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Everything posted by rune

  1. Oh please.... When the game was released, it worked with the current NVidia driver. It worked with the next release, then Nvidia broke it. Nvidia doesn't even support most of the releases, as they are "leaked" drivers, and are non-supported, but Battlefront is trying to hide it? Look at the FAQ listed, look in the support forum, look, they even give you a demo to test their game and encourage you to do so. Nothing unethical here. Nvidia has to come forth with a fix, and that is that. Rune
  2. The why is easy....say they find a work around to the nvidia drivers, and this is a big assumption it can be done without spending countless hours trying to work around a call that nvidia broke WITHOUT having to remove all the 2d screens. Once done it is released....then Nvidia fixes the problem....guess what, you game is now broke again requiring ANOTHER fix. It was broken before and fixed by NVidia then broke again. Also remember there is ONE coder for CM, and he is working on the patch to the game for game play issues. Now, as much as they have tried to clone the head in a jar, they have not succeeded yet, and Charles remains the only coder. Rune
  3. There ARE other games having slow down problems. A couple of Naval games I play also suffer from the new drivers. Hence, I play with the 41.09s without the fsaa. SimHQ has listed one of the games having problems with the newest nvidia drivers. This alone proves it is NOT CMXX but the drivers, which NVIDIA already admitted they have a problem with. That being said, I will continue to test the newest nvidia drivers letting ya know when the drivers are fixed. Rune PS I am now running an GeForce 4 4600 with 128meg of memory for my testing, so it won't reflect on the newer FX cards
  4. No need to bump. The patch is being worked on, the release date is when it is done and tested, and they are aware of the at guns. Rune
  5. For those wondering what Ken is talking about... I broke two fingers refereeing a soccer game Saturday. Picture a soccer game, a wall, a referee trying to get out of the way in a hurry, and I leave the rest up to you. I email Ken and apologized for being snippy, i should not have posted when i first got home from the hospital for xrays...and asked him to test a new scenario once 1.03 comes out. My way of making up for the "test his scenario" comment. The one I will be sending is called Thunder on the Dneister, featuring the Romanian attack on the Stalin Line in 1941. Balance is always a difficult thing in attacking a defensive line, so look forward to the feedback. Rune
  6. ken, thank you for your comments, look forward to seeing something made by you. You cannot change locations randomly for reinforcements, and making a percentage change of even showing up is not liked by most users, as you cannot balance fairly if all troops don't appear. As for the map, I don't randomly drop terrain when trying to base it on a real map. For a 13 year old, I think he did rather well. Rune
  7. I will let him know, I thought his battle was pretty good. The surprising thing to most people, he was 13 when he designed it. Between testing thins, I am currently working on: Tarnopol, fighting in the South with an SS Panzer Abt. Cossack Carnage, which was used in a tourney, some changes being made fromt he feedback of the tourney. Panzers in Finland: Another historical battle, too many Finns to thank for help researching this one. Should be released soon Thunder on the Dnepr: Just started it last night, a Romanian Assault on the Stalin Line in 1941. Semi-historical since I could not find accurate enough maps. Rear Guard Action: Being used in a tourney, will release when it is done. People either loved it, or absolutely hated it. It depicts one of the hardest things to do, a fighting withdrawal against superior forces. That be it from me for now. Rune
  8. Thanks Lars, I have a particularly nasty scenario heading you way. Rune
  9. posted from the other thread... Members of the MBT , I would like for all to notice how Berli, the ultimate of evilness, is called a wuss by none other then YK2. This means: 1. Berli is very wise NOT taking on a female, particularly a Scottish one. 2. That indeed, women are inherently more evil then evil itself. 3. That there is, indeed, a reason for Berli's reply to Patch as nothing more then a "Yes Dear" Rune Oh Dame Moraine , in a particually nasty mood, due to the fact the some IS departments are totally clueless, I want you to pick a fight with say.... Boo , and once he accepts, I will be sending a particularly evil scenario to cause you both much pain. This scenario has not been seen in the MBT
