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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. I still think a lot of the issues could be dealt with by showing the path the unit will take when you set a waypoint, allowing you to change as you see fit.
  2. It would help if you laid out a waypoint and the game showed the path it would take to get there. You can then change it to make it what you want. As the command delay works different ways, there's no overhead in doing so. This in addition to the obvious bugs being squashed.
  3. Abram's can pop smoke. Looks pretty good too. So it's in the engine, just not in the game. AFAICS.
  4. Yep, the same system to HTTR would be good, so you can order "fast" which is a direct or "covered" which seeks cover etc. Show the path the units are going to take and 90% of pathfinding error reports would go I think. Of course, then you'd get "stupid routing" errors but it's a good swap.
  5. I get 55M of free web space that I can ftp to. I imagine most deals are similar. As long as they're smaller than that I'm laughing.
  6. Use the "Pause" command found in the "Special Commands" tab. The first time you click on it, it will delay execution of the next order by 15 seconds. If you click on it twice, it will delay execution by 30 seconds, and so on up to 1:30 seconds. (Not to be confused with the "Pause" "Instant Command" which is above the regular tabbed commands and looks like a cancel sign and is next to the octagon stop sign. That "Pause" will stop all command execution until you click it again directly.) </font>
  7. "Nothing" is an improvement over the "Crawl of death".
  8. As in, give unit move order, give next unit "move in 20secs" order.
  9. How do you give a "wait" order? Is it possible?
  10. To early, and being played on too bad hardware to tell. When I first bought BB (where I started) I didn't get it straight off and kept playing a game and then putting it back. Eventually of course I was playing 4 games in parallel and jonesing for turns. I stuck at it because there was *something there*. Same here, except it's even worse because my PC is so bad. Luckily I'm getting a new one this week so I should be able to get a better impression. First off though, it doesn't feel finished. You would expect things that worked in CM1 to be kept - like seeing all moves/targets at once, moving waypoints etc. But I'll stick at it. I'm sure it'll come right.
  11. Being able to set covered arcs into corners. You can't now because the cursor won't go beyond the edge of the map.
  12. You can't set a covered arc that covers a corner of the map from the centre, as the cursor doesn't go outside the map. Oh dear. Pleasantly surprised it runs at all on my dinosaur though.
  13. I'd play someone else. No? OK, take light AT guns & light flak guns together with your normal MG's etc. Use the MG's to keep the infantry off so he brings his T60's close. Kill these with your light AT - do a few experiments on what's the lightest one you can get away with. He'll have to bring the KV's closer to try take the guns out or simply force the issue. You can immobilise these with the light flak (I did 3 Tigers in one match with a 20mm British flack gun - good times) or just let him advance and kill with infantry assault. Really, without infantry they are blind. Stuka's do a good job too. The main thing though is to have a reverse slope defence. Don't try to have a continuous line of infantry, just defend on the backwards slope of hills that can't be seen from the front of the map. If he can't see you, he can't kill you. Honestly, the situation you're in isn't such a bad one. At least you have guns that will kill him from the front. Try playing Soviet when the Germans get Tigers. Or insist the next game be in that timeframe and get some revenge as the Germans.
  14. I think it's all going to be about situational awareness. I wouldn't move my armour out of defilade until I was reasonably sure what I was getting into. Thankfully, I always played Allies in CM so I'm used to not leaning on armour too much. As a related sidebar, did you ever get that feeling when you were playing CM1 that you just knew more of what was going on than your opponent? Or, if things were going to go wrong, that you knew less and it was time to fall into safe areas and start to make contingencies, or maybe do something un-expected? I'm hoping that kind of feel for the battle carries over to the new game because it's something that I've only ever felt in CM and something I imagined a real commander might feel. Anyone else get this?
  15. Possibly. Up to the admins I guess, I'm making no political point with it.
  16. I've not seen it all yet: http://www.guardian.co.uk/video/page/0,,2125978,00.html
  17. My hatred walks a lonely furrow in the marianas trench. Digging, always digging. The last tatters of my sense of aesthetics have caught in a tree and flap rhythmically in the slightest breeze. People come to watch as tiny strips float downwind. My sense of civic pride is on a stake out. My knowledge of right and wrong swears it didn't do it for the love of god it didn't do it. Humour was last seen in the 70's, looking strained at even wider flairs - where's the sense, I mean come on? My sense has been safely kept under lock and key by the ladies of the WI. "JERUSALEM!" Any last vestige of self respect sulks in the garden and won't come in.
  18. ...and evolved beyond what you puny Earthlings call "money".
  19. Ahh, I thought you had an old clunker like me. Although you've done a good job of crippling it with Media Centre it's still a lot faster than mine. You are useless to me.
  20. Look at them run now Look at them shoot A roadside bomb now Oh what a hoot! Watch as they cover guys Watch them reverse Incoming Bradley Make it a hearse! Easy.
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