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Oh no you didn't!

Tell me those beautiful banknotes not got slagged of by a fat fingered Yank who wouldn't know a good looking currency if China went and introduced one to the USA.


And that is after the re-design to make the notes less dull and same-y. Come on now!

No sir, the only thing wrong with the Dutch banknote is that we got rid of them so we could join a monetary union with those delightful Greeks!

Elmar, I'll take all those nasty old dollars off your hands, no need for you to fuss with them. :D

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No sir, the only thing wrong with the Dutch banknote is that we got rid of them so we could join in a monetary union with those delightful Greeks!

And 1 Euro coins instead of notes. Who the HECK thought that was a good idea?!

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Elmar, I'll take all those nasty old dollars off your hands, no need for you to fuss with them. :D

I'd mail them to you but I wouldn't want to waste valuable paper like the postage stamp. Or the envelope. :D

And 1 Euro coins instead of notes. Who the HECK thought that was a good idea?!

Actually, I rather approved of that. It gives bills the exclusive use of the high denominations and leaves the lower end to coins. I HATED juggling 1 and 100 dollar bills. Especially when they look so fecking similar. And the wear and tear on low value bills is a real problem.

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I just dropped in here to see what was happening in this thread, and here's Magpie Oz carrying on about the Australia Post thing from the 'My Steelbook Experience' thread, just like he's one of those poor Japanese soldiers stuck on a lonely Pacific Island in the 1950s, still fighting on, not aware that the war is over.

It's over, Magpie Oz. You lost the war. Steve was wrong, but he'll never apologise. Ever. The war is over. Stop shooting. Besides, take pity on him. His dollar isn't worth...even an Aussie dollar anymore. He's almost in a Third World economy these days and so no wonder he has economic grievances. It's a touchy subject with these third world guys.

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I just dropped in here to see what was happening in this thread, and here's Magpie Oz carrying on about the Australia Post thing from the 'My Steelbook Experience' thread, just like he's one of those poor Japanese soldiers stuck on a lonely Pacific Island in the 1950s, still fighting on, not aware that the war is over.

It's over, Magpie Oz. You lost the war. Steve was wrong, but he'll never apologise. Ever. The war is over. Stop shooting. Besides, take pity on him. His dollar isn't worth...even an Aussie dollar anymore. He's almost in a Third World economy these days and so no wonder he has economic grievances. It's a touchy subject with these third world guys.

Read the posts before you open your mouth mate, you only make yourself look like a complete idiot.

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There is research that shows people are nervous of strangers,

Which is the entire point of multiculturalism, they ain't strangers any more are they? They are Australians.

I am a fan of diversity but it has to occur at a speed where the incumbent population is not too stressed and that the incomers can be assimilated reasonably into the host countries ethos.

At no stage in our history has any Australian suffered, been "stressed", lost a job or been forced out by an immigrant and I challenge anyone to provide a single tangible example where this has been the case.

As far as assimilation goes the alternate points of view and culture that immigrants bring to our society serves only to enrich.

I have heard all the above mentioned arguments, not just diesel's comment but the others too, applied to Italians, Greeks, Africans, Vietnamese, Taiwanese ,English, Irish, Chinese, Korean and every other ethnic group that have come to our shores over the years and I see nothing but positives have come of it, just like the USA.

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As it is I can in walking distance eat Thai, Chinese, Salvadoran, Peruvian, Italian, Japanese etc etc. All the rest of the reasoning is just fluff, it's all about the food... and the beer

No! – No! and no (!!!) again. Food, culture and other elements. yes you have a point – but BEER?

I am absolutely astounded that you had the audacity to put that heresy into a message that appears within the public domain, (will no one thing of the children)?

I cannot comment on Thai, Chinese, Salvadoran, Peruvian, or Japanese beer, because I have never drank them – but I can make a valid guess as to what type of Brews these people produce. However I have drank Italian beer in Italy and I am able to make an informed (if subjective) comment. And here it is,

I cannot see how that frothy pale insipid product can add to humankind in any way – apart from perhaps to cool down on a hot Roman summer day. However, ‘cooling down’ is a poor excuse to purvey such an insipid product and claim ‘This is Beer’.

In this way, I humbly submit, diversity has failed. Foreign Beer is Muck. You Sir, are a poltroon, however I will forgive you as you probably will never have the privilege of necking down a proper pint in a proper boozer. That Sir, is your crime – and your punishment.


visited Britain in the 70s. The only interesting food was found in the Indian hole-in-the-walls. Though Simpson's wasn't bad. I've heard the fare has improved since, possibly due to the civilizing effects of the Chunnel

Childress, Sir you have my sympathy. Britain in the 70’s was not the best place in the world to be, (although the summer of ’76 was the best in living memory). I would warrant though, that ‘visiting Britain’ was really ‘visiting London’ and if this is so (apologies If I stray from the truth) London is not Britain, not even close. However, having dispensed with the preliminaries, can I mention "CIVILIZING EFFECTS OF THE CHUNNEL". Are you totally devoid of any rational thought? Are you bereft of an sane thought? The French – civilised?

I’m going for a lie down in a darkened room to eat l’escargot and drink Peroni, but I’ll be dreaming of a plate of Pan Haggerty and a pint of Mordue’s Radgy Gadgy.

Diversity is all very well, but keep the French out of it.

