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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I would check the cooling fans and heat sinks first. Maybe something has vibrated loose and just needs to be clicked back into place.
  2. You can call a ceasefire and the battle will end. Just make sure you occupy all your victory objectives or you will not get credit for them.
  3. There are some sound files in the modding tools that came with 1.05. I think they are ambient noise and I believe one is a peaceful one with no arty.
  4. Go to the bottom section and you can download the various sections in PDF format. Section 5 is about creating AI plans. The links on the top are just screen shots.
  5. Try this link. http://homepage.mac.com/gibsonm1/CMSF/FileSharing24.html
  6. I have noticed some difficulty with plotting movement when the building goes translucent. If you aren't careful it is easy to "miss" the building and end up telling your guys to move outside. I love the new buildings but I think the cursor needs to grab it a bit easier.
  7. I believe the problem with the 8800 card is with Nvidia and their drivers, but I'm not positive. There should be some stuff in the tech forum about them. A couple of guys use the 8800 and seem to be doing ok.
  8. You can be kind of creative depending on what you are doing. I usually group all my HQ units and vehicles (Ash and trash as we used to call them) and units that aren't going to move in the plan into one group. Defending gives you a lot more options because you can set a unit to defend and then just put it out of the way if you don't want it involved. On attack you don't always have that option. And yes, most designers have complained about the limited number of groups.
  9. There are a couple US NATO camo mods in the works. I should be releasing my M1 NATO mod in a couple days. Right now the real world keeps getting in the way. I don't know about Euro buildings though.
  10. There are going to be a lot of new scenarios come out now that 1.06 is out. A lot of us were waiting to release things that were built using the test betas.
  11. If you give the entire company a single order it will be race day. Also be sure to give the objective enough space for the entire company or they will end up in all kinds of strange positions. Secondbrooks: What I mean is, say you have a hill as one of your order points. If you put one objective point then all your units will go there. If you put two points then they will tend to send some to each point although most will initially head for the closest point. After a little bit though they will all tend to move towards the farthest point. I found this out when I tried to set a recon screen. I set three points for the AI and expected them to move to those points and sit. Instead they moved to the points and then moved to the point that was farthest away from the previous move order. In the end they all ended up bunched around one point.
  12. I have seen this on occasion. Sometimes right after calling a mission the line will vanish but will return if I deselect and then reselect the spotter. It doesn't happen very often though, at least to me.
  13. Right now the major problem with the AI editor is that it is all time driven. You can have the perfect plan worked out but if the player does something different then there is no way to change it on the fly.
  14. The use of more specialized AT arty rounds is a topic of much debate among the testers.
  15. The rounds are straight HE. What changes is the fuzing and grouping. Personnel: Airbursts medium spacing. General: Mainly HE ground bursts, some airbursts. Fairly large target area. Armor: All ground bursts, tight grouping. The above is all for point target which is the only thing I have ever had luck getting kills with.
  16. That is a function of design. What setting does the designer have those troops on? What are those guys supposed to be doing? If the designer intended them to hold those buildings then you wouldn't expect them to move about. Unlike the CMx1 TacAI which would immediatly launch a massive counter attack if you took an objective flag, the AI in CMSF relies on orders from the designer. While sometimes this can be annoying or give strange results it does allow the designer better control of the AI. Not knowing the settings on the scenario it is difficult to say that anything is actually wrong. If the AI has no orders for a unit then it will sit and defend its location. Even without movement or attack orders, units can be set to different states. If they are set to hide then they will only attack if someone attacks them. Or they could be set for 50m ambush and will not fire unless troops come within that range. It is also possible that the troops moved in after your force went past. There are some tweaks that many feel need to be made such as event triggers or general orders, attack, defend, etc., but most of the issues you see are design issues rather than programming problems. Perhaps the designer had a reason for the passive behavior you see or perhaps it is a genuine mistake. It would be nice if units had a little more independence but it is also nice that your carefully crafted defense doesn't turn into a bonzi charge when the first outpost falls.
  17. Don't forget that the TacAI is much more dependant on the scenario designer than in CMx1 where the designer had much less control.
  18. From my experience you need at least a medium barrage. I also seem to have no luck with the 120mm which I believe is all that is in the game. The rounds are just the standard HE rounds. You have to get a top hit or a very near miss with a large shell. Usually though, a medium barrage of 122 or larger will get me at least one kill. [ February 07, 2008, 06:21 AM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  19. The scenario based on this is posted at CMMODS. It is under Sgtgoody. My M1 NATO camo mod will be posted soon as well.
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