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Everything posted by rune

  1. This is a known problem with Microsoft Directplay, which is used for connections. Nidan1 is correct, do NOT alt tab out of the connection screen until you have connected with the other player. Rune
  2. I have a new historical scenario coming out that I had the help of a few of the Finns here. Again, thanks for your help! Scott B. should be releasing it on Boots and Tracks soon. Rune
  3. Did you delete the CMBBprefs file? Try that first, and it should ask you what resolution to play in when you start the game. Rune
  4. Title: Red Parachutes Type: Meeting Engagement Date: Sept 24, 1943 Location: Dudari, Ukraine Region: Central Weather: Dry, Cool Terrain: Village, Night Wind: Breeze from the SE Turns: 20+ Author: Tim 'Rune' Orosz Kevin Kinscherf Background: The 3d Guards Tank Army along with the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps, has advanced against the Germans to the Dnepr River. They had blown open a 70 km wide front, and reached the river on the 21st, but the lack of bridging equipment, along with heavy raids by German Bombers have stalled the Russian assault, but not until they managed a small bridgehead near Velikyi Bukrin. The decision was made by Stavka to launch an Airborne Assault using the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Guards Airborne brigades to secure a nearby bridge and to help expand the bridgehead that was formed. On the night of the 24th/25th, the largest Airborne conducted by the Russians took place. 500 sorties were planned, carrying the bulk of 10,000 troops to positions behind the surprised Germans. Thanks to the sites: http://www-cgsc.army.mil/carl/CSIPUBS/Glantz/glantz.htm#5 http://home.clara.net/percy/maps/kanev.gif and thanks to Kevin Kinscherf! 1500 Points, Semi-Historical since I could not find a good map.
  5. yes, go to www.nvidia.com and get the 44.03s. Rune
  6. Since Berli and I are both representatives of Chicago, please feel free to SOD OFF and go elsewhere...Chicago does not want you. Rune
  7. Just tested it with my monster scenario, and happy to report that these do show as the proper version, and that even with my monster scenario, I do not get a slowdown. Looks like nvidia fixed the frame rate problem, but not the fsaa, which is still fixed by the alt-tab trick. Rune
  8. Just tested it with my monster scenario, and happy to report that these do show as the proper version, and that even with my monster scenario, I do not get a slowdown. Looks like nvidia fixed the frame rate problem, but not the fsaa, which is still fixed by the alt-tab trick. Rune
  9. KKing, You may be right, the download listed before was NOT from nvidia. Looks like i will have some work to do when I get home, since I have a monster scenario in the works, it is a true test. Look here for more information later today. A testing I will go.... Rune
  10. Phil, I was on 41.09 and installing them they listed as 43.51. I remove them completely before upgrading, which means 1. they didn't change the numbers, or 2. It is not a real upgrade, since I haven't seen them posted anywhere else, I am opting for 2. Either way, no impact anyway. Rune
  11. Just tested it. The drivers show as the 43.51 not as 44.03. Same problems as the 43.51s. I am now back on the 41.09s. Rune
  12. No one had that feature, it was used in testing, but removed. Rune
  13. I, for one, will not allow this thread to die...becuase it irrates Peng so. As long as there is breath in my lungs, and I am not working on that which cannot be named *cough* CMAK, I will continue to torture the poor souls here with scenarios. Marlow , of House Rune , do not dispair...I could send you a new evilness now...or even worse. a monstrosity being worked on, that shall even make my 3.06 machine of wonder quiver in fear. What battle could be so large as to cause this? Think July, think 1943, think LSSAH...think trouble. I have not heard from my Squirette lately. Have you put any lawyers in their place yet. {Yes, I mean where Berli lives. The thread shall live on, and regain its potential...even if we have to get Joe Shaw to give up on Mormon Wives to do it! Rune
  14. Correct, it does not appear to be either CMBO or CMBB. Look here at a way to look at the event log, it may give you more of a clue of what is actually going on. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/scriptcenter/scrguide/sas_cpm_klll.asp Rune
  15. It was not in the final release, and was only in there for testing. Tim
  16. If you do a search, there were a few threads talking about the scenario. Search on "cracking the egg" and they should pull up. Rune
  17. Your quote: I would hope that they would take notice of the fact that they will be losing all their Mac customers in the future as people buy new machines. My response AGAIN, they are developing on the Mac, the next engine will run on OSX. That IS the future of Combat Mission. People will want the new game for that and the other massive changes that are coming. As for the current CMBB, the game code can NOT be easily changed. Charles and Steve have repeated this a few times. Under CMBO, BTS asked Apple if the calls were changing and were told no. Apple changed the calls anyway. So, the OSX compatibility has to wait for the new engine. Rune
  18. Umm you are way off the mark. 1. The game is designed on the Mac. 2. While CMAK will not be able to be ran on OSX, it still can under rave. 3. The new engine WILL work under OSX. 4. ATI is responsible for their drivers. Just as NVidia is reponsible for their drivers under Windows XP. Coding for a bug in drivers is a sure way to get stuck coding again and again as drivers change and some bugs are fixed. Rune
