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Everything posted by rune

  1. Look up the battle of the King Tiger [Royal Opponent], or look up the battle on Korshun Relief. Both actually had tanks stuck in mud. Not every commander had the luxury of starting where he wanted to. Besides, after you play the historical setup, you can always go back and change your starting positions...it is a reason I do not lock the units unless for a very specific reason. Rune
  2. In firing spots at the beginning I understand...mud however happened. How many pictures of tanks stuck would you like? You have to think on your feet and adjust your attack as the mud claims another victim. Rune
  3. LD, Are you bringing your better half? Rune
  4. Another bump for the get together tomorrow. Roll call please, I will be there at 11:00 AM. Drinking a beer and eating alligator...who else is comming? Rune
  5. They translated that manual, whioch refers to the M10 howitzer, and NOT the shortened version that the KV-2 used. The entire paragraph from Russian Military Zne states: During the production, the tank's turret was slightly improved and additional DT Machine-Gun was mounted in it. The shortened M-10 Howitzer was able to fire a 52-kg high-explosive projectile with muzzle velocity of 436 m/s. Please notice, only high-explosive shells with reduced propellant charge were used for KV-2's gun. The naval semi-AP round model 1915/28 was alloed to be fired of KV-2, but that round used only in Red Navies and was absent in Red Army's warehouses. Despite some modern "sources", the usage of armor-piercing and anti-concrete ammunition was prohibited - it was recorded in the KV-2's operational manual. The Army didn't even have the SAP round. Trust me, we went over this very well with Valera and he pulled some Russian documentation. Rune
  6. Lots of people...I think Mike is playing someone now in it...find the other thread. Rune
  7. Let's start at the beginning...what do the costs reflect? Base cost takes into account weapon's effectiveness, ammo, resonse time, and flexibility (i.e. radio or wire). Rarity takes into consideration TO&E level, availability to a Infantry Battalion, and general availability. Key here is an typical Infantry Battalion, not one with extra guns that the Soviets would mass before an attack. Based on this, the rarity numbers make sense. Rune
  8. For your IS2 viewing pleasure. http://www.battlefield.ru/is2_1.html Rune
  9. Eggbert, Has your knight not taught you anything? Never EVER get noticed when the mention of rune scenarios is going on. For this, who is playing Eggbert next, I will send a scenario that will cause his computer to flee in terror.... Rune Nidan1, are you in any tourneys? If no, I will send some.
  10. I have an apporpriate EVIL scenario ready...matter of fact several. Want one to melt his computer down into a whimpering mess, or just something to melt Joebob into a wimpering mess? Rune
  11. WP, I think I remember what you were thinking. The rates of fire are in the game, they just cannot become variable. In other words, we cannot have a ROF of 6-8 for the first 20 rounds then 3-5 for the rest. However, compare that table aboce with the game, you will see the game is dead on. The sturmtiger is still up for debate however. Rune
  12. I know jeff has done it, and I have neard a lot fo nice things about the map...should I remove the units and just have the map available to download? Rune
  13. Eggbert... Go back to suffering at my scenarios. Hopefully they are causing you much pain and gnashing of teeth? Rune
  14. JRRRT, Find out, certainly wouldn't hurt...but we do like our mass quantities of beer while gaming. Hopefully you can make the outing this Saturday? Rune
  15. WP, There ya go...trusting other games... Look at the rates of fire: http://www.battlefield.ru/guns/defin_4.html Also note at the bottom, where the T34 had a rate of fire about 3-5 shots per minute due to the layout of the ammo. Rune
  16. WP, I will take that bet. Show me proof that the rates of fire are 3 times more then actual. I think BFC does the job rather well depending ont he crew with maybe the exception of the Sturmtiger. Look at the slow firing IS2 then go to the Russian Battlefield Zone and see how the rates match. Rune
  17. Self-serving bump for those Chicago Players. Look forward to seeing ya Saturday. Rune
  18. Turn the sound back on in the hot keys. I think it is alt s., but am at work and cannot tell ya for sure. You may have just hit the wrong keys while in the game and turned sound off. Rune
  19. I have eatent here, but not that combination. A bump for the Saturday get together. Topic #1: Making fun of the Eagles Fans. Rune
  20. As one of the Senior Knights...if there still be knights left when Meeks is done, I say thus: Meeks, Your Kingly idiot, what will you do with Knights that went into other threads stating how great the Eagles were? What punishment can we give the Eagles faithful, other then have them watch the Tampa Bay game over and over and over and over... [Hey Berli , there is an idea for you] If there still be knights after this, I will take VADR as Squire. I can ignore him just as well as Joe can [not bolded since he is oulaw]. Rune
  21. Jeff, That is a fallacy. The Russian manual on that gun BANS the use of the AP shell with that gun. Sources include the Russian Battlefield website and the Red Army Handbook. It was one of the things that caught be by surprise. I quote: "Despite some modern "sources", the usage of armor-piercing or anti-concrete was prohibited - it was recorded in the KV-2 operational manual." Rune
  22. I will be there at 11:00, eating alligator and drinking beer rune
  23. Glad you enjoy it! Don't forget to review it at the depot. Be on the lookout for Panzers in Finland which is in Final Testing. Rune
  24. Of the ones I made, I like the map I did for Fall Blau, and like the setup for Tatsinskaya Raid, for two player, either my Panzers in Finland [not released yet], or Odessa Reprieve. Rune
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