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Everything posted by rune

  1. I did find this: Lauchert's skill and energy as a Panzer leader caught the attention of such armor notables as Guderian and Eberbach. When Germany developed a new tank to regain its lost superiority on the battlefield, Major Lauchert was chosen to form and train the first two battalions of Panthers. Hitler ordered the delay of the 1943 summer offensive until Lauchert's Panthers arrived to spearhead the southern arm of the attack. Unfortunately, the failure of the commanders whom Lauchert was supporting to familiarize themselves with this new weapon caused the Panther's debut at the Battle of Kursk to be less than decisive. Lauchert continued to command a battle group of Panthers after Kursk, was promoted to Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) and eventually was named as the commander of Panzer Regiment 15 of the 11th Panzer Division. While with this unit, he earned the Oak Leaves to his Knight's Cross. from http://members.aol.com/Panzerbaer/lauchert.html Rune
  2. Sgt Goody, I will find the references in the books I got and pass them on, if you don't have the books, let me know and I type it out in an email. I know one of the books was Panzertruppen 2. I don't remember the other off hand and I am at work now, so will have to wait til I get home. Basically von Lauchert was proven right, the Panther was an awesome tank if used correctly. Rune
  3. No Spoilers.. The scenario was made to show why the Russians adopted the rush forward tactic against the German Heavies. TMU has it correct, rush the creekbed, use the fingers of the creek to the right. Once in the creek bed, the Germans HAVE to close the distance or lose. Time that with the reinforcements and you should win. It can only work two player if the German player has not played the scenario before and has not read any of the threads. If they had, they know they also have to rush the creek bed then there is hell to pay. The battle really happened. von Lauchert demonstrated that the Panther, when used correctly, was a fierce beast. The majority of Panthers lost from his unit before this battle were from hits in the sides. Rune
  4. I have not seen so much mis-direction since the great Wanker debate of '01. Maybe we need a UN resolution to resolve: 1. Any Wine Cooler by Bsrtle's and James be declared a Weapon of Mass Destruction. 2. Inspections of the Peng Challenge Thread [MBT] shall continue until ONE post that makes sense from lenakonrad. 3. AussieJeff be found a persona non grata. Wait....lawyer types here, would that have to mean he is actually a person? A loophole if you please... 4. That Berli and Seanachai be sanctioned for voting to make a monarchy. Yes, these two evils have forced us to becomes....dare I say it...like the U.K. Is there any crime worse then this? [Leaving out the Pommies down under] 5. Finally, that sanctions continue until Dame Moraine defeats any squire/serf of Boo , just because. Rune House of Rune
  5. Not sure.....they liked the look, but there weren't that many there, I was surprised. I did enjoy watching JasonC and Scott play ASL, Korean War Scenario. Rune
  6. Nope, me and you and whoever else volunteers. Rune
  7. JasonC, No, one was today, and the other is Friday. I am working on a system down at a hospital so won't be able to go, but will forward you the information for Friday. Rune
  8. Dame Moraine , Excellent taunting....and once i stop losing lunch over the thought of Hiram ...no....too ugly to even think about... However, your next quest, to be completed ASAP, is to put in your Sig, that you are a Squirette in House Rune . Also, please taunt Joebob so one of his squires challenge you. I figure you could use a light workout of one of his clan. Rune
  9. It is at one of the member's house...so if you can make it, let me know and I will send you the information. Maybe we can make some new players to defeat... Rune
  10. Dame Moraine , Being a squirette is never pretty. So, I task you with bringing me the body parts of yonder Pole. lenakonrad MUST be beaten in a battle of your choosing. Once defeated, we will task you with another. Oh, and a shubbery.... Rune
  11. Hmm....now i am in a quandry...do I Boot my squirette for attempting a Seanachi in singing...but then I violate the code for the Ladies of the Cesspool . I know... Joebob , try to do your job here and inform my squirette that this just won't do. I have still NOT received any of the tasks set before her. Dare I say it...even Hiram was ahead at this point in his squiredom. So Lady Moraine , I expect one of the three quests you have been sent forth to do by...oh lets say....Saturday...or Hiram hit over the head with a baseball bat after you oonce again defeat him. Rune Oh, and Dalem , Yub Yub
  12. Awww look...he is playing with the Ewoks...err...Finns.... Rune
  13. "The time was running out against Germany, due to it's geostrategical position and the jews in USA were already mobilizing." A Very Racist statement if I ever saw one. I leave this thread, now knowing what kind of person he is. Rune
  14. Short notice, because I just got this from Windy CIty Wargamers a little while ago. Tomorrow they have an ASL get together, and Friday they have a bigger games get together. I am going to try to make them, if anyone in the Chicago area is interested, let me know, plan on taking the laptop and showing off CMBB. Toss me an email and I will send you the information I have gotten. Tim
