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The only person from my group I have seen post in this topic at all is Preusse(and we still have to play our match, time difference ruined our planned sunday), I would rather prefer sending out PM's above emails but if no one responds here I will do that.

(Honestly.. I just want to play some matches already..)

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Gallipoli - Entente Victory Conditions

I've sent an email to all tournament players, but thought I'd post here too.

Just to clarify that in this campaign:

For a Tactical Victory, the Entente need to capture either Boghali, Krithia or Maidos.

For a Major Victory, the Entente need to capture all three.


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Gallipoli - Entente Victory Conditions

I've sent an email to all tournament players, but thought I'd post here too.

Just to clarify that in this campaign:

For a Tactical Victory, the Entente need to capture either Boghali, Krithia or Maidos.

For a Major Victory, the Entente need to capture all three.



Are the CP conditions the same as stated in game?



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By the way, you should post other critical mission conditions. I just heard that for example if you lose Valenciennes in Race as the Germans, you don't get any MPPs whatsoever. Considering I abandoned everything except a token defense in Valenciennes that will fall next turn to form a huge defensive ring around Ypres and go for a stalemate, this is annoying to know, especially since you also get a huge army out of the blue to help you out in Flanders. Why aren't they shown on the reinforcement panel? I just assumed no reinforcements would be sent since that was blank.

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Are the CP conditions the same as stated in game?



Yes, they are Boghali, Krithia, Maidos, Sedd el Bahr, Koja Dere, and Biyuk Anafarta for an Ottoman Major Victory.

Just Boghali, Krithia and Maidos for an Ottoman Tactical Victory.

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By the way, you should post other critical mission conditions. I just heard that for example if you lose Valenciennes in Race as the Germans, you don't get any MPPs whatsoever. Considering I abandoned everything except a token defense in Valenciennes that will fall next turn to form a huge defensive ring around Ypres and go for a stalemate, this is annoying to know, especially since you also get a huge army out of the blue to help you out in Flanders. Why aren't they shown on the reinforcement panel? I just assumed no reinforcements would be sent since that was blank.

The problem with adding them to the Production Queue is that then they wouldn't arrive in their historic locations, which is why they arrive by script instead. You have made a valid point though, and I'll add something into the game so that both sides know that they can expect reinforcements.

As to the capital, it is set in all campaigns that resources are the main, indeed often the only source of income. But, I will have a think as to whether exceptions could be made in some scenarios.

The reason I haven't done that before is that it's been standard since SC1 that resource ownership is vital to income, so by taking it away it could also lead to confusion, e.g. I captured his capital, but he was still able to reinforce his units. Where does he get the money from?

Yet, such a rule isn't necessarily as important in a scenario like Race to the Sea, so I will put my thinking cap on. But a change here would have to work for both sides... it probably does but I will think some more about it first.

Edit: My first thought since posting is that if you were surrounded in Ypres, with no other resources held, should you obtain the same income as a German player who holds Valenciennes, Ostend, Bruges etc? The answer is probably not, and keeping it so that capitals are necessary to ensure income does avoid that. But I'm still thinking as there may be other answers!

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But those towns have a MPP value of zero, except for Valenciennes. Lille is worth zero MPP, same as Bruges, Ostend. So I thought why defend those if they're worthless, only Ypres really matters for a stalemate which was the only realistic option with the forces I thought I had.

And I thought losing Valenciennes only reduces my income from 68 to 48, but apparently it takes it all away. Logical in a way, yes, but it's not very apparent and I couldn't plan for it.

Anyway, just put the incoming reinforcements as messages, which are often fluff text, but you could also make those messages have information about incoming reinforcements and their dates of arrival.

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Road to the Sea victory conditions must be flaw, Isnogud captured all obejctive cities last turn but the game did not splash the victory screen for the allies, I said ok once he destroys my two units left it will be the end of the game but no!, he sent me next turn and the game kept on, or so to say I don't have any units nor towns left.

So Bill, Hubert could you please check this out.

Komandant I'll send you the save so can see he met the Decisive Victory conditions.

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Road to the Sea victory conditions must be flaw, Isnogud captured all obejctive cities last turn but the game did not splash the victory screen for the allies, I said ok once he destroys my two units left it will be the end of the game but no!, he sent me next turn and the game kept on, or so to say I don't have any units nor towns left.

So Bill, Hubert could you please check this out.

Komandant I'll send you the save so can see he met the Decisive Victory conditions.

Actually, if you just continue the turns till time runs out it will get the Decisive Victory.

