anyone I miss who will be coming? I want to burn a CD for those that are witht he two rune paks. Rune
  21. Gentlemen, You realize the guards designation was given to units that usually had a high casualty rate. It was quite common to have Guards units that were basically new units due to casualty replacement. Guards is just a honorific designation...nothing to do with training. Rune
  22. I will bring a laptop, and once I know how many are coming, CDs with the two RunePaks that haven't been released yet. Rune
  23. Schrullenhaft posted this in another thread: Do you have the CDV version of CMBB ? I don't recognize the HD.EXE executable, which may be unique to CDV's installation. Which OS are you running ? Have your turned off any anti-virus programs that are running in the background ? I suggest closing as many programs as possible before running the install. You may also want to empty any temporary folders/directories on your hard drive (i.e. - C:\WINDOWS\TEMP, etc.). The 'Disk Cleanup' tool may help a bit with this (though it can be unbearably slow in some OSes). You may want to attempt copying all of the files on the CD (if you have the disk space) and see if there are any problems with this process. If possible attempt to run the installation from the files you copied to the hard drive (though this may not work) and see if you get the same error. Rune
  24. I used that one when I made the Steel Panthers scenario based on the battle. Maybe I will port it to the next version of CM if it involves North Africa. Rune
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