  19. Actually I found a comment in Red Army Handbook and a web site that say the same thing. "The Red Army on the outset of the war in 1941 was armed primarily with a single type of anti-tank gun, the 45mm Model 1937. This was a derivative of the German Rheinmetall 37mm Pak 36, the standard German Anti-tank gun of the period, which had been manufactured in the Soviet Union under license since 1931 as the 37mm anti-tank model 1930. The Red Army desired a calibre both to improve anti-armour performance and so as to have a which could fire a useful high explosive projectile. The German 37mm was too small for a good high explosive round. It [the 37mm gun] was modified to use the tube of the standard Soviet 45mm Model 1934 tank gun, with suitable strengthening of the trunnion and trails." So it appears the Soviets modified most of the 37mm to 45mm guns. Rune [ May 02, 2003, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  20. MikeyD, I have been burning through all my books and doing major searches, but amazingly there is little to no information on the Russian 37mm at-gun. I will continue to search.... Only information I have found so far, is conflicting. The Russian 37mm AP round is marked as a UBR-167, but I also saw it marked as a 25mm Shell. Not sure which one is correct. Rune [ May 01, 2003, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  21. OZ77 is only giving 1/2 pf the story. June 1941 there were 5 Airborne Corps, 1st through the 5th. Each was short people and the infamous light tanks due to a MANPOWER and TANK shortage. originally each corp was to have 32 tanks per company, due to the shortage, they had 10. By September 1941, these units were wiped out in the fighting, and the Russians ordered 5 more Corps formed. A few small drops around Moscow took place, but in June 1942, these formations were changed to regular infantry divisions, and designated Guards due to the fighting around Stalingrad. Autumn of 1942, the order went out to train paratroops again, and 3 Brigades were formed, but again converted to regular infantry, altho they kept their "paratroop" name, they were in name only. May 1943 again the Russians had to rebuild their paratroops, 20 Brigades were formed, only 3 stayed paratroops due to the rest being changed to Guards Divisions. The Russians gave up on Airbourne operations in 1943, after the diaster of landing troops near Dnestr. They Russians did not even have parachutes for heavy equipment until 1943! Their idea was to drop lightly armed troops onto an airfield where the heavy equipment would be flown in by tb-3. Obviously, this never happened. The bottom line, the figures shown by the revisionists are off by a small factor of 10! The Guards designations did not go to all the airborne troops from June 1941, but the troops that were tried to be formed afterwards! The troops that formed had to be trained, so much for the Million men ready to go. Sources: Red Army Handbook By the way, on page 1944, they mention the LACK of transport for airborne troops in June 1941. Soviet Night Operations in World War II Zhukov, Georgiy K. Vospominaniya i razmyshleniya Rune
  22. Cat and Jaws, More information for you. I was running XP Pro on two systems and XP home on another. Have been doing a lot more in depth testing with jwxspoon. The alt tab trick is to go to desktop then back to the game, then the lists show up. However, we were finally able to get the slowdown. It seems to be related to the number of paths/firing paths shown. I get to 30-40 and no problem, but beyond that, I get the slowdown you are seeing. Try turning the paths/firing off, and let me know if it speeds things up or not. Rune
  23. I just tested it on three systems. System 1: pentium 3.06 1 gig memory GeForce 4800 using 4X fsaa and 2X ansitropic filtering I get NO slowdown, i still have to do the alt tab trick. System 2: Pentium 1.7 512 meg memory GeForce 3 ti200 filtering and ansitropic filtering off I get NO slowdown System 3: Pentium 800mhz 512 mem memory GeForce 3 ti500 Filtering and ansitropic flitering off I get no slowdown. Try it with texture sharpening not checked. Rune
  24. Potential Paratroop? What does that mean? Any soldier could be a potential paratroop. Let's look at reality. 1. They did not have the air transports available to move 50,000 men, much less 500,000 men. 2. They did not have the parachutes themselves in enough numbers. 3. Of the 50,000 officially deemed a paratroops, 10,000 were sent to fill out infantry units. Look at the amount of aircraft/sorties it took at Arnhem. The Russians were not even close to that. Potential means nothing. Rune
  25. Hey look, revisionist claptrap. 500,000 paratroops? From russia themselves, they say: Russia's airborne troops celebrate Thursday their 71st anniversary. The history of the airborne troops commenced on August 2, 1930, when at the exercises of the Moscow military district near Voronezh 12 soldiers baled out for the first time. The first airborne troops subdivision was the aviation motorized assault detachment (164 men) in the Leningrad military district. The creation of mass airborne troops was stipulated by the ordnance of the Revolutionary military council of December 11, 1932. By the start of 1933 special aviation battalions had already been formed in Belarussian, Ukrainian, Moscow, and Volga military districts. By the summer of 1941 the formation of 5 airborne corps, each with a strength 10,000 people, had been completed. A lot of those were used in normal units, so you are off by a factor of say...10. Also see the Red Army Handbook. Only thing I'll bite on so others don't buy that BS. Rune
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