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Everything posted by dima

  1. From what I've seen if they take hits they lose leaves etc. I've not deliberately targeted a tree to see if I can KO it. Must admit there are other targets more deserving of my ammo Only two days to go and you can shoot up as many trees as you like - or BMPs, T-72s, Abrams, Strykers et al Cheers fur noo George </font>
  2. Very True. And then here comes the question - why does Battlefront give preview copies to every Joe Sixpack reviewer out there? Why not do some filtering to make sure reviewers understand the concept of the gender and are thorough with their review. IMHO 5 credible reviews published in the press are a lot better than 50 reviews done by anyone and their grandma - because it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole thing. You don't see Mazda Protege being reviewed in "Best Retirement Homes Magazine" and you don't see Lincoln Towncar reviewed in "Today's Ricer Magazine". [ July 20, 2007, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: dima ]
  3. You mean like a drunk stinky biker making out with an innocent high-school prom queen. (couln't resist )
  4. Now, THAT is what I call customer support! I am speachless...
  5. This kind of **** happens with many games. Publishers ship games to retail stores in advance so that on release date they can ALL start selling. Once store gets a copy they are not suppose to sell it until release date, but what's physically stopping them. Maybe a high-school kid employee who gets paid minimum wage just didn't know or care and put all the stuff delivered by FedEx early morning right on the shelf.
  6. Actually based on my quick glance through russian sources and discussions about T-72 penetrating Abrams from the front - it can't. So then even if it had the first shot and hit that doesn't mean a kill. Can CMSF testers share, in game does T-72 gun penetrate Abrams front hull or turret?
  7. That is a generally true fact of pretty much any game to my knowledge. Like I can't imagine playing the Battlefield series against the AI but I know people who only play that way (or at most on a LAN with people they know but not strangers on the Internet). It is still I think common for all games, however those people are obviously less likely to post in internet forums. So if you always play online and visit forums they don't seem to exist. </font>
  8. I remember reading somewhere Steve or Martin (or someone else from BTS) mentioned that overwhelming majority of customers interested in single player games only. Is that still true?
  9. Rune, overall which card (ATI or nVidia) has less issues with CMSF?
  10. Doesn't Javelin have tandem warhead?
  11. Not sure if the subject was discussed before (search didn't return any usefull info). I am wondering how IED usage will be simulated. Unlike mines these devices can be externally triggered. I can imagine in the game one may want to trigger IED placed beside the road when: a) The first vehicle passes An armoded vehicle passes c) A specific vehicle passes Is it possible to have such arrangements for human player? What about AI - can some of these options be specified in the mission builder?
  12. Thanks for clarifying this Steve! I just saw that you were taking this guy's trolls seriously and perhaps missed the bigger picture or took things out of context. As far as info on modern russian equipment - yes it is certanly a lot less publicised. Yet on russian discussion boards there is cernanly more information available and there is fair share of criticism by folks who are educated and experienced in these subjects. At times people are biased towards taking more sceptical look just because not much information is available - they don't think that such and such capability is well-working and kept secret, they rather assume that it is in a shamefull state and this is why it is kept secret. lockon.ru and sukhoi.ru forums are good examples of such places. Unfortunately both are in Russian only. [ June 29, 2007, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: dima ]
  13. Martin, (or someone else from BTS) can you elaborate on the Syria map? My question is from the game's point of view - how practically usefull the map will be? For Falcon 4 map of Korea was obviously usefull. For Lockon map of Caucasus and Crimea (if one was sold) would obviously be nice too. But for ground tactical simulation? This is beside the point that such a map would have really nice aesthetic value to have on the wall.
  14. All that needs to be done - is for moderator to delete his and other unrelated messages and we will continue talking. At least this is how we handle this stuff over at lockon.ru forums. Locking this topic will accomplish exactly what this guy was aiming for - derail and disrupt the rest of forum members'c discussions
  15. OK, imagine, you are in a meeting with your buddies discussing different nation's weapons capabilities and suddenly a kid in huge jeans, pearced nose, ears, lips comes in and starts saying this stuff. In a familiar manner like today's teenagers talk. Are you going to interrupt your fairly serious discussions and start to argue with him on his level? Or will you call his mom and ask politely to have him taken away? Trouble on this forum is - you have no way to call his mom
  16. OK, imagine you are walking in downtown New York and some homeless person in ripped clothing and no teeth starts to shout some weird stuff - like "aliens are here", or "Men In Black are going to kill us". Whould you get into argument with him, trying to discuss his views and give him your opinion? I think not. The same thing is going on here.
