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Fundamental Issues for the Peng Challenge Thread: It's Fun and Mental!

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Wishing Navscout the best. Get well soon -- or at least as well as you were before your recent unpleasantness.

Stuka, you tool, it is time for a match. And when I say tool, I mean it in the australopithecine sense. That is, a rock that was accidentally sharpened when you banged it against a piece of fossilized dingo dung that you mistook for some bizarre outback delicacy. Comparing you to something more sophisticated such as sharpened stick would insult entire tribes of hunter-gathers (not to mention the stick itself).

Send me any reasonably sized setup. Although, if it is going to be large, I’d like to defend. Rune might even agree to let me play the one you are currently holding. I have only played one repository-supplied ME. I have forgotten the name of both the scenario and my opponent, as it was one of my usual cakewalk victories.

N.B.: Please do not take the above discussion of tools as a prohibition against using tools that are a little more complicated. Chain saws, nail guns – have it. I’d even encourage you to think about juggling them. Blindfolded.

Thanks Buzzsaw, it is amazing how the pain ramps up as the nerves come back on line and you begin exercising the damaged muscles.

I had a .40 caliber round transit the calf muscle laterally from just below the knee to just above the ankle, after punching through the muscles around the knee. 2 inches to the left and it would of shattered my patella and destroyed the knee joint. 4 inches higher and it would of clipped my femoral artery. I am lucky just to be here.

Thank goodness he was shooting one handed and only hit me with one round out of the magazine he emptied at me.

I am still doped up pretty good on pain medications. I get my skin graft on the 29th. I should be back with some witty banter after that, until then, I plan on continuing to lurk with the occasional update. Monitoring the MBT is always good for my morale.

Take care everyone.

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Thanks Buzzsaw, it is amazing how the pain ramps up as the nerves come back on line and you begin exercising the damaged muscles.

I had a .40 caliber round transit the calf muscle laterally from just below the knee to just above the ankle, after punching through the muscles around the knee. 2 inches to the left and it would of shattered my patella and destroyed the knee joint. 4 inches higher and it would of clipped my femoral artery. I am lucky just to be here.

Thank goodness he was shooting one handed and only hit me with one round out of the magazine he emptied at me.

I am still doped up pretty good on pain medications. I get my skin graft on the 29th. I should be back with some witty banter after that, until then, I plan on continuing to lurk with the occasional update. Monitoring the MBT is always good for my morale.

Take care everyone.

You have morale? Well we can't allow THAT!

Slings and arrows everyone, slings and arrows.


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I had a .40 caliber round transit the calf muscle laterally from just below the knee to just above the ankle, after punching through the muscles around the knee.

That's a really peculiar angle. Were you either prone or was he firing from a higher elevation? Glad your wound wasn't anything worse.

When you say he emptied his magazine at you, how many shots was that?


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I don't play keyboard, but thanks for the worthless advice!

More importantly, I just finished my first CMBN game against my former Squire Nidan1 and I am happy to say I slapped him MIGHTILY around the battlefield! Oh, it might have been a draw... technically a draw, but the final score was Nidan1's hopelessly outclassed, corn fed 'Murican troops 123 points and my Uber-good looking and dazzling in their command of tactics, jack-booted thugs... 131.

So OBVIOUSLY I won. By an impressive EIGHT POINTS!!!!111!!111

Tremble in your fluffy bunny rabbit booties Stukes, because you're next.

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That's a really peculiar angle. Were you either prone or was he firing from a higher elevation? Glad your wound wasn't anything worse.

When you say he emptied his magazine at you, how many shots was that?


I will have more details when the official report comes out. I also want to talk to an attorney for advice on what I can discuss without increasing my civil liability.

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Of course not. Are you joking? Review my post. The implication was that he could not do anything honestly. That in fact honesty forms no part of his deranged makeup.


It's funny*, but sometimes when talking to you, it's almost like talking to Shaw. The same, pedantic, nit-picking, yet completely wrong thought processes.

Your initial post stated,

"And one you can't honestly use at all."

That does not imply that he cannot do anything honestly (Although he can't) It implies nothing more than he can't honestly use the phrase "I understand". (Which he can't).


(In a creepy, skin-crawling sort of way)

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That does not imply that he cannot do anything honestly (Although he can't) It implies nothing more than he can't honestly use the phrase "I understand". (Which he can't).

Now who's being nit-picky and pedantic? You clearly have not grasped the concept of "working with" someone to arrive at a solution. As a result, you should be removed. Forcibly. With extreme prejudice.


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It's funny*, but sometimes when talking to you, it's almost like talking to Shaw....

Let’s be clear that none of us are actually “talking” to Shaw. It’s only through the mediums of electronic forums, email, and legal enjoinders that such misanthropes interact with greater society. Don’t be fooled by his flimsy fabrications about trips to outposts of civilization such has Denver. He is off to contemplate his life of misery on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. Indeed the lake is his kindred spirit – both are comprised of a crusty perimeter that protects a bitter and unpleasant core.

More importantly, there is nothing funny about talking with (or reading posts from) Shaw, despite what he might think. It is painful, in the extreme.

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In gaming news, Stuka and I have traded opening turns in the scenario created by my Liege, Rune. And what a masterpiece of a scenario it is. I’ve also gained new insight into the genius of my Liege and see that he cannot be bothered by small things like verb tense and spacing in mission briefings. Maybe he needs a new squire for such menial tasks.

The game with OGSF is not going well. He seems more interested in telling me how big his “RAM” is and keeps asking about mine. Ewwww. Couldn’t you guys have warned me about him?

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In gaming news, Stuka and I have traded opening turns in the scenario created by my Liege, Rune. And what a masterpiece of a scenario it is. I’ve also gained new insight into the genius of my Liege and see that he cannot be bothered by small things like verb tense and spacing in mission briefings. Maybe he needs a new squire for such menial tasks.

The game with OGSF is not going well. He seems more interested in telling me how big his “RAM” is and keeps asking about mine. Ewwww. Couldn’t you guys have warned me about him?

Could have been worse lad, could have been Bauhaus ... the stories we could tell about him ...


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You clearly have not grasped the concept of "working with" someone to arrive at a solution.


What is it with you and these bipartisan, Kumbaya wailing, tree-hugging, stick-a-flower-in-your-hair, vegan-tofu-munching, muslin-dashiki-wearing, feeling-groovy, why can't we work together statements?

Why would anybody want to work with you? Unless if it was part of a mine detecting team and the other guy said, "Okay, you go first."?

You ask to much of people, Michael, when you ask them to work with you.

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What is it with you and these bipartisan, Kumbaya wailing, tree-hugging, stick-a-flower-in-your-hair, vegan-tofu-munching, muslin-dashiki-wearing, feeling-groovy, why can't we work together statements?

Yeah? You got a problem with that? You sure talk a lot for somebody from a state that has a history of rivers catching fire.


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