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When Will the Peng Challenge Thread Patch Be Released?

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A sig line match it is, Herr Oberst. As for returning to beginnings -- it maters not. You are a hopeless git in past, present and future. See separate message with my contact information and send setup so that we can reveal that certain future with all due haste.

Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war... or some such drivel.

Setup is on the way:

In the year of our lord 1944, in the Month of July, a (possibly) fierce battle occurred as the stalwart clankety things of House Shaw met those of House Rune in a meeting engagement on a chunk of French soil possibly containing the dreaded bocage, or maybe a cute little hamlet, perhaps a larger town or city, or heck, maybe even mountains, sometime between the hours of midnight and er... just before midnight. The weather was... um, I don't know, I haven't seen it yet.

But it will be an epic battle... unless it is dreadfully wet... and dark... and rainy... and all our clankety things get bogged down in the mud out of sight of each other. Oh bother.

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I'd like to make a few salient points here ...

(iv) I have never, ever, even so much as suggested that Hairy O'Breast (if the lad hasn't been proposed as Serf then he doesn't deserve having his named spelt now does he) should be a Serf to the CessPool as a Hole, let along taken him to Squire. Just because Seanachai, in another fit of drunken "inspiration" a few years ago, suggested such hardly makes it so.

{Tyrion] If I HAD taken the lad to Squire you may rest assured that he'd have undergone the rigourous training that is the hallmark of all my Squires. Among other things he'd have known that the name of my house is the Shavian House.

< or equal to> He'd also have learned that his "sig line match" would be more properly named a Blood Hamster match.

However, while it's true that I am known as the Cudgel of the CessPool (and none of your backtalk Boo Radley) I am not without a heart ... so ... Should the lad prevail in his match I shall take him to Squire and train him properly so that he may represent the Shavian House with honor.

If he loses then perhaps House Rune would be willing to take him in, I hear they take anyone.


p.s. No REAL Mormon Wife is in color.

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I'd like to make a few salient points here ...

*indicates the top of his head*

Now that THAT is cleared up, I have other ponderous thoughts to expound...

Should the lad prevail in his match I shall take him to Squire and train him properly so that he may represent the Shavian House with honor.


p.s. My REAL Mormon Wife is in color.

So my ultimate freedom from the Bard's curse comes at the cost of a single charge, bass-ackwards, by my armored force towards the VLs on the map??? Say it ain't so Joe!

This will be far, far too easy. A mere weeks penance with some lame sig line created by Buzzsaw is a small price to pay for freedom from the House Shaved.

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So my ultimate freedom from the Bard's curse comes at the cost of a single charge, bass-ackwards, by my armored force towards the VLs on the map??? Say it ain't so Joe!

This will be far, far too easy. A mere weeks penance with some lame sig line created by Buzzsaw is a small price to pay for freedom from the House Shaved.

And Buzzy, if by some miracle you manage to win, you can turn in your piss bucket for a squire's tunic. You still clean the latrines though.

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Joe Shaw can't bestir himself to drive an hour and a half to visit the holy land of Wisconsin, probably because he can't come up with an excuse for his glacial rate of file sending.

Wolfgang Amadeus Buzzsaw is gamily preventing his Panther from rolling over and dying like it should in a futile effort to stave off yet another defeat at my hands.

Speedy is whinging on about titanium leaves protecting my tanks from his sneakily acheived flank shots, while conveniently forgetting how often his tanks were protected by the same armor plated vegetation in our last battle.

That is all

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Speedy is whinging on about titanium leaves protecting my tanks from his sneakily acheived flank shots, while conveniently forgetting how often his tanks were protected by the same armor plated vegetation in our last battle.

You are so far behind the times, now I am whinging about the useless AI pathfinding which sees a movement order and then decides it is a smart thing to turn around 180 degrees and flash its arse at the waiting Panther.

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You are so far behind the times, now I am whinging about the useless AI pathfinding which sees a movement order and then decides it is a smart thing to turn around 180 degrees and flash its arse at the waiting Panther.

Kind of like its commander, innit?


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However, while it's true that I am known as the Cudgel of the CessPool

Yes. But only to yourself.

(and none of your backtalk Boo Radley)

Shucks... too late.

I am not without a heart* ... so ... Should the lad prevail in his match I shall take him to Squire and train him properly so that he may represent the Shavian House with honor.

If he loses then perhaps House Rune would be willing to take him in, I hear they take anyone.


*That's why he's known as "The Codger in the Heart of the Cesspool**".

**When you translate it into Chinese and then back into English via Babelfish.

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I'd like to make a few salient points here ...

< or equal to> He'd also have learned that his "sig line match" would be more properly named a Blood Hamster match.

Yes, yes, very well...

Game update on the Blood Hamster match between House Rune and Shavian House...

Buzzsaw is currently squirming and writhing in the fierce grip of my wicked setup.

I'd post more for your entertainment, but don't want to give away any tactics which might affect his gamey choice of units...

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Yes, yes, very well...

Buzzsaw is currently squirming and writhing in the fierce grip of my wicked setup.

Does that imply that he is actually returning files? I haven't seen one in a couple of days. The fact that he is out of armor, stuck in a town, and in a crossfire from 6 assault guns might have something to do with it.

Buzzy [bOOT] Where is my turn? [bOOT] I am not finished shelling your troops [bOOT].

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Marlow *Boot* you poor excuse for a serf/squire/knight. No one *Boot* boots *Boot* my knights other then me, unless *Boot* they deserve it. Buzzsaw *Boot* may be in the grasp ofyour *Boot* superior play, but that does not *Boot* give you the right to boot *Boot* him. That being said *Boot* you now have permission especially if he is not sending *Boot* turns. Carry on, Carry on...


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That's nice and classic Joebob, complains that I won't come see him, then gives me all of an hours notice. Your loss... let me know when you are in next, and that they won't allow someone your age to drive, and I'll make arrangements. There will be good food, beer, and more beer arranged, and MAYBE I will let you have some of the above.


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Marlow *Boot* you poor excuse for a serf/squire/knight. No one *Boot* boots *Boot* my knights other then me, unless *Boot* they deserve it. Buzzsaw *Boot* may be in the grasp ofyour *Boot* superior play, but that does not *Boot* give you the right to boot *Boot* him. That being said *Boot* you now have permission especially if he is not sending *Boot* turns. Carry on, Carry on...


The moldy oldie returns. rune, memory is the second thing to go. Buzzy has not been knighted by you or by anyone else. He is a lowely serf to the House of Ruin, and can therefore be BOOTed by any and all. That is not to say my game play has not been typically brilliant.

And speaking of play, do YOU currently have any games going on, Brave Sir rune? Or is it like the old days where you hid behind the mythical NDA to avoid losing to ... er, excuse me, ... playing jdmorse?

Just like old times.

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That's nice and classic Joebob, complains that I won't come see him, then gives me all of an hours notice. Your loss... let me know when you are in next, and that they won't allow someone your age to drive, and I'll make arrangements. There will be good food, beer, and more beer arranged, and MAYBE I will let you have some of the above.


One hour? I was in Chicago for two weeks you clown. If you'd been paying attention to this thread, as you ought, you'd have seen that.

It's too late now, your name is in the ledger and you may be assured that it's not on the positive side.


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