  15. The Decision for War, WIlliam Waller, March 20, 2001. for the documents. When Titans Clased, Glantz Decision in the Desert, Crusader 1941-1942, the author interviewed several German Generals and Rommel's wife. Documentation on the invasion of the caucusas there, as well as plans to launch attack from Syria. Can get the author then I get home. The Trial of German Major War Criminals Sitting at Nuremberg, Germany 27th February to 11th March, 1946. German Generals speaking of why they invaded Russia. The Meaning of Hitler, quote: "The operation was ordered on December 18, 1940. Hitler wanted to strike at Russia because it would have given Germany the "space and resources" that the Germans needed. He also wanted to strike before they made an alliance with England. Since July, Hitler had been building up forces on the eastern front, and Romania and Finland had joined Germany for the attack on Russia. The only problem for the Germans was that Italy had already been taken and Germany was vulnerable to attack from the south. Russia figured out what Germany was doing and started to send them "gifts" and relaxed their grip on Finland and Romania. Despite this, Hitler decided to commence the attack. Hitler began his four-year campaign against Russia, sending 7.2 million troops who caught the Russian army off guard and were initially successful." If all these historians are wrong, let us look as what Universitys think: http://www.cs.mtsu.edu/~alex/ww2/barbarossa.htm http://www.worldwar2database.com/html/barbarossa.htm http://www.themilitarybookreview.com/html/granddelusion.shtml SO, Do I believe the Historians who talked with the people who talked to Hitler, as well as documents from the era, or do I believe your revisionist claptrap? Oh, there are countless other books and web sites I could post, including University of Hamburg, but why bother? Rune
  16. Pondscum/Dalem , Could it be they are the same per....oh nevermind... Glad to hear it is causing you intense pain. When I say massive...i mean MASSIVE. If I cannot cause your computer to faint at the mere mention of a Rune scenario...then I am not trying. Wait till the second Division shows up.... Rune
  17. For the record, there was no reason to infer that all twits are as bad as AussieJeff , however, you being evil...Carry On.... Rune
  18. Oh yeah, don't forget the coal mines of the caucusas, or the wheat field of the Ukraine, or the fact that in 1937 a document was written about "The aim of German policy was Lebensraum (living space), German people had 'the right to a greater living space than other peoples' and they would find it in Europe 'in immediate proximity to the Reich.' Two countries stood in the way, Britain and France but, despite their own problems, they and Russia must be factors in Germany's political calculations." I am sure that had nothing to do with it. Rune [ February 18, 2003, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  19. Oil? Perhaps the plans he had to capture the caucusas and their oil fields had something to do with it? Perhaps because he believed it would only last 6 months. Perhaps because he believed it would give him a back door into the mideast and it's oil? Perhaps we all don't believe in revisionist claptrap? Rune
  20. I drank water while I was in the Navy overseas int eh Med....i think I got Marlow's revenge then. Rune
  21. Joebob you moronic, ignorant twit...[To the moronic ignorant twits out there, I officially apologize you associating you with Joebob ]. Dame Kitty was both a Dame and a Squire. There be not a reason that she cannot be both. The precedent has been set. That being said, I hearby proclaim my Squire, Dame Moraine a Lady of the Cesspool with all right priviledges, and all that lawyer type talk. Ladies of the Cesspool , will you introduce Dame Moraine into the tradition of Wine Sipping and Pool Boys? Rune [ February 14, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  22. Berli! , Joebob is thinking he is important again. [Note. not impotent, which we hope he is] Can you and the Gnome vote him out of office again? Meeks , demote him to deck swabbie or somefink. Young Squirette, [isn't that a dnacing group?] since I am not a crude Seniour Knight, I will allow you to keep the head of Hiram whereever you want to keep it [the refrigerator comes to mind]. So, you must bring me...hmm...errr...welp...nothing really I want....so I will settle for you smacking him with his own baseball bat after defeating him. Hopefully he has the scenario, or let me know and I will send it to you. MrSpkr , I liked you better when you were Tip O'Neill...which is not at all. At least I knew the fair Dame Kitty was a squirette. Go away before I make Buzzsaw challenge you, if he ever shows up again. Rune
  23. Thanks for reposting that Tom. Reward, a evil Rune scenario will be heading your way. You may begin screaming... Rune
  24. This one shows spunk. So, to annoy Joebob and Hiram , I take this one to squire....so I may ignore him/her/it/all of the above in the finest traditions of House Rune . I can then ignore you as well as I ignore Buzzsaw and Marlow and others. Young Squire/Squirette/Squiggy/All combined into one, when ready, let me know and I will appoint thee with thy first task. Heck, I'll do in anyway...you are to bring Hiram's head to me on a platter...using Odessa Reprieve. Then, and only then, I want a post on the pros and cons of Berli's one line responses, single spaced, and spell checked, as well as a reason I should not have Berli make all your days Mondays. Rune Army of the Porcupine [ February 14, 2003, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
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