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Why no IDF module?

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This gets asked for about as frequently as Vietnam; about once a month on average.

And about half the time the thread asking for Arab-Israeli module/game/whatever degenerates into some kind of bitter political flame war. Emotions are just too raw on this topic.

There's also a very real though unquantified risk of an Arab vs Israel game somehow running afoul of EU human rights laws, which are especially attuned to the slightest whiff of seeming anti-Muslim sentiment. These days, you're almost safer putting SS and swastikas on your game.

But regardless of the reasons, BFC has declared it won't touch this subject matter, however suitable, with a 10 meter staff. (Although I suppose if an Israeli gaming outfit wanted to license the CM2 engine to make a stand alone game, BFC might be willing to listen.)

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Anything too close to the truth may be considered inappropriate, and somewhat provocative my guess. Syria vs Nato is not as probable as lets say Iran therefore more acceptable. The prologue in the manual gives a long explanation of why they chose Syria, and how they were considering Fantasia etc. etc.

Btw Did anyone ask for Nato vs Warsawpact 1988 again this month? If not I am.

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It is rather ironic that with all the unrest in the Middle-east of late I don't think I've heard of any in Syria, so in reality unlike the games premise, Syria is one of the most stable regimes in the area.

But anyway, it does make sense if Syrian radicals set off dirty bombs in Europe, as NATO rallied world opinion against them in support of the invasion, NATO would ask Israel to stay out just as they did in the first Gulf War even though Iraq fired Scud missles at them.

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That may not last much longer. The Assad family are members of the minority Alawite sect, which is an offshoot of Shiah and less than 10% of the Syrian population. So here you have the curly-toed shoe on the other foot.... a Sunni majority ruled over by an insular and fairly secularized Shiah sect.

While the Syrian population is fairly secular after 50 years of Arab "socialism" and wouldn't seem a likely candidate to become an AQ-friendly Islamic state, it doesn't have oil and probably has a very large underemployed population.

The Assad regime has shown itself ruthless in quashing opposition, but then, the same was also true of Qadafi....

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It is rather ironic that with all the unrest in the Middle-east of late I don't think I've heard of any in Syria, so in reality unlike the games premise, Syria is one of the most stable regimes in the area.

But anyway, it does make sense if Syrian radicals set off dirty bombs in Europe, as NATO rallied world opinion against them in support of the invasion, NATO would ask Israel to stay out just as they did in the first Gulf War even though Iraq fired Scud missles at them.

I think there have been one or two small demonstrations but nothing on the scale of other Middle Eastern countries.

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There is SO much programming talent in East Europe and Russia. You guys are astounding.

Have you fellows ever thought about reviving the Combat Missions project that would revive the CM1 series?

All we've ever wanted was a system to create an operational/strategic "shell" for the tactical CM1 games that would act as a scenario generator.

Sadly, the original developers got waaaay over their heads in attempting to produce a standalone operational game with its own AI etc - it was a much too ambitious effort and collapsed under its own weight.dgfyrtuy

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There is SO much programming talent in East Europe and Russia. You guys are astounding.

Have you fellows ever thought about reviving the Combat Missions project that would revive the CM1 series?

All we've ever wanted was a system to create an operational/strategic "shell" for the tactical CM1 games that would act as a scenario generator.

Sadly, the original developers got waaaay over their heads in attempting to produce a standalone operational game with its own AI etc - it was a much too ambitious effort and collapsed under its own weight.dgfyrtuy

Well that strategic shell would be great to have for the CMBN series, why waste the effort on CM1 which is a very old game now. I know some people still go back to it, but many have moved on to new series.

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I have CMA, CMSF and all its modules and play often. Given that Battlefront is not going to do an IDF module and that no forces in the game could be modded properly to represent the IDF, this is all that's available. There is a game called winSPMBT: Main Battle Tank that I think has some Arab-Israeli war scenarios in it, but it is hex-based and has lousy graphics. I guess we're stuck playing the IDF with these old inferior wargames or just not at all.

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So I don't know much at all about the IDF TO&E, but tell me: what's stopping you from doing a pretty decent approximation of them by cobbling together existing kit and units? What's so fundamentally different please? Fine, the Merkava engine is in front and they either do or used to use turretless tanks as APCs (and still have a lot of M113s). What else? Are their infantry squads fundamentally different? Just curious.

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I think you can change how anything looks but not how anything works

I could mod all the Brits to look like Aussies, change their SA80s to look like F88's, make them taller and better looking etc, but underneath they'd still be whinging poms wondering where the tea is ;)

Instead of throwing lame insults around shouldn't you be looking for a job serving behind a bar in London, along with the vast majority of your countrymen ;-p

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