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Everything posted by dima

  1. Guys, please understand that there will be a lot better chance of something fixed IF you provide a savegame or replay demonstrating the problem. So far I haven't received anything in my Inbox.
  2. Hi Bodkin! I am on a beta team. Can you email me scenario that demonstrates the problem, I'll check it and if I confirm that it is a bug, I'll report it directly to devs and hopefully they'll fix it. My email is "dimastep at gmail dooot com" Thanks! [ March 13, 2008, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: dima ]
  3. What's the big deal with Target Light using 25mm gun? It's got so much ammo that you can waste it for a whole turn without a second thought. It is certainly better than using MG.
  4. Well, the cost of a tank consists in part by the cost of components. So what should be in the cost of components? Should labor to make, say, a laser sensor be included? If not, then it all comes down to the cost of materials. What's the cost of steel, rubber, leather seat fabric these days? Perhaps better comparison would be to go like this. How much would M1 cost if it was manufactured in Russia? How much T-90 would cost if it was manufactured in USA? That can give better idea of how much extra labor overhead is involved
  5. Charles, I must say, the turnaround time for you implementing these kinds of features is phenomenal!
  6. Hey mate, can you email it to me (I am on beta team) along with description to reproduce. My addy is dimastep at gmail com Thx!
  7. Not exactly - they said that Tungsten were not as dangerous as DU for the crew. And that DU they have but will save until they need really arises. Actually T-90SA already has those. From the wiki "...later models (T-90S) were upgraded to use the ESSA thermal imaging sight, which allows for accurate firing to a range of 5000-8000 m using the CATHERINE-FC thermal camera produced by Thales Optronique"
  8. Some more pictures of armor in that war on this site: http://otvaga2004.narod.ru/otvaga2004/wars1/wars_01.htm [ March 05, 2008, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: dima ]
  9. Hi John, I'll summarize - the usual journalist propaganda. A lot of stupid stuff like T-90' Shtora can defeat incoming ATGM but T-90's launched ATGM will not be defeated by Abrams. Overall very one-sided.
  10. I didn't watch all the videos, what exactly did they say?
  11. I've noticed this too. I use BMP-1s in battles quite a lot, but I've never seen one fire its main gun for any reason, against any target, ever. Even when directed to target something (a vehicle, infantry, etc.) it will fire off a missile, but never its main gun. Is there any circumstance in which a BMP-1 will fire its main gun? Has anyone ever actually seen it happen? </font>
  12. Hi Marwek, Some of these things were adjusted in the 1.07 patch but looks like not all. I am on the beta team. Can you make replays that clearly demonstrate the problems for the problems you encountered, like BMP never firing, T-55 firing MG at RPG and send them to me at "dimastep at gmail doot com" I'll bring those up directly to dev's attention
  13. Just played the newest version as Red-vs-AI. Great game! Very interesting and quite a challenge! Looking forward to more scenarios like this. Keep up the great work!
  14. Huh, that's weird. I am on the beta team. Can you send me a savegame or a replay to "dimastep _at_ gmail dot com" I'll make sure it is reported to the devs. Thanks!
  15. Adam, can you make savegames or/or replays of the issues you mention? This would help better understand for the rest of us.
  16. John, I am curious, where did you get the information that Valeriy Fofanov is a contributor to CMSF?
  17. Ca anyone recommend any good unconventional tactics scenarios, with VIED and such?
  18. Ah, I see. I'll check, if I find a bug I'll let Charles know.
  19. Jerry, I can't reproduce this issue. My Blue teams can see enemy UAZ's no problem. But I didn't give them any target arcs (should I have)?
  20. John, Can you send me your mission file (I am on the beta team) and short description how I can reproduce the problem? My email is dimastep@rogers.com missinginreality Thanks, I received your stuff, still investigating
  21. Can you send me your mission file (I am on the beta team) and short description how I can reproduce the problem? My email is dimastep@rogers.com Thanks!
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