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Everything posted by dima

  1. Yep, all the tools are there. Also russians used T-72BM which is really a T-90. And a lot of georgians used AK rifles, instead of M4's.
  2. Guys, instead of spending your energy on arguing, why don't you instead spend it to make a mission(s) that recreates this conflict. CMSF has the equipment, terrain is reasonable and the events and maps are available on the internet. Trust me, it would really be appreciated by CM community more than fighting here
  3. Alan, thanks for the information! However I think the reports about Stryker are exaggerated. Georgians did not have any of those vehicles. We need to be careful that the information is indeed verified. It is understandable that during the active combat and shortly thereafter there are a lot of rumors floating so it is important to keep calm and neutral when discussing these things. As far as FSB interested in photos, again I really doubdt this. There are hundreds of pictures and first-hand reports on the internet from there. Do you have any proof that FSB prohibited this? If not, again, I would be careful spreading these rumours.
  4. Alan, Hi! Lots of questions obviously But it would be interesting to hear what you know about the war. Especially tactical and technical details. What surprised you? Anything worth talking about? Any things you know that are not covered in public media? How well did georgians fight? How well did russians fight? Anything you think is interesting - please tell us about it! Did you take any pictures? Дима
  5. Yeah, I saw that too. Nope, not really a porn site, rather something weird about love.
  6. Please email me a savegame at "dimastep at gmail dot com"
  7. Some good data on early T-80 armor, as well as early T-72's. Also there is data on BMP-3 armor estimates. Definitely a great find that I didn't know existed.
  8. If you try to play this battle again does the error still happen?
  9. Peter, can you provide a savegame that demonstrates the issue, this will help. Please email it to me at "dimastep at gmail dot com" Thanks!
  10. Chainsaw, it would be awesome if you could create a savefile! It would definitely help a lot of people (myself included) to see exactly the way this should be done.
  11. A lot of pictures here. Who would've thought that chechen special forces would be taking part in this - now on Russian side! http://www.flickr.com/photos/theatrum-belli/sets/72157606625660548/
  12. A lot of pictures in this forum. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=31529
  13. Is it possible that, while they didn't die from their own blasts the blasts from each other killed each other? Cad you try to test this possibility?
  14. A 6 minute video of Russian column on the move and getting under attack.
  15. Yep, that could be actually. Sometimes it is really hard to know what killed you. In game blasts are not supposed to hurt the "blaster".
  16. Sounds like a bug... Can you send me a savegame where I can reproduce the problem? If I can reproduce it I will bring it to attention of developers.
  17. Well, perhaps giving it a higher ROF 40mm gun, like the one on CV-90 would do the trick. The weight would've been less, more ammo could be stored and it could still provide great support for infantry against enemy in buildings and even stuff like BMP-3. Similar discussions are going on in russian forums regarding BTR-90 that has 30mm gun and 100mm gun (same as BMP-3). A lot of criticism there as well
  18. I don't really know all the problems with Stryker MGS and why it is being bashed. BMP-3 got 100mm gun and together with 30mm cannon and ability to shoot ATGM's it is considered very good and versatile AFV, and fairly popular on the world market. What's wrong with MGS?
  19. I love playing Red-vs-Red! And your, Paper Tiger, campaigns are very well done good and definitely a challenge to play. Having said that, Blue vs Red can be fun and realistic experience in urban conflict. Javelins and Abrams won't do much there when they are against guys with RPG's hiding in buildings. Concerning giving Red's more modern equipment. Well, there isn't much to add really. T-90 is still no equal match to M1 and BMP-3 is not going to help either. And Russia still doesn't have the equivalent of Javelin.
  20. Very good! In a sense that I was able to reproduce the bug so I brought it up to the developers' attention
  21. I found when playing Ghost Campaign, first mission that doing area fire at those buildings suppressed enemy very well and allowed me to move it. If left for TacAI then my troops would get slaughtered because it doesn't react fast enough.
  22. Hi Mate! I am a beta tester. If you could email me savegame that reproduces it that would be great! My email is (dimastep at gmail dot com) Thanks!
  23. Skinnedpuppy, Plz email me the file to dimastep at gmail dot com I'll report it to devs. Thanks!
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