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combat mission ?

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this is not combat mission for me . the "old" cm gameplay was perfekt . many micromanagement options are gone , like set timetable for movements , change movements with click and drag , hulldownposition for tanks and many more importent options , there are diskuss in other threads here .

think battlefront make cm easy for the mainstream players , this is realy pity .

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Well - judging from your post, I think you probably havent gotten fully acquainted with CM2 yet:

1. If you by setting timetables mean pausing movement you cant certainly do that - now you can even pause at every waypoint

2. You cant move waypoints any more. I also miss that, but not very much as the time delay in giving orders has dropped dramatically

3. You can actually make more precise hull downs now: If you select the last waypoint at the location where you want hull down and then issue the "target" order, you´ll now be able to see what your vehicle´s LOS will be from that point. BEFORE it gets there. IE: You´re also able to see whether it is going to have hull down. Now if that isn´t an improvement, I don´t know what is.

Yes, there are definetely functions from CM1 that I miss, but all in all I consider CM2 a great improvement. It think you will too - once you get to know the functionality.


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i play cm since the begining . i play it in different ladders , like theblitz.org ( best # 55+/- ) and german ladder the wargamer player club . the cm serie is the best strategie wargame ever . ok, i play only pbem , because i like micromanagment very well . but cm is make for turnbase gameplay .

@ Lemon , 7thGalaxi , u play combat mission before strike force ?!

@ umlaut , thx for the explanation . maybe i must play cmbn more and more , so that i will love it ;-)

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I have played CM:AK, and tbh, left it after about 5 or 6 games, I didn't find it playable after the much higher fidelity simulation that CM:SF provided.

Most of your points have been addressed numerous times, by many different posters in hundreds of threads across both the SF and the BN forums. A quick search will provide you with BFs own responses to your criticisms and hours of debates.

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I played CM from the beginning and yes, there are differences but I think they are for the better...I threw away all my old notions when Shock Force came out and did my best to embrace the new engine. Once I unwrapped my mind from CMX1 thinking which was based around a lot more abstractions and they wrestled the engine into great working order the game really shined...from what little I've been able to get from the demo (seeing I am on a crap computer right now) WWII is looking like it's gonna be waaay better than it ever was.

Stick around, pretend this is the first time you ever played Combat Mission and you may be VERY surprised. Get rid of all that CMX1 thinking and accept the new engine for what it is...which is better...and lobby for the features that you find missing that would fit the game in this iteration...movable way points would definitely be one of those.


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It’s a different game and I agree we would like back some old futures. But the current engine does not support some futures. It’s a nice game and if you get used to the engine you will love it like CMx1 I am 100% sure. Btw you can adjust time during movement by pressing the pause key and it will add 10 seconds delay.

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@ Lemon , 7thGalaxi , u play combat mission before strike force ?!

Yes and I hated CM:SF.

The points you raised are valid, the problem is that the tone you voiced them in was not. I really enjoy CM:BN though, it's the best game I've played since CM:BB/AK. :D

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Problem here is some fan boys are behaving like other game forums rather then taking the time to explain like umlaut has done.

I agree with you to a degree its like your first car nothing will compare to that the new car does not smell or feel right and there are things you hate about it, or wished the old car had.

There are a few things I am struggling with no armour covered arc, hunt on tank that stop at the slightest movement and the split personality 60mm mortar, superhero in direct role and woeful in indirect role.

But I still suggest battling through it still the best game on the market, even if it does not have that old car smell

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I'd suggest this last is down to small (so far) sample size, as I've fired all my 60mm indirect so far, and been, by and large, more than happy with the results (I gave up on mortars in CMx1, except where I had to have them). I will have to try them DF, though, cos if my experience of their indirect fire performance seems 'woeful' in comparison, I dread to think of the shredding the Jerries will be on the end of if I can just get 'em in LOS without the crew getting their heads shot off...

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Let me rephrase woeful to ( as expected ) but you see what I mean when you get direct fire happening you never go back to indirect fire again, it then make indirect fire woeful.

I see what you're saying about the difference, but don't see why that's a sticky point? I'd've thought you'd expect a degradation in effect due to the inherent inefficiencies of calling in support via radio (usually from further away) rather than having the mortar gunner firing over 'open sights'...

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Blimey...how old is all this moaning about Cmx2 not being Cmx1 going to go on for?

