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1911 A1 .45 cal vs. Marder!!!

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Now this is funny. I was playing Closing the Pocket as the German. Near the end I moved a Marder down by the crossroads on the left. When the marder was attacked by a single guy armed with a .45 cal hand gun, he was shooting at the Marder. It was a tank crew from one of the USA KO'd tanks. The bugger charged down to the crossroads and started dueling with the Marder. Well 2 or 3 shoots from the main gun did him in.

But this does bring up a point that crews should retreat off the map, when ever possible and not and I mean NOT attack enemy armor with a pistol.

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But this does bring up a point that crews should retreat off the map, when ever possible and not and I mean NOT attack enemy armor with a pistol.

Playing Barkmann's Corner, I did have a number of "seemingly enraged" US armor crews take up the offensive with their hand weapons.

I thought I heard them yelling something like "That gamey bastard, he's got a Panther! Let's get him!"

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I had a comical man vs. tank incident in Closing the Pocket... I sneaked a panzershreck team into a building hoping they would take out a meddlesome Sherman that was lurking in the middle of the village. Just as I hit the 'Go' button I remembered that they would not be able to fire the 'shreck indoors... I was playing turn-based, so I had to wait out the turn hoping the AT team would stay out of sight so I could order them out of the building on the next turn. To my dismay, the 'shreck gunner hauls out his pistol, and both men open fire on the buttoned-up Sherman! Naturally, I expected the Sherman to send an HE round into the building and put an abrupt end to this nuisance - but instead he popped smoke and backed into the woods, clearing the way for my infantry to infiltrate the village!

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Yeah, I hope that get around to some kind of fix for this sooner rather than later.

It's funny the first few times you see it, and it usually doesn't have much tactical effect (other than more dead tank crew members), but it kind of detracts from realism when you're playing against the AI to have crews from knocked out tanks charging you willy-nilly.

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I had a comical man vs. tank incident in Closing the Pocket... I sneaked a panzershreck team into a building hoping they would take out a meddlesome Sherman that was lurking in the middle of the village. Just as I hit the 'Go' button I remembered that they would not be able to fire the 'shreck indoors... I was playing turn-based, so I had to wait out the turn hoping the AT team would stay out of sight so I could order them out of the building on the next turn. To my dismay, the 'shreck gunner hauls out his pistol, and both men open fire on the buttoned-up Sherman! Naturally, I expected the Sherman to send an HE round into the building and put an abrupt end to this nuisance - but instead he popped smoke and backed into the woods, clearing the way for my infantry to infiltrate the village!

Maybe they shot the smoke candles!

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I have a theory that every time the guys at BFC go to fix this bug, they watch it in action.

It's worth keeping in for the comedic effect.

I had a berserker crew run all the way down from the Ami ridge to the village in Closing the Pocket to assault the Panther that killed their tank.

I'll give them props for getting as close as they did before being snuffed.


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1st Lieutenant Waybur has a slightly different perspective -

"Commander of a reconnaissance platoon, 1st Lt. Waybur volunteered to lead a 3-vehicle patrol into enemy-held territory to locate an isolated Ranger unit. Proceeding under cover of darkness, over roads known to be heavily mined, and strongly defended by road blocks and machinegun positions, the patrol's progress was halted at a bridge which had been destroyed by enemy troops and was suddenly cut off from its supporting vehicles by 4 enemy tanks.

Although hopelessly outnumbered and out-gunned, and himself and his men completely exposed, he quickly dispersed his vehicles and ordered his gunners to open fire with their .30 and .50 caliber machineguns.

Then, with ammunition exhausted, 3 of his men hit and himself seriously wounded, he seized his .45 caliber Thompson submachinegun and standing in the bright moonlight directly in the line of fire, alone engaged the leading tank at 30 yards and succeeded in killing the crewmembers, causing the tank to run onto the bridge and crash into the stream bed."

45 ACP takes out full tank. Congressional Medal of Honor duly awarded.


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I think if their vehicle is toast unless they are in imminent danger they should seek an exit.

There is no off-map exit in the game, unless the scenario designer has specifically painted an exit zone in the editor. And even then units won't simply up-and-wander towards it. I understand panicked escaping troops will tend to generally head in the direction of their 'friendly' side of the map.

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Great MoH, citation, Jason. I hadn't read that one.

If it was the occasional act of Heroism by a bailed AFV crew, I wouldn't complain. The issue is that right now, it appears that for the computer player, the crews of attacking AFVs will try to continue to execute the AI plan that was assigned to them.

Of course, now that they're no longer in a tank, this seems to frequently lead to stuff like tank crews charging down a road or across an open field at the enemy.

It doesn't seem to happen with AI armor on the defense, I assume because defending armor probably doesn't usually have advance orders in their AI plan, so the crews are more likely to hang back, rather than charge at the enemy.

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I think Battlefront never wants to model those "Medal of Honor" or "Knight's Cross" actions, and thats the only way to go. Otherwise they also had to simulate tank crews bailing out and running away because of enemy artillery fire...

So that thing with the badass tank crews is just a (funny) bug or limitation of the engine.

Hope they find a fix for this.

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