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You have to remember that most of the posters labour under a massive inferiority complex. To, slightly, mis-quote that wonderful Flanders and Swann song (guaranteed to offend just about everybody),

"It is not that they are wicked or naturally bad,

Its knowing they are foreign that's driving them mad"

As for beer, the Yanks drink some awful piss. The reason they serve it so cold is to disguise the fact that it has no flavour. However, there are, or at least were, some beacons of light in that benighted land. When I was working I used to spend quite a lot of time over there and there was a bar in Miami called "Tobbacco Road" that served some decent real ale, at the proper 54 degrees temperature, on hand pumps from a micro-brewery - a bit sweet to the English tongue but perfectly drinkable.

The French should, of course, be kept out of everything (save the Normans, Bretons and Gascons who are actually English).

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Which is the entire point of multiculturalism, they ain't strangers any more are they? They are Australians.

At no stage in our history has any Australian suffered, been "stressed", lost a job or been forced out by an immigrant and I challenge anyone to provide a single tangible example where this has been the case.

ill assume your talking with your tongue firmly in your cheek

but just in case your living in a dream world mate

i dont know what part of australia you live in,maybe the antarctic

either that or you dont class aboriginals as australian.

tell them about your tangible evidence?

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Thai – Chang - disgusting stuff. Not as bad as Israeli but close. Terrible hangovers. They sponsor Everton, so obviously lack taste.

Chinese – Tsingtao, OK. bland. About on a par with Becks so nothing you'd go out of your way for.

Salvadoran, Peruvian – not had any specifically but the light South American beer is very good as long as you stay away from Sol and its ilk.

Japanese – Asahi is nice. Sapporo is better but I've not seen it for a while. Comes in great cans as well.

So there you go. Multiculturalism works. And as wargamers, surely we're aware of how bad some of the other options are.

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ill assume your talking with your tongue firmly in your cheek

but just in case your living in a dream world mate

i dont know what part of australia you live in,maybe the antarctic

either that or you dont class aboriginals as australian.

tell them about your tangible evidence?

Nice try but the initial Europeans that displaced and dispossessed the Aboriginals were not immigrants and you are correct at the time the Aboriginals were not Australians, in fact they were not Australians until 1966. Of course you are no doubt taking the piss yourself as you know Australia itself did not exist until 1901 by which time the writing was well and truly on the wall for the Aborigines.

And by the by, the Antarctic is not actually part of Australia, it is not even a recognised territory.

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Australia has long been protectorate of Antarctica

it is in fact a territory


and i think you missed my point about the aboriginals

maybe something closer to home then

take South Australia,my home state,the premier Mike Rann,is an immigrant

due to his governments policies over the last 10 years,i could find 1000's of examples of hardship,stress,job losses, you say dont exist

15,000 leaving the state per month for greener pastures is disturbing

the bloody Prime Minister is an immigrant,and look how thats going

how on earth a country can allow someone not born in the country to become the prime minister of this country in this day and age,is mind boggling

what hope do you have for any form of honest government under these circumstances

theres plenty more of examples i can show you

i could offer the medical situation as another

i care not what you believe,but try not to make such blanket statements about the situation,as if it was gospel

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Australia has long been protectorate of Antartica

it is in fact a territory


and i think you missed my point about the aboriginals

maybe something closer to home then

take South Australia,my home state,the premier Mike Rann,is an immigrant

due to his governments policies over the last 10 years,i could find 1000's of examples of hardship,stress,job losses, you say dont exist

15,000 leaving the state per month for greener pastures is disturbing

the bloody Prime Minister is an immigrant,and look how thats going

how on earth a country can allow someone not born in the country to become the prime minister of this country in this day and age,is mind boggling

what hope do you have for any form of honest government under these circumstances

theres plenty more of examples i can show you

i could offer the medical situation as another

i care not what you believe,but try not to make such blanket statements about the situation,as if it was gospel

I didn't see any point at all in regards of the Aboriginals.

Despite the name the Australian Antarctic Territory is recognised by very few countries, mainly the others who also claim parts of Antarctica.

And claiming various politicians who are immigrants who have policies that have not worked out the best is something of a stretch as support for the notion that immigrants are bad for a society. It just means they are crap politicians nothing to do with immigrants.

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"Patriotism" should never be used as a weapon against criticism, otherwise we might as well live in a 3rd world dictatorship where the Party Line is the only acceptable one to espouse.


Wow! And now you are insulting me!

FYI, the Party Line is the most funny party of all Third World and our Leader is the greatest dancer of all times.

All people is happy with the Dictator and love living here.

Plus, the privatized Post fee for handling any package has been lowered from 20 ‰ to only 10 %.

Long live to Our Beloved Leader!

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OK, not surprising we have gone from good natured ribbing of each other to some people taking this too seriously. I'll lock up this thread now. In closing...

Wargames are by their definition a niche product that most people don't find enjoyable. Within this wargamers find some more, or less, to their liking. Combat Mission is no different than any other wargame before it or after it. Some will love it, some will hate it, and many will be somewhere inbetween the two. And that's as it should be. If someone finds it is not to their liking (fundamentally, not just a little bit here or there), then they should put down CM and move on to something they do find enjoyable. It's as simple as that.

On the strange topic of me being an Australian hater because I am mildly annoyed at a $9 fee I will likely have to pay only once a year... well, if that makes me a hater of all things Australian, then my hate and loathing for my own country must be so extreme that my head will explode sometime very soon. Because let me tell you... there's far more things about my own country that annoy me a lot more and on a regular basis than a paltry $9 postal fee. So to anybody who takes major offense to reasonable and mild objections, you need to look more closely at yourself than others because there's an issue there which is internal and not external.


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