  17. You know guys, the advantage of the internet is that any human being can go and write anything about anything. And he can claim to be anybody too. This is also its problem. People who read that stuff and are not critical can take the written info for granted. Just like I am sure will happen with this dude unsobill. The guy is either a) 10-year-old russian 50-year-old russian old fart c) 10-year-old american having fun d) maybe even Rune or MadMatt having fun after hard work day. But what it will create in many members on the forum is they will think he is real and is really serious representation of russian population. And in the end it hurts you guys, not the russians. The only reason he has continued to troll here is that poeple (and to my huge surprise Steve himself) has taken his troll bate. That's why I asked, and ask again - Steve, is it really you ?
  18. What does it mean Putin is "bad or good". That's like asking poor if it is good to raise taxes. And like asking rich if it is good to raise taxes. What answers do you expect from different group? In the case of Bush and Putin - bad is really misleading term. Putin is bringing russia back (slowly and who knows how far) to the old days where it has more power and influence. That is good for russians and bad for the rest. So what reaction will you expect? So you are taking the opinion of some guy (probably in his teen years) who may or may not be russian to reflect opinion of the rest of russians? And you mention some survery? We have a joke in russia. "According to recent survey it appears that 100% or russian population has access to Internet. The survey was conducted on the main web page of Izvestia news agency. Again, this is like my neighbour thinks I am bad because I have more money and drive nicer car. And my wife thinks I am good because of that. But you can't mix with the same reasoning the capabilities of weapon system to destroy intended target. Because unlike Bush and Putin opinion this capability can be objectively measured and determined. The reason I am writing all this (as you know I rarely post here at all) is that it doen't really matter what the average Joe thinks about Bush or Putin. In Russia, in USA, in Nigeria. But to be honest it matters to me what you guys think about Russia and its weapon systems and more importantly, where you get your information from. Because you are the guys that are making CMSF and that will reflect russian technology. And I want you to try to reflect those capabilities as close to the reality as possible. Not cripple it, not make it look good. And although I fully understand that you guys may generally dislike Russia I really don't want this to influence the game to skew the balance. As you probably remember, I am a beta tester for LockOn: Black Shark. The devs are russians, many of whom have just as much dislike of USA. Yet they never try to enhance Ka-50 capabilities or cripple USA capabilities. Because above all is the correct simulation. Granted we (russians) probably have more info about USA weapon capabilities than you guys about russian capabilities (and (!) deficincies) for one simple reason - language barries. Well, plus the fact that historically Russian capabilities are kept secret a lot more than USA. So it is important to me what kind of info you have about russian weapons and where your sources are from. And I sincerely hope that they are more serious than guys like usobill or some bogus survey.
  19. Err... Steve is this really you? How can you mix the two things anyway? That's like saying - my Ford salesman says that Ford cars are a lot more reliable than Japanese cars. Also he says that he belives Earth is round and it rotates around the Sun. But because of his first statement about cars I won't even belive his second statement. Also, where did you get the idea that Russia thinks US weapons are crap? And where did you also get the idea that Putin is NOT having the support of vast majority of population? Hopefully not by correlation of the two facts? Or from Fox News? Or did I misunderstand your whole point?
  20. Martin, what about insurgent side? Do they also drop what they are doing and go help wounded?
  21. Steve, any reason for limit of 16? Technical? Or something else?
  22. That and you probably didn't want to reveal detailed specs for the competition to find out. If I were you I'd keep it secred right up to game release
  23. Also developers on russian forum said that mission editor is in the works.
  24. I can confirm that Matt is telling the truth - developers are hard at work on game improvements. A few days ago they released an open beta patch for russian version. The changelog is HUGE! Many new features there. People are saying that with this patch TOW went from RTS to Wargame. Here is the link for anyone who reads russian or wants to use Babelfish http://forums.games.1c.ru/?type=flat&tid=322541&page=1#1789066
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