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"Fanboi" seems a little too twee and also leaves the impression that you are not very clever when it comes to spelling anything over 4 letters.

Despite what this article says I think to try and make grades of fan is futile and positively sexist. However I am beginning to think fangal - pronounced fungal - has some merit being suitably offensive to those whose views you don't agree with and are female : ).

From Fanboy to Fanboi: The Evolution of the Obsessed

C. Robert Cargill October 14, 2007


Are you excited about an as yet unreleased film or video game? So excited that you already have the poster, toys or T-Shirt? Have you walked out of films disappointed because “That’s not the way Rogue’s Powers were described in Avengers Giant Sized Annual 10″ or because “They made Boramir into a sissy”? And do you think there’s nothing at all wrong with this kind of behavior? If you do, then odds are you’re a fanboy.

Fanboy is a term getting a lot of play these days. Here’s a little primer to help keep you in the loop.

Fanboy (or fanboi) began as a derogatory term almost exactly like the word nerd or geek. In the beginning it was used to describe a person (or persons) whose love for a specific pop culture entity seemed to know no bounds. For a fanboy, dressing up as a favorite character, reciting trivia about said character or obsessively rereading/re-watching their favorite media of choice (especially in situations when none of these activities are warranted or even appropriate) is considered normal and would be accepted by the mainstream if only it understood the deep importance of the art in question.

The name evolved from the word fan (which itself evolved from the word fanatic); though, fanboys were something else entirely than mere fans. The term fanboy was originally coined to describe a certain caliber of fan that tended to creep out famous stars or actors with their obsessions at signings and appearances. Trekkies are the earliest known and most widespread form of the fanboy.

In recent years, since the advent of the Internet made anonymous instant communication possible, fanboys have connected with one another and formed large online communities. While Trekkies were the first to popularize conventions, now there are conventions for any and all kind of fandom, which bring these people into direct contact with one another. As a result, very real, lasting communities of people were formed by their love of a particular film, television series or video game. As with any kind of marginalized community, the ridiculed populace took ownership of their name, and now the term fanboy (like geek and nerd before it) has become a badge of honor.

Since the term fanboy became less of a slur and more of a new subculture of its own, the term fanboi has evolved. Now it differentiates someone who is simply a lover of the media in question from someone who is truly, deeply and very pathetically obsessed with it. Regardless of the attempts at ownership, the term fanbois still carries a bit of its original negative connotation and it is not recommended to refer to someone as one unless you feel comfortable with doing so. It is recommended that you distance yourself from any real fanbois and that you contact the authorities to handle any dangerous situations that might arise with one – like an argument over which superhero would win in a fight, or worse, which Enterprise captain was the best.

C. Robert Cargill – - – Email Me


I should point out that I may have watched one Startrek film in my life , and some of the first series. So I am very able to laugh at my friends who go on endlessly about the films and the TV series. And fanboyism and fangalism in general.

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I must say I am finding this thread confusing. Who am I supposed to be hating here: joebloggs or ww2steel?

Joebloggs, I have to take issue with you for calling the forum posters "fan boys". The forum posters who take a different view to yours are not fan boys. The correct term is fanboy. And, on behalf of those forum posters exercising their legitimate rights to flame you, I demand an apology.

And ww2steel, what were you thinking? I admit you may have a valid gripe with the game, and you may have been disappointed with it, but seriously. The other posters are right. You should have done your homework and read widely on this forum. Then you would have realised the futility of making a subjective complaint of what all right thinking people would agree is the best game on the planet.

If you even took the time to read the post I stated it was aimed at the minority on these forums who jump on anybody who has a bad word to say about BF or their games. I didn't have a view on the game, it was the original poster who was jumped upon. It's like fastest finger first to get in there.

"Then you would have realised the futility of making a subjective complaint of what all right thinking people would agree is the best game on the planet". One of us, one of us.. You just keep proving the original point. Fanboi!!!! Now you are stating that anybody who has a complaint or gripe about the game is not of sound mind and unable to make decisions for themselves. It would appear to be the other way around in your case. "Who am I suppose to be hating here". WTF

Again we have a self proclaimed king of the forums who is DEMANDING apologies. Who are you? You are one of the people my post was aimed at. "exercising their legitimate right to flame". When I signed up for the forum, nowhere did it say you can belittle people, make them feel stupid, flame them or form yourselves into little mobs. I hope you have fun looking for your apology. Let me know when you find it. Try checking between your legs first.

I will apologise for not getting the spelling correct of Fan(ny) Boy.

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I got the impression user 38 was being humorous/ironic - particularly the last line being a bit barbed. :0

Whilst these little wars are quite amusing for revealing peoples characters they eventually run out of steam as all parties know that not everything is as it should but also it is not totally bad.

Disappointing is probably the word that covers it for the vast majority who not unsurprisingly had hopes that were higher than what was perhaps reasonable. And within disappointment we can add slightly to bitterly : )

Depending what your particular bag is then some parts must be very annoying. As I hope never to play the AI all that side is irrelevant to me and therefore I can hardly get excited about it. For those where this is there main method of playing it must be like be hit in the face with a wet kipper.

