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Best H2H Scenarios

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I have not played that many yet (2) and 2 underway.

So far Cats vs Dogs seems to be best (although I have some concerns) but I would love to hear others and I can add them here.

I have not played vs the computer and learning via PBEM and scenarios, not even done a quick Battle as I think I enjoy work that has been done by designers...

Anyone else with recommendations of the best H2H Scenarios?

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am playing Huzzar right now and very much enjoying it. Still in the inital recon "knife in the dark" phase and am trading blows..mostly trying to injure my opponent by having my vehicles explode in his face :-P but having a very nice tense time.

Whoever thinks tank hunter teams are flawed should tell Von Kleist. He apparently doesn't know that yet to my regret.

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La Valence is a good H2H scenario....but there is bocage.......

I thought La Valence actually sucked - probably from the point of view that with victory areas tight to the boundary the glass bowl effect is very much evident. As for the vehicles staying around to be killed .....

And we both felt it was way too long in terms of what needed to be done, and it went into overtime just to rub it in. However it was V1 and possibly will play better now. I had no units left to move for about the last 5 minutes and as far as I knew my last troops surrendered two minutes before the game end. After the overtime it appeared I had two invisible men who were still in existence??!!!!

I have great sympathy for designers when they are doing these early scenarios with many things not quite finished off in the game engine.

I do have a great conceptual problem with variable endings in attack/defence scenario as the longer time should almost invariably benefit the attacker. If we want true random endings that do not only favour one side the game end should be randomly earlier.

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I am playing Last Defense at moment and that is an excellent map... Seems to be balanced at the moment but not yet finished it. Not sure where Jim got it from...

I withdraw my recommendation for this as I think the designer has used low bocage rather than hedge!!

As I am still finding my way with the new engine (did not know difference) I gave an tracked armoured unit an order to cross and instead it got whacked as it went to end near building and did not cross the hedge. I thought what utter bollocks and after some more research what I thought as hedge could well be bocage and I guess it is.

I will e-mail designer as it gives the defender too much of great defensive feature and now explains why my infantry would not even cross it!!!

So unless the scenario gets changed I would be cautious about recommending it as an attacker.


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*** SPOILERS *** Last Defense

Well yes I can see your POV. FYI I play the scenarios blind so did not know the American set up.

Hence I did not know they had no AT guns so took a cautious more timely approach.

I also only play humans so having someone who could defend well helped. What cost me the game was loss of 88mm gun on the Tiger to a fluke shot. The game is still ongoing but I am on slippery slope....

If you know that you have the upper hand at the beginning and you use your force more aggressively it could swing it in favour of the Germans.

Either way my point is that the low bocage makes a very long impassible feature which channels attacker and in a real world map this would have gaps or it should really be a hedge...

Playing Double Blind is the only way to play IMO so would be good to know how you played it and why you think it is un losable as the attacker?

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******* SPOILERS: Last Defense Quick and Dirty AAR *******

I played it as german. Totally blind, just knew what the briefing told me.

Two ht on the right (*), two ht on the left. Tanks waiting until I gathered some intel on enemy. Inf mostly advancing through the leftmost forest, with two squads on the right side of the map. Scouts always ahead. Preplanned, delayed art. on the big city (sorry don't remember names or objetive numbers) and on the small, leftmost, first objective.

I received heavy mortar fire through the woods, and had to stop my advance for a while. Then, the two ht on the left and 1 MG provided suppresive fire enough to get to the 1st objective. I placed a MG covering my advance to the next obj. area just ahead, but didn't advance yet (in fact after some turns I advanced with a whole german squad, thinking I was using the LOS-target tool. They all got slaughtered).

In the right I got to some clusters of trees just before the small hedges. I could see some american soldiers routing, and some coming back. My guns said "hello" to many of them. The ht were still far behind, I was afraid of AT or shermans. When I had a solid position, I advanced the tiger, one stug on the right, another stug throug the center road. The right wing hts didn't see much action.

In the middle of the map, I deployed two MGs, and a forward observer that made a lot of damage with just a phone.

Suddendly I saw some american tanks. M10. First one, then another, labelled with a "5", so I thought at least there would be five of them. Tiger couldn't get LOF or LOS to them without taking a lot of risk. Right-stug blow one as soon as he appeared. Then he got some of his own medicine, destroyed. The center stug hit another M10 but couldn't confirm it KO. For a while, wolverines stayed out of sight.

