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When Will the Peng Challenge Thread Patch Be Released?

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This is just really bad isn't it ... mind you I do like the "Gen. von Teletubby", well done Nidan1.

Look lad, let me be clear ... SOD OFF! You remind me too much of a couple of earlier posters who thought it was the very soul of wit to do nothing but post LARGE pictures. Read the rules, substandard though they be, in the first post of this thread and conform to them.


Hoping this communication finds you in the pink and fit as a fiddle I remain ...

Sir Joe Shaw, Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Lads I think we may an entrant in the "Coventry ... and Step On It" contest.


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Hoping this communication finds you in the pink and fit as a fiddle I remain

Not so fast: I admit I'm guilty of breaking the rules (whose rules, anyway?) by smilies and profane images of the unseen, unmentionable and mostly questionable Spirit of this Thread, so I should pay amend and dust off my cardboard SL counters, or at least go to the cellar to revamp my Mac Clone with OS 8.6 and replay the whole Atomic Games installed there without questioning! Or not?

First of all I shouldn't have posted in this notorious thread coming out of my grave after lurking in the nether regions for so long, since I never quite look for any opponent but so it seems for the majority of the taunters who waste their intellectual and logopedic abilities finding the most subtle ways to indulge in therapeutic anger therapies, 'till eventually showing their mettle in the holy rite of Trail-by-Battle (when they do!), but again showing only on youtube in remote visions, and not in AAR with images and proves of their accomplishments.

I cannot be commandeered to SOD OFF by any of you (to me you are the SSN) if not by Mr.Peng, by the Arch-Heretic Elijah Meeks coming from the wilderness, by Minnesota Joe (if he asks politely!) or the Seanachai may-his-beard-grow-longer himself.

Having said that I indeed SOD OFF since life is too short, but I may reappear on the f-judgment f-day.

SOD OFF to you too.

Mumbly retiring.

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It's the end result that matters say I, but if you had followed that process from the start your reception would have been, if not warmer, at least more tolerant ... slightly.

Clearly you have been paying attention lo these many years and for that kudos to you.

But you're still an SSN since time spent here is the only time that matters.


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Time spent here: where? On this new BTF forum, or in the old one?

As I wrote, I spend my time lurking, and no apologies either given or accepted.

You can go on.

Here means here ... in the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the CessPool. Here is the only thing that matters whether it was BTS or BFC, the CessPool endures.

The rest is just fluff ...


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I think I've found some Justicar navel fluff
It's spelled Naval and while Motor Torpedo Boats aren't line of battle ships, they do pack a punch and are hardly to be considered fluff.

Lads, I'm sorry to report that NG Cavscout, having been granted a golden opportunity to meet your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, has suggested that I drive to HIS house for the Quasi-Annual Interview, Audit and Inspection.

Since doing so would take me out of my way and waste MY valuable time I've indignantly refused of course.

The nerve of some people ... in truth I suspect he was sweating bullets in an effort to get out of the audit, no surprise there of course. Anyone who's read any of his posts knows that he'd not be pleased with the result.


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Lads, I'm sorry to report that NG Cavscout, having been granted a golden opportunity to meet your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, has suggested that I drive to HIS house for the Quasi-Annual Interview, Audit and Inspection.

Since doing so would take me out of my way and waste MY valuable time...

Sounds to me as if he has his priorities in proper order. Way to go, NG!


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And Stuka and his missus are now safely ensconsed on the train taking them back to their hotel in NYC after a weekend of festivities including a visit to the New House that Ruth didn't build and a Yankee win and a fine barbeque prepared by yours truly.

I am sure Stuka has never been treated more royally in his life, not that he deserves it, but his wife was very nice. (can't figure what the woman sees in him).

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It's spelled Naval and while Motor Torpedo Boats aren't line of battle ships, they do pack a punch and are hardly to be considered fluff.

Lads, I'm sorry to report that NG Cavscout, having been granted a golden opportunity to meet your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, has suggested that I drive to HIS house for the Quasi-Annual Interview, Audit and Inspection.

Since doing so would take me out of my way and waste MY valuable time I've indignantly refused of course.

The nerve of some people ... in truth I suspect he was sweating bullets in an effort to get out of the audit, no surprise there of course. Anyone who's read any of his posts knows that he'd not be pleased with the result.


Didn't Rune invite you to his house? Even I have been to Rune's house.

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Didn't Rune invite you to his house? Even I have been to Rune's house.
No Milady the point is that a REAL member of the CessPool would drop everything and scurry to the side of their Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

The fact that he didn't is noted in the ledger, you may be sure of that.


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I was bribed with Red Stripe Lager so I let Nidan1 hug me, it was the least I could do to thank him for my most royal reception in East Yaphank.


Not that he deserved it of course.

You can probably tell from the photo that Stuka was suffering from a huge Man Crush. Just to be in my sphere must have been quite overwhelming for the little guy.

The Red Stripes were intended to temper his awe and also to keep him in place. The lovely Lydia was also a calming influence, and her firm hand and soft words prevented our beloved Unca Stukie from making a complete fool of himself.

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