There are things I do find irksome. For instance rail track is very limited indeed for realistic curves. I don't design maps but I am for yerars going to be insulted by railways that look rubbish because BF could not do a couple of extra tiles. And I suspect the modders and most other players would agree that it is not good.!

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I got the impression user 38 was being humorous/ironic - particularly the last line being a bit barbed. :0

If that is the case then I will owe user38 an apology. Didn't quite come across that way though.

Anyway, time to move on. This has spiraled out of control and will never be resolved. I'll sit back, start up CMSF and wait for the patch.

If the the flame wars continue on the forums, so be it. I've had my stint of being fire picket.


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I love how anyone who likes a product (any product) that someone else complains about is automatically a "fanboy" to the person complaining. What? You seriously like this product that I just put down?!? You're a FANBOY. LOL! When did the term "fanboy" originate? I believe it was in the early 1990's and had something to do with comic books, but I could be wrong.

Any, OP, there are some issues with the game, and we've been told that they are indeed being worked on for the patch. Yes, I too miss the random maps of CMx1, but I don't think those are coming back, so I've given up on that. I also agree that there are issues that need to be dealt with regarding the strange choices the AI often makes when picking it's own forces. Let's see what the patch does. Despite all that, I'm still having great fun with the game just as it is.

Edit: Oops, posted this before reading Dieseltaylor's comments. Nice!

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If "Fanboy" is a descriptive meaning someone who likes a game then I would count myself to be a Fanboy. I like this game and I'm proud of it. What I don't get is why anyone who hates this game and continues to play it ... let's call them "Flagellants" ..... would continue to come to the forums to complain about a game that they clearly do not like. Most normal folk would simply stop playing and do something else. After all, playing a game is something that we would normally do in our free time for our own personal enjoyment. Anyone who repeatedly plays something that they don't like and then complains about it is not demonstrating rational behavior. I would hope that everyone posting on this forum likes the game to some degree and can be classified as a Fanboy. If there are a few Flagellants then I truly feel sorry for you because your life must be a continuous exercise in pain and futility.

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I love how anyone who likes a product (any product) that someone else complains about is automatically a "fanboy" to the person complaining. What? You seriously like this product that I just put down?!? You're a FANBOY. LOL! When did the term "fanboy" originate? I believe it was in the early 1990's and had something to do with comic books, but I could be wrong.


Liking a game doesn't make a "fanboy". Defending the indefensible does. Like tanks firing on the move.

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Liking a game doesn't make a "fanboy". Defending the indefensible does. Like tanks firing on the move.

Has anyone actually done that? I know a lot of times people will go the extra mile to try to imagine some way that a game quirk might represent something in reality, but actually denying that there is a possible problem is something that I seldom see. Seems to me that the people who slap the label 'fanboy'—or now 'fanboi'—on someone who is honest enough to acknowledge that the whole question might just be a lot more complex than the complainer is too impatient to recognize, are just being immature pricks and shouldn't be surprised when they are jumped on. The general level of discourse here is reasonable and helpful. Most often, the digressions from that level are due to the whiners. Yes, there are problems with the game as is. I myself have commented on dozens of them in these pages. But I never found it necessary to get hysterical about it. If I can, I try to make positive suggestions that might lead to solutions. If the solution is beyond my imagining, I simply note the problem and move on. Most other posters, I am grateful to note, follow the same procedure. It's the infantile whiners who come in demanding attention, raising a big stink, and generally acting as if the world is coming to an end if their personal pet peeve is not immediately resolved, who cause the trouble. What's with these people? Are their lives so devoid of other sources of pleasure that they are apt to throw themselves out a window if CM does not perfectly match their expectations? If so, they need to pause, take a deep breath, and reconsider how they are living their lives.


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Has anyone actually done that? I know a lot of times people will go the extra mile to try to imagine some way that a game quirk might represent something in reality, but actually denying that there is a possible problem is something that I seldom see. Seems to me that the people who slap the label 'fanboy'—or now 'fanboi'—on someone who is honest enough to acknowledge that the whole question might just be a lot more complex than the complainer is too impatient to recognize, are just being immature pricks and shouldn't be surprised when they are jumped on. The general level of discourse here is reasonable and helpful. Most often, the digressions from that level are due to the whiners. Yes, there are problems with the game as is. I myself have commented on dozens of them in these pages. But I never found it necessary to get hysterical about it. If I can, I try to make positive suggestions that might lead to solutions. If the solution is beyond my imagining, I simply note the problem and move on. Most other posters, I am grateful to note, follow the same procedure. It's the infantile whiners who come in demanding attention, raising a big stink, and generally acting as if the world is coming to an end if their personal pet peeve is not immediately resolved, who cause the trouble. What's with these people? Are their lives so devoid of other sources of pleasure that they are apt to throw themselves out a window if CM does not perfectly match their expectations? If so, they need to pause, take a deep breath, and reconsider how they are living their lives.


Michael - you hit the nail smack on the head - well said. :)

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Tanks firing on the move has been defended by Steve.

