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When Will the Peng Challenge Thread Patch Be Released?

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okay. Enough of this huggy-feely between the Oddstraylians.

We know you're all quite mad from living on a continent which has per capita more poisonous critters than most science fiction movie's alternate dimensions, but this "high-fiving*, nuckle-bumping, tummy rubbing" nonsense ends roight here, roight now!

And did I see a smilie, mister? Did I? I had better NOT see a smilie! Smilies are an anathema to the MBT. They are crutches used by the weak of mind and are more irritating than most tropical skin diseases.

(* High five? Really? Stuck in 1986 or something? Still practice your break dancing moves?)

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Broken link, you bird-fondling Ozzie tool.

And take those foul smileys out to Uluru, bury them in a shallow grave, scatter dingo droppings on top, and pray that you do not feel the righteous wrath of Peng. You have quintupled the smiley count in the MBT for the last month, and that is no light offense. I realize that your sun-shriveled raisin of a brain thinks in pictographs, but the rest of us are trying to have meaningful discourse here.

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[dusts off an old book]

Hmmm. I know it is here somewhere...


A reading from the Word of Peng

The Awful TRUTH about Smilies: What the Thought Police Don't Want You to Know

I must take strenuous issue with that subject heading! There is absolutely nothing truthful about smilies, and the thought police certainly want you to know what it is. Therefore, as a public service, I will undertake the task of resolving the smilie controversey that isn't once and perhaps, twice, and maybe even for good. or ill.


There was a time when the written word didn't require pictures to convey meaning. Those of you who may have picked up a book in which the only picture was perhaps a dust jacket photo of the author might remember this time. It existed somewhere between children's story books and your first email or BBS smilie.

If you recall correctly this time included entire words, spelled correctly, and typically some sort of punctuation which would separate the sentences into what many teachers used to call "complete thoughts." Sometimes the author would use a rhetorical device ( some early rhetorical devices ran at only 33MHz!) with funny old Latin names like "praeter itio," which I won't mention.

Sometimes authors used nice techniques called Irony, Satire and Sarcasm (an ascending tri-colon). What seems odd to us about these techniques today is that the words that the author used conveyed the meaning. Certainly there were thickies that didn't quite "get it" when Irony would smack them accross the noggin, but that's precisely because they were thick. One despairs that even the cunning and naughty MrWinky, the Cheeky Monkey, could not raise the intellect of the thick to a level of ironic awareness.

And so it is with our little friend Sarcasm. It is often proclaimed quite loudly that sarcasm is difficult to parse from the written word, and so we should make our intent plain by adding MrWinky, or perhaps even a MrRazz to make double-extra super sure that the target of the sarcastic remark is "in the know."

WARNING: the following statement is inregard to American English, which in my Ignorance is the only language I am able to speak and write. It is not in any way, shape or form meant to impugne any other language spoken here. END OF WARNING.

The English Language is rich: it has evolved over centuries, borrowing from, stealing from and swallowing wholesale entire other languages. It is a Monster of a language. We have at least two ways of naming absolutely everything, dependent upon from which root language you care to select the name. We have so many ways of saying the same thing that it seems we cannot help but stumble accross a way to convey what we mean with only the words. And yet...

OFFICIAL NOTE: the following does not fall under the above WARNING. That bit is over.

And yet, we have become so careless, so self absorbed and in such a hurry to get our two cents in; such a blasted, egomaniacal rush, that we ignore the meaning of what others write. We do not take the time to digest the written word. We do not allow ourselves the opportunity to read what the other guy has written, so busy are we in our sweat to "respond" to our nemesis, that we now require a little helper to convey the meaning for us. It seems the symbols we all agreed upon to convey our meanings are too difficult to decipher.

The ugly truth is that the helpers do not help. They diminish our capacity to communicate effectively with one another. They are frauds. The writer tosses off a smilie because he is worried the reader won't understand the written word. The reader tosses away the smilie because the writer didn't really mean it.

The writer should take the time to write what he means. The reader should take the time to understand. Smilies do nothing to enhance our discourse.

Then again...they are kinda cute, huh?

Peng wearily climbs down from his soap box.

Sigh. Noobs.

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Broken link, you bird-fondling Ozzie tool.

I understand mutli-tasking is a challenge to your dexterity but go and get Billy-Bob to give you a hand (little piggy) and I am sure between the 2 of you you can coalesce sufficient skills to move the mouse over the quoted link and then click the left button and be transported to Mick's true visage.

Works fine for me, or is it just that now the Internet, like everything else in the Northern Hemisphere, is broken and bankrupt as well?

Oh and check you Psyc books mate, all humans think in pictographs, I do understand that you are not a human and would not be expected to know this but hey now you have some extra knowledge that you and the other scum dwellers can grunt about for a bit before you shoot each other.

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Methinks you have been spending far too much time in the company of an Oddstralian. You are making even less sense than usual.

Never mind Mick, one day, if you study hard you may come to understand those of the Great Southern Land.

Forgive them father they know not what we do. :rolleyes:

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But with Nidan1, it's really hard to tell. I mean, the guy was a loon when I first won him in a bet (By losing the bet) and took him to Squire.

I truly think that a guy who names himself after an enigmatic, reclusive, bogeyman should not be pointing fingers and crying "loon".

I had no idea :confused: just how much fun :D this little critters can be :P

I mean chuck one in :) and it is good for PAGES of abuse :eek:

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