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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Right. It's like walking around with a flashlight. If you are the only one who can see the flashlight then you are golden. If everyone can see it then you have made yourself a rather large target.
  2. Guys will use the vehicle and terrain for cover and toss smoke if needed. Remember that most fire in a real fight is of the spray and pray variety so the environment is not quite as deadly as in the game.
  3. Do you have a save game or screen shots of this? I have not seen this happen.
  4. Unless they had some sort of light or IR source. Then again it would be easier to blind more sensative optics than the older ones although both will go blind if something like an illum round goes off.
  5. Told you the guys with real talent would be along shortly. Nice Gordon. I'm not even going to mess with the Bradley except maybe some fender art.
  6. It's up at CMMODs. Hope you enjoy it till the people with real talent can get theirs out.
  7. Strong IR sources will show up with II devices as well. We could see the hot parts of a camp stove even after the glow was no longe visible to the naked eye. IR chemlights are also invisible to the Mk1 eyeball but bright as day under NODs. Things like vehicle exhaust pipes are also brighter. And you should see what a pair of PVS7's do for a comet. Awesome.
  8. I knew you guys were posting as I was writing. I could feel your presence.
  9. Active IR means they shine an IR spotlight and look at the reflected light. The recievers are not as sensitive as later generation vision devices and so don't work well without the added illumination of the IR spot. Passive IR sensors use more sensative IR recievers and are more aptly called light amplification. They can intensify any light source to allow you to see in extremely low light. They do, however, require some sort of light. In a perfectly dark room you can't see anything. This is why most NODs (Night Optical Devices) come with a small IR spotlight build in. Thermal imaging is based off of temperature differences. Originally they could detect 1 degree of temperature difference and produce an image, and they have only gotten better. Thermal sights can get an image even if the room is perfectly dark because all materials absorb and radiate heat differently. The only way to effectively hide from a thermal device is to either achieve the same temperature as the air around you or get behind something.
  10. The version that I am familiar with is that they got the name because of the leather neckguards they started wearing to protect against Japanese infiltrators. The infiltrators had a nasty habit of sneaking into the perimeter and slashing the throats of sleeping Marines. It may go farther back though, I haven't spent much time studying the Naval Infantry.
  11. It is a problem that is still being worked on. But as of now the AI will not call arty, no matter which side the AI is.
  12. With vehicles it will be whichever was installed last I believe. I don't know if it is different for buildings. If you want to use M1's details with my paint scheme you will have to merge them yourself.
  13. 1- No. Marsh and cliffs are only impassible terrain but it is all or nothing. Buildings and walls are the only things that stop vehicles but not infantry. 2- Mud will slow AFVs with a chance to bog. 3- 3-Tree clusters will slow AFVs and sometimes make them take a different route if near by. I don't think they will stop AFVs though. 4- No. Real infantry though can go anywhere a vehicle can.
  14. It's the square thing on the left turret front with the large lenses insid and the two doors sticking off of it.
  15. The housing for the Thermal Sight. He changed the image that you see on the lense so it isn't just a colored square. It's calld the dog house because that's what it looks like.
  16. It uses an overpressure system rather than air tight seals. You close the hatches and air gets blown out what cracks there are. Doesn't help if the tank falls in the drink though. Still the seals on a track are pretty good if they have been kept up but it will eventually fill up. We had a driver drown while I was in Hohenfels. His M1 got stuck in a large puddle, more like a small drainage lake, at night and the turret was jammed so that they couldn't get hims out. By the time they were able to pull the tank out it was too late.
  17. 1SG told them to wash their tank so they thought they would be slick.
  18. If the Stryker has the RWS then the gunner stays inside to fire. If it just has a pintle mounted weapon then he has to stick his head out. Are there even non-RWS Strykers in the game, I don't think I have ever seen one. The guys in back are the air guard and no they can't fire without sticking their heads out.
  19. I always felt bad for the tankers when they had to break track. For us in a 113 it was a piece of cake, well compared to the tanks.
  20. I like this one. Did you have to break track to get it back on?
  21. Having some fun with the stuff that gets put on random tanks. Lucy, daughter of the Devil. I like it because not every tank has it.
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