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Where is the radio on the 3D-model of german soldier?

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German forces in game have very few radios. per p. 99 of manual:

But radios were expensive and (compared to today) rare. While the US forces made a deliberate effort to try to provide radios usually at least down to the platoon level, many German formations only possess a radio for the main Company HQ, or have one reserved for specialized Forward Observers.

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German forces in game have very few radios. per p. 99 of manual:

Except that in the game (according to a quick check in the editor) the German infantry formations — not just the motorized/mechanized, "more important" Panzergrenadier/Panzerpionier formations — have radios down to platoon level, including all the rifle platoons. Or at least pretty much all the platoon HQs in the German infantry formations have a radio icon in the equipment panel.

At first I questioned this (despite not being a WW2 battlefield communications grog), but then I deduced it must be some sort of concession to the engine and/or gameplay because (apparently) the other sorts of WW2 battlefield communications (flares, smoke signals, field telephones, et al.) aren't simulated (at least not explicitly).

Perhaps Steve, Phil, or a beta tester could elucidate why the German forces in game are more on-par with the Yanks with regard to communications equipment than they apparently were back in Dubya-Dubya Two?

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It surely is sort of compromise to the C2 in CMBN to abundantly equip german units with radios, when if fact there were none and runners and wire where the most prevalent means of communications in german infantry army.

In CMX1 there where command delays, to some extend also simulating runners and there was wire for certain FOs.

With single soldier modelling in CMBN, you can rule out runners, but when it comes to the eastern front at the latest, will we still see russians abundantly equipped with radios?

I really hope that BFC improves on the matter, as it´s one of the worst aspects of the current game system, no matter if the problem comes from not dumbing down from CMSF enough or with RT play in the way of getting WEGO improved.

As a matter of fact, C2 needs to be worked on to give it more resemblance to WW2 conditions. Until then, I don´t really care not seeing radio backpacks on german soldiers, as they mostly didn´t have them anyway.

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It surely is sort of compromise to the C2 in CMBN to abundantly equip german units with radios, when if fact there were none and runners and wire where the most prevalent means of communications in german infantry army.

In CMX1 there where command delays, to some extend also simulating runners and there was wire for certain FOs.

With single soldier modelling in CMBN, you can rule out runners, but when it comes to the eastern front at the latest, will we still see russians abundantly equipped with radios?

I really hope that BFC improves on the matter, as it´s one of the worst aspects of the current game system, no matter if the problem comes from not dumbing down from CMSF enough or with RT play in the way of getting WEGO improved.

As a matter of fact, C2 needs to be worked on to give it more resemblance to WW2 conditions. Until then, I don´t really care not seeing radio backpacks on german soldiers, as they mostly didn´t have them anyway.

I have a bad feeling that this "stick in a radio" C2 work around is here to stay, atleast for a very long time. Every time a valid concern like this is brought up, the usual answer is "It would be great and we would like to, but that feature would take us six months to code & test, won't significantly contribute to gameplay and so you can basically say we are not going to do it".

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I have a bad feeling that this "stick in a radio" C2 work around is here to stay, atleast for a very long time. Every time a valid concern like this is brought up, the usual answer is "It would be great and we would like to, but that feature would take us six months to code & test, won't significantly contribute to gameplay and so you can basically say we are not going to do it".

I'm sure they are working really hard on all sorts of stuff, but after seeing this answer so many times, I sometimes have to wonder what exactly are they working on. I would love to see the fabled "list of things to do" sorted by priority, so that I can match my expectations to their goals.

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...runners and wire where the most prevalent means of communications in german infantry army.

Both the German and Soviet armies used flare guns (Very pistols) a lot for signaling too. The Germans used whistles a great deal at the platoon level, but that is covered by the verbal icon in the squad C2 panel.


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Both the German and Soviet armies used flare guns (Very pistols) a lot for signaling too. The Germans used whistles a great deal at the platoon level, but that is covered by the verbal icon in the squad C2 panel.


"Signaling" with flare guns is not quite the topic. It´s for prearranged stuff, like triggering artillery, tank warning, direction shots for pointing at enemy positions and the like. I wouldn´t quite consider that C2 for the purpose.

"Whistles" is the same. Method for prearranged stuff, like getting an attack off, triggering ambushes and the like. Don´t really see that covered with the verbal C2 icon, as in fact that needs to have "triggers" implemented in the game. Abstractly one can see covered arcs as triggers, but CA´s are part of individual squads combat tasks, as prearranged by the Plt. or Cpy. leader.

Thus basic communication means for germans is and has to be verbal, messenger, wire and then radio. Germans also started the war with blink light devices (K-Blinkgerät) in the communications platoon of the battalion, which surely were sorted out, when more radio devices became available in the first half of the war.

Personally it´s all not that important to me and there´s surely better things to fix or improve in the game (buildings, FHs, trenches, gun elevation/depression limits..to name a few).

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"Signaling" with flare guns is not quite the topic. It´s for prearranged stuff, like triggering artillery, tank warning, direction shots for pointing at enemy positions and the like. I wouldn´t quite consider that C2 for the purpose.

Then I guess you and I must disagree. Prearranged it certainly was, but then so was a lot of the language used on telecom devices. Those prearranged flare signals couldn't really equal radios, no argument there. Nevertheless, the information those signals conveyed was critical and a hell of a lot better than nothing.


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German (various in Torn Fu and Feld Fu series) and US (SCR-300) back-pack "walkie-talkies" were quite similar and used in similar roles. both were for company-battalion communication (one per company). the heavier battalion-regiment sets were carried in jeeps and such.

Germans had SCR-536 style platoon-level smaller "handie-talkie" sets only for panzergrenadiers and similar. the German ones were "real" radios, while the US "handie-talkies" allowed only communication within a company.

CMBN style communications net could not be established with these radios. for example a platoon leader could not call-in artillery with the "handie-talkies" like they typically do in fiction. they also had serious limitations like LOS requirement etc, which isn't seen in CMBN.

all sides used flares etc.

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