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Herr Oberst, Hiram, and Marlow, you all owe me turns. I hope that the fear of having your defeats documented in full technicolor glory does not have you dragging your collective feet. Come on -- up and at 'em. Forward to your graves!

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I think Buzzcut is bucking for official door mat of the Cess Pool. You gotta admit, the boy sure has mastered the art of sucking up. I bet he could embroider a really nice set of curtains for your kitchen window.


Don't be jealous just because you, your original liege, and your extended family are such backwards smacktards that no one has ever paid you a compliment. House Rune has earned its adulation through years of grog-y service to CM and the MBT. And, though you may deny it, your grognard imitations on the outre-boards and occasional contributions here, are a clear homage to the greatness of Rune.

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Oh I'm not being snarky just poking two people with a stick when the opportunity presents itself.

While you're at it, poke yourself, just to check if you are still capable of recognizing stimuli other than alchohol sliding down your gullet.

Its been a while since you and I did battle, send me a scenario set up, I'll play any side.

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Herr Oberst, Hiram, and Marlow, you all owe me turns. I hope that the fear of having your defeats documented in full technicolor glory does not have you dragging your collective feet. Come on -- up and at 'em. Forward to your graves!

sent turn 45 at 10:13 AM yesterday morning.

will send again to both you and Nidan

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Don't be jealous just because you, your original liege, and your extended family are such backwards smacktards that no one has ever paid you a compliment. House Rune has earned its adulation through years of grog-y service to CM and the MBT. And, though you may deny it, your grognard imitations on the outre-boards and occasional contributions here, are a clear homage to the greatness of Rune.

Ahem. Turn sent, and the high explosive pummeling of your troops continues. You know that one building you are in that is closest to my side of the board? The one I am shelling with the Stug that is firing between two buildings? Yes, that one. I am almost giggling like a school girl watching that. Because I have no less than four MG 42s aiming at the doors. So, you can stay inside as it comes down around your ears, or you can make a run for it. Personally I'd prefer if you ran. Makes a better show.

Also, my young Buzzsaw, you keep calling him Rune. This is in error. He does not deserve capitalization, the swine. Even he knows it, as he doesn't capitalize his own name himself. So it is Sir [lowercase] rune. Also known as "Brave Sir rune" for his continued (and very brave) dodging and weaving whenever challenged by anyone in the Cesspool. In fact, the reason he continues his job as Beta geek is because if he is playing a patched version of the game, he has a ready made excuse for his (very brave) running away behavior.

In other updates, Stuka awaits my set-up. Elvis and I are taking turns in creating scrap-metal sculptures out of recon vehicles in Huzzar!. The last turn ended with the barrel of one of my Shermans almost touching the side of one of his half-tracks. That should start the next turn out with a bang.

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Marlow, in one of those extremely unlikely coincidences, has the right of it in this case. Yes there is a House rune, though to brag of it is pretty much the same as walking around wearing a HufflePuff school tie. And yes rune is not capitalized. We are, unfortunately, required by our own standards to bold his name though to do so goes against every civilized notion and should be banned by the Geneva Convention.

So Boo Radley, once again you've demonstrated why you can't be trusted with the responsibilities placed upon you ... yet you're l

all we have.


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Nidan1 has surrendered to my GI's and it was about time too, the constant wailing and moaning of his conscript Ost-truppen was beginning to grate. You'd think the least the German army could do for their Russian volunteers would be to teach them how to say in German "We surrender", "I'm scared", "I've crapped my britches" and "My, aren't those Ami troops skillfully lead, there's nothing we can do against such talented military genuis".

I'm also expecting NGCavscout's surrender file later today. The AI really took a dump on his force setup in this one so it really was a one-sided affair. As I am not without honour I vowed I wouldn't crow too much over this victory as it turned out to be more of a training exercise than a battle.

Anyhoos, this now takes your Olde Unca Stukey to a 4-0 winning streak in Cesspool CMBN and given Noba's insistence on pushing troops and H/Tracks into my mortar and MG registered kill zone, I think we'll be seeing 5-0 in the not too distant future.


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Joebob Shaw, need i remind you, the justacarrot for life oh the knights you have taken under your wing? [shudder]It's the who's who list of abby normal behavior to say the least. And the least we say about your house, the better. I mean look at BooBoo your barney fife want a bee. He espired to greatness, and isn't even a Seniour Knight. Hell, he is so pathetic, he passed on a Free copy of CMBN. Go ahead, defend THAT behavior. Now for some house keeping measures...

Marlow you *boot* lackluster example of a cow carcass left in the sun 3 days too long *Boot*. I don't need to dodge you, as I am currently enjoying IL2 COD which I got yesterday, post release problems mainly solved. *Boot* Unlike other former members of the Cess Patrol, I was actually capable of taking off and landing [glares at Joebob]. However *boot* there be other*Boot* things in the works of which I cannot speak. *Boot* translated, you are NOT worthy *Boot*

Buzzsaw, when you actually manage to win a game *Boot* I will put you up for squire. Let this be a lesson to the other Houses that *Boot* sucking up to the Senior Kanniggit CAN pay off *Boot*. Making him wait for a win *Boot* means I don't have any worries for years.

NGCAVSCOUT, maybe you can give the lad a hand *Boot* as you are allowed to legally carry a firearm, may I suggest some higher caliber ammunition to his backside if he fails to follow your orders? *Boot*.