  10. Members of the MBT , I would like for all to notice how Berli, the ultimate of evilness, is called a wuss by none other then YK2. This means: 1. Berli is very wise NOT taking on a female, particularly a Scottish one. 2. That indeed, women are inherently more evil then evil itself. 3. That there is, indeed, a reason for Berli's reply to Patch as nothing more then a "Yes Dear" Rune Oh Dame Moraine , in a particually nasty mood, due to the fact the some IS departments are totally clueless, I want you to pick a fight with say.... Boo , and once he accepts, I will be sending a particularly evil scenario to cause you both much pain. This scenario has not been seen in the MBT
  11. Yes, they were....I finally found this again.. Several of these tanks, captured intact by the Wehrmacht, seemed actually employable to serve as bunker busters. A special company (z.B.V. 66) was formed for the invasion of Malta. After the cancellation of the operation the unit was sent to fight in the Demyansk in August 1942. About 330 of them had been built, while it was also though to further develop the design using 85mm and 122mm high velocity guns. The project was aborted because they were still difficult to mask on the battlefield: the appearance of German Tiger tank, though, speeded up the building of heavy self propelled gun, then known as the SU-152. Over 5,000 KVs of all types were built until production ceased in favour of the new IS heavy tanks. Rune
  12. As a scenario designer, you can place craters anywhere you like, and there are different sizes. I forget the hot key to turn them on, then alt and 1-5 to get different size craters. Rune
  13. The Germans re-gunned the tanks or changed the tanks to use regular ammo, while the Russians eventually captured enough tanks that ran out fo fuel or otherwise to ammo them. Of course, exceptions to this will be the norm. Both sides used the tanks against each other. The KV-2s were going to be used in the assault on Malta, which never happened. I think they had 2 they were going to use. Never did find out what happened to these two. Rune
  14. I did the research on captured vehicles, but I could not get enough information on the KVs. Three sources I used said at any one time, only single digits of KVs were used by the Germans. When I approach the BFC crew on this, I agreed with them that without enough evidence, to keep them out. Of the records I found no more then 2-3 were used at one time. If BFC waited to get every vehicle in that only had 1-3 made, we still would not be playing and would be waiting quite a few more years till we could play CMBB. Hence, not in the game. Rune
  15. SPOILERS......... . . . . it isn't a puzzle at all, but it DOES require you to know the stranghts and weaknesses of the isu-152, which is a breakout tank. the isu-152 is a heavily armored, but very slow firing assault gun. knowing this, you have the option to attack on a thin or wide front. If thin front, you better id the enemy and use shoot and scoot, if attacking on a wide front. know that you DO have anti-tank assets and to keep them in reserve until needed. Look at the tanks int he scenario, you will see which are your anti-tank weapons. as for two player, have had a lot of feedback. Actually it is an intense fight over 2 equal players. wwb hints as to why. My scenarios can teach you about equipment and their uses if you approach with an open mind. Rune
  16. There are a couple threads that pretty much tell you a winning strategy. So not to push spoilers again, I will not repost, but if you search you should find them. If not, let me know and will send the links to you. Rune
  17. You can play two player via a tcp/ip address or play by email, better known as pbem. With the tcp/ip way, you can set a timer that each player gets to move in, before the turn is processed. Rune
  18. Joebob The last time I hear a singing voice without seeing a picture, I was scarred for life. Perhaps you remember? You were singing while playing IL2, and the Entire Cess Patrol crashed themselves to put ourselves out of misery? Remember you saying you used to be a singer when Harv put it so correctly, when he asked if it was for a pod of whales? That you, the one with Mormon Wives, say eye candy isn't anything? Joebob , no wonder you were thrown out from the Justicar position. Hey Berli and Ubergnome , will you take a request to banish him again? Can make it worth your while.... Rune
  19. And Janis Joplin looked liked a Mormon Wife on Drugs... Hmmmmmmm Rune Squirette Dame Moraine , I want updates on your battles, and no more talking about alcohol until done. I'd give you a BOOT , but since you are a dame in the pool, shall forgo that.
  20. Admiral. What time are you leaving so I can determine if I get home in time? If not, grab "The Collective" off of Scenario Depot....perhaps you have heard of it? hehehehehe. Panzers in Finland is in late testing and will send both if I get home from work in time. Sorry I just didn't think of this sooner, as when we had the get together, JasonC and Lord Dragon played it. Rune
  21. Gentlemen, Have a great time, and hoist one for me. Let us know how it went. Hmm, if you guys are going to play, let me know, and can send "The Collective" or "Panzers in Finland". Enjoy... Rune
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