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About kevsharr

  • Birthday 06/22/1957


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    construction engineer

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  1. Where is this scenario located I can't access the b+t website and it's not listed at the scenario depot?
  2. Go to combat mission HQ download the cmmos program then start d/ling all their wonderful mod's for cmmos.The benefit to cmmos is you can choose which mod's you want installed buy a simple click and you don't have to backup anything
  3. Try "East Front Drama-1944"by Rolf Hinze it's available from JJ.fedorowicz Press.They specialize in translation's of german book's.I have not completly read the above book but it is very detailed but unfortunatly like most wwII book's suffer's from a lack of map's.It is very frustrating to see a name of a village that seem's to be important in the narrative but not be able to locate it in relation to the overall situation.The "History of The Leibstandarte"published by the same publisher as above is a five volume set that is a difficult read because of the immense amount of detail,almost daily activities are recorded.These book's are the exception to the above complaint because they have seperate map book's in color no less.
  4. From what I've read russian transgressor's were given a choice of ground or air duty.If assigned air duty you would indeed be a rear gunner in a Il-2 in fact you would be chained to your position and on the completion of ten mission's you were considered rehabilitated and returned to your unit,unfortunatly after nine mission's the unit doctor would report you as unfit for further flight duties and you went to a ground penal unit.In that unit you would basically be unarmed skirmisher's in front of the assault unit's.The german's soon learned to hold their fire until that line had passed by.
  5. It would be real nice if it was cmmos compatable,I assume it's far more difficult to create cmmos comp.mod's,not being a modder and understanding the problem's.But cmhq has been quiet for awhile?
  6. I must also be missing something,the link takes me to cmhq but I don't see the refered to mod.
  7. I'm glad to hear of the upcoming mod releases I've already d/led ALL of the existing mod's and crave more[with a 56k dialup modem some take awhile but that's what they make beer for]keep up the good work
  8. I have a solution to the problem[one I did'nt know existed],rollback to a TnT2 graphic's card.I have not experienced ANY of the problem's described in any of the post's I've read.I get transparency,fog.On a really massive map with lot's of burning building's I get some slowdown but minimizing or eliminating the smoke help's alot.On smaller map's I use full tree and terrain setting's with no problem's.As for long loading times I have'nt noticed any exceptional delay's.I recently upgraded to the 4.0.82 driver's merely because it was availiable from the microsoft update center,I was running the 2.8 driver.Of course I can't play IL=2 but steel beast's and panzer elite run fine.I mostly play cmbb and sp-waw,rising sun.My system also includes a 1.5 gig p-4 with 256 meg's of ram,maybe this help's but without these post's I would not have realised there was a problem,just think I was considering upgrading[i guess now you could call it downgrading as far as my need's are concerned]to a higher end card but the problem's everyone else seem's to be having has changed all that,like someone once said"if it work's don't fix it"
  9. Thank's for the replies.I alway's d/l into what I call a download's folder then unzip and cut and paste into whatever folder the file is going into.So I guess to be safe I should copy my existing bmp folder then insert the new files into the game.Thank's again...a downloading I shall gooo
  10. Was this a stupid question or what?From the lack of replies I assume it was...sorry
  11. I am currently using cmmos{I wish more mod's were made cmmos compatable,I guess it's more difficult}so I would like to know how to install and run the mod's posted at the database.Do they go directly into the bmp file and if so do they overwrite the default bfc bmp's?If this is the case are the default bfc bmp's in cmmos changed to these mod's so if I switch from say canon's dusty pz38t to the bfc default one will it be the mod I installed from cmmod's?
  12. The American's in the Italian theatre used M-10's,M-36's and Sherman's in the indirect fire role actually quite frequently because of the static nature of most of the theatre's combat.I've got several photo's of tank destroyer's on built up ramp's surrounded by heap's of spent shell casing's and ammo crates.When I served on M-60's back in the seventies it was SOP when occupying a defensive position to identify and record the bearing's of likely avenues of approach so in the event of a night attack we could bombard these area's.Since we could'nt see the target area this would be considered indirect fire,we practiced it quite often.
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