Go play CMx1 then...simple...or find something better...not simple...all those poeple who are moaning about it haven't played it properly yet...when the full release comes out, with each game you start to realise the depth of the CMx2 engine is amazing...happened with me and CMSF and I wasn't even into modern warfare and definately not the setting...yet the more I played the more the game revealed it's beauty....

People hate change and it takes while to get used to things...such a shame that a fair few are so stuck in their ways they wont give it a chance before shouting out how rubbish it is because it isn't CMX1...why buy it then...stick with what you've got and miss out on the beauty of this game.

I don't give a sh1t if I'm called a fanboy either..if your going to be a fan of something then why not the best?

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this is not combat mission for me . the "old" cm gameplay was perfekt . many micromanagement options are gone , like set timetable for movements , change movements with click and drag , hulldownposition for tanks and many more importent options , there are diskuss in other threads here .

think battlefront make cm easy for the mainstream players , this is realy pity .

1. you can press p when a unit is selected or a waypoint is selected to tell the unit to pause x amount of time.

2.dragging and dropping movements is gone, which is unfortunate but does make the game unplayable by any means. Especially if you don't step into real-time play.

3.The issue with the hull down command is that it can often be incoherent. Hull down to what? that tall hill to its right or the low valley to its left?

Anyway you can issue a movement order to a location and then a target order you can see to what points the tank is not hull down, partially hull down, or fully hull down.

Two of the three things you mentioned are still in game, although they may appear in slightly different ways. Perhaps the other important features that you think are missing just appear in different ways. Although it's perfectly possible that they don't since CM:BN is missing quite a bit of stuff when compared to CMx1. Especially in the way of documentation.

Ardem, use slow instead of hunt if you actually want your tank to hunt, not move to contact.

I don't give a sh1t if I'm called a fanboy either..if your going to be a fan of something then why not the best?

Because fanboys often end up being overly hostile and rude to people who dislike aspects of the game, or are confused by things in game.

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Problem here is some fan boys are behaving like other game forums rather then taking the time to explain like umlaut has done.

I agree with you to a degree its like your first car nothing will compare to that the new car does not smell or feel right and there are things you hate about it, or wished the old car had.

There are a few things I am struggling with no armour covered arc, hunt on tank that stop at the slightest movement and the split personality 60mm mortar, superhero in direct role and woeful in indirect role.

But I still suggest battling through it still the best game on the market, even if it does not have that old car smell

Well said.

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I don't give a sh1t if I'm called a fanboy either..if your going to be a fan of something then why not the best?

Clearly not a great attitude for bringing back some of the older players.

The best? I agree this is the best thing going for War gaming currently.

People do hate change and those that skipped SF will have these same types of issues and gripes that took place when SF was released.

Take a chill pill and be patient, growing the community is in the best interest of everyone.

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Problem here is some fan boys are behaving like other game forums rather then taking the time to explain like umlaut has done.

IL2: Cliffs of Dover, perchance?

I agree with you to a degree its like your first car nothing will compare to that the new car does not smell or feel right and there are things you hate about it, or wished the old car had.

There are a few things I am struggling with no armour covered arc, hunt on tank that stop at the slightest movement and the split personality 60mm mortar, superhero in direct role and woeful in indirect role.

But I still suggest battling through it still the best game on the market, even if it does not have that old car smell

Nice, I like the car analogy, and what you say is correct - no new game in a series will initially meet up to the 'perfected' and familiar previous version, but progress has to start somewhere.

Some people prefer iterative, some revolutionary.

This game will become (if it's not already) the benchmark in 20th/21st century wargaming, and Battlefront will, as ever, work with this mature (not necessarily in age terms!) forum to achieve just that.

Compare to and contrast with the IL2: CloD release and I'm a very happy bunny vis á vis CM: BN.


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The point is:" Combat mission tried to be a simulation! Cm1 had a lot of abstractions because of playablity! I personally hat a lot of problems with cm1 espescialy with attacking! Now, Cm2 is much much more realistic and has less abstractions. So gameplay became much better in my eyes.

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LOL...yeah, we are gonna have to ride another tidal wave...maybe bigger maybe smaller, remains to be seen...but once it calms down it'll all be cool...Wodin, don't let the negativity get to you....we'll end up with more positive people than not in the long run. Most of the guys that hate it won't have the stamina to stick around. The OP of this thread was pretty laid back and not confrontational like some have been so no biggie.

DO what I do, man...enjoy the game, do what you can to help newbies and oldnewbies grasp the CMX2 engine...and if some people think it sucks, oh well it's their loss...all that really matters is if the games gives you (me) enjoyment...the rest will come out in the wash.


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