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Retarded injuries

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So it appears that I have sustained damage to the collateral ligaments in my right knee. This occured not through a glorious last-minute, game -saving tackle in a rugby game, but through my labrador crashing full tilt into the side of my leg at the local park. Collapsed the knee and dumped me on my back in a pile of mud, much to the amusement of several children.

Anybody else got some completely inglorious injuries to relate?

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Heart attack due to 2 Lincolnshire sausages, 2 eggs on toast and grated cheese... then playing a game of cricket before going to A&E.

Damn frustrating knowing the CMBN demo was out while in hospital on 48 hours monitored bed-rest. :mad:

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March, 2010, refereeing a game of soccer on a wet pitch. During game, foot slides forward, and I tear the achilles. I finish the game and go straight to the hospital. [drove myself]. Few days later, pre-surgery stress test, they find there is a problem with the heart and stent put in with another needed soon, Blood thinners given, so no ankle surgery.

March 2011, and second stant put in, on blood thinners still.

April 2011, just completed a U19 game, post game handshake [a tradition here in the states] walking off the wet pitch, when after a very audible pop [my two ARs heard it], drove self to hospital, to findI tore EVERYTHING in the ankle, including the calf muscle. [basically the scar tissue gave out and took everything with it]. Since on blood thinners, once again they will not do surgery, and I am on crutches with a large frankstein boot on my right foot for another 4 weeks. [been 2 already] I had to give up my championship final center... *Sigh*

I HATE wet pitches.


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Yesterday my dad dug up an old .22 rifle to kill a lamb with (we raise sheep, it was slowly dieing from it's own stupid injury so he planned to put it down). Anyway, this thing had been sitting in the closet for about 25 years. Now, my dad is a country guy if there ever was one, but he is clueless around firearms. He wasn't sure if the safety was on or if it was loaded so he just pointed it at the concrete floor in our garage and pulled the trigger. Sure enough, a 25 year old bullet came zipping out. No injury, but it could have been a lethal, retarded mistake.

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Put myself into A FIB by overloading electrolytes in my system just 10 days ago. Found out that I should go on Kidney transplant list too, and now on straight insulin. Choses we make. Rune, i am now on blood thinners too.

Funniest injury, Ran into a parked truck when I was about 12 years old, flirting with a girl while riding my bike.

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Like Ranger - didn't quite manage to injure anyone, but firearm safety screwup - Way back when I was a part time soldier we had a rangeshoot for our platoon - only a few guys turned up & we had something like 5000 rds of 5.56mm & 2000 of 7.62.

Well we spent all day blasting off on full auto on M-16's & FN-MAG's at 50, 100, 200 metres vs paper & falling plate. Had to clean the rifles a few times - only used up about 2500 rounds of the 5.56 & 1000 of 7.62 (we only had 2 guns to use for that).

so at the end of the day we unloaded all the weapons, checked clear & threw them in the back of the truck to go back to barracks & clean them there.

so standing around the top of a 44 gal drum with a couple of other guys I strip my M-16 and there's a live round sitting on the end of the bolt!!:eek:

Just slightly cocked to one side where the ejector pin had pushed it but not enough to spit it out due to carbon around the ejector "hook".

Cost me a dozen beers, but I still reckon the Sgt who checked clear shold have gone halves!!:rolleyes::P:cool:

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I've had so many stupid injuries I wouldn't know where to start. Never while doing anything especially dangerous or demanding, always doing something so completely mundane that I wasn't paying proper attention and the gods punished me for it. Typical example: one time almost 30 years ago I was climbing into a friend's pickup on a wet day. My left foot slipped resulting in a hyperextended right knee. Result: five weeks confined to my apartment while the thing healed enough for me to get around. First three weeks were also unbelievably painful and I still have problems with that knee sometimes. Just stupid.


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When I was young, stupid and h0rny I overstressed a spinal disc while carrying a young lady upstairs for some fun and games. It had an...inhibiting effect on certain recreational athletics, lets say.

And no, she was petite...I was just taking the stairs two or three at a time. :D

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Rugby injury: hit a guy in a tackle hard enough smash his hip - and my collar bone. My captain said "Don't let 'em see you're hurt!", so I finished the game (playing at hooker). Played trombone in a concert that evening, too (I had to skip a few of the lower notes).

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When I was young, stupid and h0rny I overstressed a spinal disc while carrying a young lady upstairs for some fun and games. It had an...inhibiting effect on certain recreational athletics, lets say.

And no, she was petite...I was just taking the stairs two or three at a time. :D

At uni once after hurting my back playing 2nd row and stressing a disc, the doctor said to me "...and if you're shagging in the next few days try and go her doggy style and keep your back straight."

Not your usual medical advice.

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At uni once after hurting my back playing 2nd row and stressing a disc, the doctor said to me "...and if you're shagging in the next few days try and go her doggy style and keep your back straight."

Not your usual medical advice.

I had somewhat similar advice a long time ago. I was suffering acute pain in my back, which I now believe was probably due to a pinched nerve. When I went to see a doctor about it, I think he assumed I was just too tense. He advised me to get laid. I wondered if he would write a prescription for it. I was already trying as hard as I could...that was why I was so tense.



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Hmmm. I guess slightly hurting my back (nothing serious at all but still painful at the time) when I jumped off the 3rd floor of my college dorm with a couple other guys.

We'd spent the entire afternoon (probably... 6 hours? at least...) collecting leaves from all around our dorm and put it in a gigantic pile (it was fall so leaves were ALL OVER the place). It was pretty great.

It didn't cushion my fall as well as I'd hoped though ;).

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I think colleges/universities must contribute greatly to the "retarded injuries" statistics. I saw a guy break some ribs once on the theory that launching himself off a roof would assist in him breaking the slip 'n slide distance record. Needless to say that the beer involved in coming up wth the idea didn't allow him to calculate his vectors appropriately.

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Yes life is backwards...we have all our energy up front when we actually need it most near the end, and all our wisdom towards the end when we could really use it in the beginning. :D

I wish to hell that I didn't agree with that so much right now. *sigh*

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OTOH you didn't die so it probably had the required effect.

Only today I was playing tug-of-war with the dog and being determined to win, the dog let go and I punched myself in the face.

That happened to me once too, but I just gave myself a good talking to rather than start a fight.

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