You may not like his defence, but there is nothing you can do about it, can you?

Yes, that's it right there. A game contains a set of features that makes the game what it is. Now some may have a set of features that they feel are desireable but are not present in the game as currently built. So, the Flagellant will see the absence in the game of features that exist only in their own minds and complain that x, y, or z is broken. Well if you are going to look at a game in terms of features that exist only in your own mind then you are going to have to be prepared to accept a lot of disappointment.

To the point of tanks firing on the move - Steve has already discussed it and why it's like the way it is. Steve has also said that BFC is working on a way to include tanks firing at the short halt. If someone plays the game, knows that tanks fire on the move, knows that Steve is aware of this fact, and knows that BFC is working on a solution, yet still comes to the forums to complain about it - that is what I would describe as the classic behavior of the "Flagellant". If the game is unplayable because tanks fire on the move, then the obvious solution is to put the game and the whip down and do something else for a while. The game itself isn't broken because the game is acting exactly the way it's supposed to act. The problem is within the mind of the Flagellant and their expectations of how the game 'should' work.

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Yes, that's it right there. A game contains a set of features that makes the game what it is. Now some may have a set of features that they feel are desireable but are not present in the game as currently built. So, the Flagellant will see the absence in the game of features that exist only in their own minds and complain that x, y, or z is broken. Well if you are going to look at a game in terms of features that exist only in your own mind then you are going to have to be prepared to accept a lot of disappointment.

To the point of tanks firing on the move - Steve has already discussed it and why it's like the way it is. Steve has also said that BFC is working on a way to include tanks firing at the short halt. If someone plays the game, knows that tanks fire on the move, knows that Steve is aware of this fact, and knows that BFC is working on a solution, yet still comes to the forums to complain about it - that is what I would describe as the classic behavior of the "Flagellant". If the game is unplayable because tanks fire on the move, then the obvious solution is to put the game and the whip down and do something else for a while. The game itself isn't broken because the game is acting exactly the way it's supposed to act. The problem is within the mind of the Flagellant and their expectations of how the game 'should' work.

This is exactly the sort of condescending post that I and others are talking about. I only brought the tanks back up as an example, but you must have misunderstood.

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There are three types of people on this forum.

1. Those who love the game no matter and will attack personally anybody who says anything against it.

2. Those who love it because they realise its potential and will help anybody who asks for help in a polite constructive manor.

3. Those who will hate it no matter. I believe the forum elite call them Trolls.

I see this as part of the problem. The 3 types of people are all lined up as if their love of the game and the potential issues it has then define how they treat others. Basically the above says if I like the game AND don't think it is fundamentally flawed I must then automatically attack anyone who disagrees.

I love this game period, warts and all. If BFC for whatever reason stopped any further work on it, it would still be my favorite game on my PC. I do however recognize that it has it's issues and I have faith that BFC will take a look at items they agree are issues and address them. As an example there is a thread right now about unit set up in a quick battle. I think there were about three posts and BFC had already stated a need to address it.

I can also participate in a rational discussion of game play, features issues etc without resorting to name calling. As long as everyone can agree to disagree in the end there is no reason to stoop to that.

So where do I fit in that list?

I was actually going to write a bit more, but Mr Emerys I think did a rather succinct job and as usual he is correct.

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Hopefully option 2. But I live in my own world and it is perfect as long as I keep taking my medication. ;)

Heh heh, they just opened a clinic a couple blocks away called "Herbs". In the same shopping complex is a burger joint, a See's candy story and a bulk store with billion pound chip bags. This friggin generation is spoiled. Herb's even has a "student discount".

Back to the list though

I don't love it "because I realize it's potential" I love it because of what it is, as I said warts and all. The "realize it's potential" is what I feel is the slant that is put on the game that it has fundamental issues that make it unplayable. That is where I think the dividing line comes in that seems to have us lowering the level of discourse. (from both sides) That could just be my perception, but I don't have the student discount at Herb's to allow me to reach a higher level of consciousness.

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I downloaded the demo to play with while I wait for my full game to arrive.

It's obviously NOT CMx1.

It's not CMBB or CMAK, and certainly isnt CMBO.

It's a whole new engine, and it takes some getting used to.

Personaly I'm finding the demo fun.

The new interface takes some getting used to, and the units handle differently... but it is, after all, a different game.

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Shouldn't that read Unconsciousness? :)

I'll never pass for a student. Acne has long gone and my razor doesn't last a year. ;)

Probably, the stuff these days is so potent that a geezer like me isn't gonna be able to handle it. I realized I'd crossed the dividing line when I not only stopped getting carded, but then they started calling me sir. They think they are being polite, the little bas***ds

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vonRocko, could you clarify what part of ASL Veteran's post was condescending? I thought it was quite polite and rationally stated. In my bewilderment your credibility has diminished and I was hoping you could clear that up for me. Thanks in advance.

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I expect being called "The Flagellant" has something to do with it. While I agree with the gist of ASL's post, I think the use of the term while highlighting the behavior being criticized, was bound to make folks defensive.

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