Ahhh Emrys, said with the same respect I have for Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez. Why do you still exist here? Yes, Yes, you have been here since dirt was invented, but where are the taunts, the thrill of victory in a game, or heck, how about just the game? Yes, Yes, I know youe abacus is getting up in age, but perhaps you can get a computer from this century to try to play?

As for the rest of you, go away before I cast another Rune scenario upon your heads.

Rune [Notice the mix of case you grammar teahcer want-a-bes]

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Joebob Shaw, need i remind you, the justacarrot for life oh the knights you have taken under your wing? [shudder]It's the who's who list of abby normal behavior to say the least. And the least we say about your house, the better. I mean look at BooBoo your barney fife want a bee. He espired to greatness, and isn't even a Seniour Knight. Hell, he is so pathetic, he passed on a Free copy of CMBN. Go ahead, defend THAT behavior. Now for some house keeping measures...

Marlow you *boot* lackluster example of a cow carcass left in the sun 3 days too long *Boot*. I don't need to dodge you, as I am currently enjoying IL2 COD which I got yesterday, post release problems mainly solved. *Boot* Unlike other former members of the Cess Patrol, I was actually capable of taking off and landing [glares at Joebob]. However *boot* there be other*Boot* things in the works of which I cannot speak. *Boot* translated, you are NOT worthy *Boot*

Buzzsaw, when you actually manage to win a game *Boot* I will put you up for squire. Let this be a lesson to the other Houses that *Boot* sucking up to the Senior Kanniggit CAN pay off *Boot*. Making him wait for a win *Boot* means I don't have any worries for years.

NGCAVSCOUT, maybe you can give the lad a hand *Boot* as you are allowed to legally carry a firearm, may I suggest some higher caliber ammunition to his backside if he fails to follow your orders? *Boot*.

Ahhh Emrys, said with the same respect I have for Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez. Why do you still exist here? Yes, Yes, you have been here since dirt was invented, but where are the taunts, the thrill of victory in a game, or heck, how about just the game? Yes, Yes, I know youe abacus is getting up in age, but perhaps you can get a computer from this century to try to play?

As for the rest of you, go away before I cast another Rune scenario upon your heads.

Rune [Notice the mix of case you grammar teahcer want-a-bes]

I will do what I can. wolfgang amadeus buzzsaw, your first assignment *serious* after you are available for games again*/serious* is to find another ssn to challenge, and none of your whinging "thank you for the porridge mistress" challenges, step up to the plate and challenge like an adult, not like a dickensian orphan. If you are unable to find an ssn to challenge, we will come up with an alternate entry level task for you.

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Nidan1 has surrendered to my GI's and it was about time too, the constant wailing and moaning of his conscript Ost-truppen was beginning to grate. You'd think the least the German army could do for their Russian volunteers would be to teach them how to say in German "We surrender", "I'm scared", "I've crapped my britches" and "My, aren't those Ami troops skillfully lead, there's nothing we can do against such talented military genuis".

I'm also expecting NGCavscout's surrender file later today. The AI really took a dump on his force setup in this one so it really was a one-sided affair. As I am not without honour I vowed I wouldn't crow too much over this victory as it turned out to be more of a training exercise than a battle.

Anyhoos, this now takes your Olde Unca Stukey to a 4-0 winning streak in Cesspool CMBN and given Noba's insistence on pushing troops and H/Tracks into my mortar and MG registered kill zone, I think we'll be seeing 5-0 in the not too distant future.


My file will be en route on Thursday, been having a bit of work related drama which restricts gaming time.

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My file will be en route on Thursday, been having a bit of work related drama which restricts gaming time.

Are the FIBs starting to shoot back? Or maybe your governor decided not to pay anything? You were told you cannot wear ladies dresses and claim you are undercover? You have to watch the latest CSI to learn what to do with the police tape? You finally cracked open the whiskey I gave you and had to share? The only police car was hit by a deer again?

AND *boot* don't *boot* be *boot* afraid *boot* to *boot* use *boot* the *boot* boot *boot* on *boot* young *boot* buzzsaw *boot*


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Buzzy should be winning the match against me. Am a bit hesitant in touching that scary patch with my mac.

"grammer teahcer" indeed...

Why don't you have all you pixeltruppen run to the corner of the map anyway. At this point, it might be your best chance. BTW, waiting on turn 49 from you, (just in case my last went missing again).

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Why don't you have all you pixeltruppen run to the corner of the map anyway. At this point, it might be your best chance. BTW, waiting on turn 49 from you, (just in case my last went missing again).

I emailed you yesterday asking about this new patch. I have not applied the patch yet and am somewhat reticent in doing so insofar as I have a magnificent mac and there are many issues with this new patch.

Granted, you might have not received that email yet. I have noticed some difficult with my Gmail as of late. Both you and Niden have not been getting my turns. Before you infer any duplicity on my part, I would respectfully remind the denizens of this MBT that I am far far more moral than the rest of you.

So, Buzzy. I'll type this question slowly. Have you patched your version of CM:Norm?

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Before you infer any duplicity on my part, I would respectfully remind the denizens of this MBT that I am far far more moral than the rest of you.

Ah... "Moral"!

Check off another word of which Hiram doesn't know the definition.

Let's see... that brings the tally up to..... ah, yes. Most of them.

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