I mortared the diagnonal line of houses parallel to the center road, and put the tiger and my surviving stug covering the bridge.

Lost one ht on the right and another one on the left but took another objetive, and now only the big town was left in american hands.

The right wing squads assaulted trough a gap in the hedge, near the cemetery. The left wing squads covered the right side of town.

HT couldn't cross the low hedgerow but provided cover fire, and stopped several american squads (probably reinforcements) as well as some mortar teams that were approaching from the other side of the river.

One of my tanks was on overwatch, while the other was area firing high levels where I suspected enemy presence (well, or maybe just for the show).

One wolverine appeared on the hill. None of my tanks had LOF. I called for art. on the area, they didn't seem like moving.

I was worried they could cross the river via a shallow ford and make things difficult for my inf.

But artillery delay is very long, and I thought "who cares, it's a tiger vs. a M10, let's go finish him".

The tiger crossed the bridge and I was shocked to see the wolverine coming fast towards me!! One shot. Boom! Poor lads.

The clock was on 2 o 3 minutes left, don't remember exactly. My opponent surrendered. We both agreed he had no chance on winning. If I had known his forces beforehand, I would have crushed him, I played very cautiously.

I keep the save files in case you or someone cares to watch the movies, just keep in mind were talking huge amount of data!

As I see it, artillery, the tiger and a proper use of scouts are the key to winning. I think you have to misuse them to actively lose as german. But hey, what do I know, with no previous CM experience and less than 10 games of CMBN under my belt.

oh, and I hope my english is understandable enough.

(*) when I say left or right, is from german advancing pov.

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**** Spoiler ****

Good account and I guess every game is different.


It all depends on the choices made by each person and how the luck goes with those choices. It worked for you and my mistake was not working over the buildings with the Tiger and Stug HE. That would have helped and I conceed I did not use my assets well.

I would say either way it is a good game to play and I would sill like to see the Low Bocage changed to hedge or if kept have some holes in it as IRL it would not be one continuous wall in front of the town. People need to work on fields and their would be gates and little pass throughs so close to a town.

As for balance let others suggest if it is good for HtH play..



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I do have a great conceptual problem with variable endings in attack/defence scenario as the longer time should almost invariably benefit the attacker. If we want true random endings that do not only favour one side the game end should be randomly earlier.

That's merely a matter of perception.

30 +10 is exactly the same as 35 +/-5 which is exactly the same as 40 -10.

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I thought La Valence actually sucked - probably from the point of view that with victory areas tight to the boundary the glass bowl effect is very much evident. As for the vehicles staying around to be killed .....

Are there vehicles in la Valence?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finding Vierville great fun to play. My front line has almost circled around the entire map like some strange military waltz. I still have to ask my opponent what he thinks, but he did mention that: "this game is deeper than chess ".

I notice that on the Blitz website both an Axis and an Allied total victory have been achieved, so I imagine it is quite well balanced for H2H.

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  • 5 weeks later...

*** SPOILER DEVILLE *** - Not a Good HtH game

Recent game of Deville which is described as a HtH game which I think is wrong. This is not a good game for HtH play IMO not even sure how it would handle vs AI, maybe as Germans vs AI as Germans are pretty weak and can easily be over run by a average American player.

The map does pose some interesting challenges but it seems to really favour the American Player.

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BTW Huzzar has been tweaked pick up the latest from here:-


The best I have played so far, apart from a scenario which is being developed at the moment and I will say more when it is released. (Not my handiwork but I have play tested it and the map is superb IMO)

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Not to be too much of a self-promoter, but here is my scenario "No Exit". The two comments I got said it was good for H2H.

Seconded. No bocage, fully mechanized forces, plenty of different approaches available, night time... While I'm not a fan of the "meeting engagements" genre, I just love this one.

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I have seen a thread about Carbide Carbide which I dare not enter as I don't want any spoilers. Is it a Balanced Scenario? Worth playing? Please no spoilers...

I am playing that one right now as allies. Balenced, maybe not.

Germans can likely adjust their defence. Allies better have a good plan for their attack and stay committed to it. So I agree, the player that has the allies should be the strongest player, they have a good challenge.

If allies are played poorly, it would get ugly quick. If played well, I think they can win, but I have not made it that far yet.

but it appears the battle favors the Germans.

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