Race to the sea does not end the moment someone has the victory locations(unlike the other maps) but instead when the time is over.

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Your referee is dead, i take his place, but know that he died in a honorable battle.... :)

So, i was messed up with finals and stuff, but now i'm alive and i call over all the players!!!1

Good news.... I decided, that, i will implement the idea ofmaking the league fase to have 2 winners... You guys seem eager to see more fight.... so i decided this, after the league we will have more games, and to make you guys happy ALL, I daid ALLL, the playoffs fase will be played with the map Fate of Nations.... I know this will take more time, but i'm assured that you guys are here to play the big maps :)

All this will be sent via email to every one for more details....

and sorry for my MIA status these days....

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Glad to hear you're back Kommandant! :)

When do you the next phase using Fate of Nations will be likely to start?

Soon bill, as soon as i get all the scoring, i need to check my email and get all the score i got from the players...

I will, later today, send an email to detail these new playoff games and get the scores of every one :)

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I have finished all my games except for the Gallipoli scenario against Shaun, where still have about 15 turns left. Given that we play less than one turn per day, I assume that the game will be over somewhere in mid January.

I hope that in the second phase we won't have to play too many "Fate Of Nation" games at the same time, because the turns are extremely long due to the huge number of units involved.

Do you remember about the medals for the winners of the league phase? ;)

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Just wanted to have said, the page I am using as an email account seems kinda dead. So if you guys are sending out important emails that we have to respond to, that is why I am not responding.

(Are we supposed to send in our scores or what do we do after finishing a match?)

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The playoffs are pure elimination, starting with the round of 16, then proceeding to the quarter- and semi-finals and finally the final.

At least that's the understanding I came to with Lucas.

No bronze game I'm sure as there's no third prize, maybe a consolation prize to the runner up though? Who knows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been dead for more time, sorry for that, looks like the forum is flooded in posts i need (want) to read... Anyway, i will send, today, in 30-40 min an email , will need all the games that are not finished yet so i can set up the score, the playoffs will start soon, very soon.

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Ok, here is the thing.

I only played one set of games so far. Which ended up with me having 3 points and my enemy 5.

I have tried to contact one of the other players but he never responded and non of the remaining players ever posted in here or send an email out.

I don't really know what to do about it at this point.

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It's simple: it's inevitable that people would disappear from the roster, especially since the "workload" of 8 games at the same time was clearly too much. Have to resist saying "told you so"...wait, I just did.

At this point we're just going to have to take the highest-scoring 4, or 8, or however many we have with enough games played, and run an elimination cup with what we have regardless of leagues.

We might also arrange something for those with a lot of unplayed games, perhaps their own "elimination" cup that can at some point merge with the ranked players.

It all depends on the results at the end of the month, we'll talk it over and try to arrange something. I'm unofficially part of the tournament staff anyway, it's just Kommandant who makes the calls.

My League, Passchendale, deserves commendations for completing all its games with me (and thus probably with each other as well). It was tough for me, but I soldiered on to victory (at least a personal one).

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It's simple: it's inevitable that people would disappear from the roster, especially since the "workload" of 8 games at the same time was clearly too much.

I don't think that four mirror matches of those mini campaigns in two months were too much. I have managed to complete most of the games by the end of the December. But I have to say, that I cannot imagine three or even four "Fate Of Nations" games at the same time. The turns are extremely long due large number of units and usually take up to one hour to play. I personally, can spare on average one hour per day for the game, so that means that if I'm going to play against the three opponents, I will be sending back the turn every three days. Let's say that FON has roughly 50 turns and that means that it would take me 150 days to complete all the games ( I am not talking about the mirror matches ). That would be only in the best case scenario, I am not planning any holidays, I don't have kids but I can imagine that the situation of some participants may be different... So I just want to say, that the fact that we will have so many competitors in the second phase is going to create huge logistical problems for everyone. I understand that more competitors are eager to play, but let's be practical...

I would also ask the tournament staff to show more transparency in how the decisions are made and who is actually taking them. We had a vote about the scoring system - I guess my system didn't go through but let's simply announce it and make the results public.

I have another question - how the groups for another phase of the tournament will be established? I hope that there will be some kind of drawing instead of taking arbitrary decission by one of the illusory "referees".

Finally I want to thank everyone from the Somme league - as I said at the beginning, the players proved to be serious and up to the task - each of my opponets showed a considerable fighting spirit and seemed to understand what the honour and courage mean.

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