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Summary of Battlefront Game projects March 2011

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What? You didn't get the rules for your red and blue guys? Stick them in shag rug on opposite ends of the living room and then roll golf balls back and forth knocking them down. Use tennis balls for larger artilley. Rollong only, no thorwing! Last man standing wins. You could also use Stratego pieces for the same thing but the Action Battle Set had more pieces.

Hours of fun had by the entire family including the dog who chased the balls and caused the creation of the infamous Godzilla rule.

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Looks pretty accurate to me! For Bulge we are currently planning:

Module 1 = Commonwealth

Module 2 = Spring 1945

Module 3 = Misc. stuff

As for the content of Module 3 it's similar to the way we're planning Module 3 for CM:BN... we're keeping it flexible until we get to it. For the Bulge's Module 3 I could see things like Volkssturm, E-100, Pershing, IR Panthers, etc.


Hello Steve, I have a question.... Why do we have to wait for Bulge for Commonwealth? will we not be able to simulate the Juno and Gold beach landings? I mean lets face it... pretty much all the Tank action was with the British and Canadians vs some pretty heavy hitting Germans, namely the 1st and 2nd SS Pz Korps... and the remenants of the 503rd sPzAbt 503, sSSPzAbt 101. Not to mention the use of the Brilliant British Para's with their valiant hold on the Pegasus Bridge. Not that the GI's are not fun to play, I was just hoping their would be commonwealth forces for the first issue of Normady. Anyways thanks to you and your entire team for not forgetting about how important it is to somewhat keep history alive.. even if it is with remarkable video games such as yours.


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Don't forget the Infantry's first infra-red devices, for example the ZG 1229 Vampir (Vampire):


Crews of infrared night-vision devices mounted vehicles were also armed with MP44 / StG 44 assault rifles fitted with infrared night-vision device - ZG 1229 Vampir (Vampire). Only small number of IR sets forassault rifles was produced.

These would be really cool specialized units for purchase. I recently built a Panther with a IR set 1/35. Rare but still pretty cool, not sure if they would implement them because they were indeed so rare.

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Hello Steve, I have a question.... Why do we have to wait for Bulge for Commonwealth? will we not be able to simulate the Juno and Gold beach landings? I mean lets face it... pretty much all the Tank action was with the British and Canadians vs some pretty heavy hitting Germans, namely the 1st and 2nd SS Pz Korps... and the remenants of the 503rd sPzAbt 503, sSSPzAbt 101. Not to mention the use of the Brilliant British Para's with their valiant hold on the Pegasus Bridge. Not that the GI's are not fun to play, I was just hoping their would be commonwealth forces for the first issue of Normady. Anyways thanks to you and your entire team for not forgetting about how important it is to somewhat keep history alive.. even if it is with remarkable video games such as yours.


Easy there big fella, BF is not a large corp so they need to stage things in order to keep costs down and quality high. This means you'll probably have to wait 6-8 months for the Brits and Canucks... Meanwhile just have fun with the doggies...

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Never really understood the fascination with the Eastern front. What is it about the Russian front (and CMBB i guess) that players like so much ?

I think the overwhelming Vastness of the Eastern Front for one, or how could such a small country like Germany take on Mother Russia? Well even though the Germans lost, they racked up some pretty impressive ratio's. For the Russians.. trying to defend such Vastness was Epic.. I think of all the river crossings (Huge Rivers) cities..and places like Sevestapol, Stalingrad, the oil feilds, the steppes, rolling Hills that when on forever, the villages here and there... and other large cities like Kharkov, Kursk, Kiev, Leningrad, Brest Litovsk, Smolensk. I mean can you imagine at least game wise.. massive Urban Combat in Moscow, or Berlin... make or create your own adventure thanks to the Devs of Battlefront.. and their commitment to their loyal fanbase.

I apologize for getting on this thread so late.... I have been overseas for some time and am now home.

Semper Fi.

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Easy there big fella, BF is not a large corp so they need to stage things in order to keep costs down and quality high. This means you'll probably have to wait 6-8 months for the Brits and Canucks... Meanwhile just have fun with the doggies...

LOL yeah.. sort of jumping the gun... I have been away for some time, when I got word BF is coming out with a new game.. I guess I sort of want it all at the same time. Like a child trying to grab all the presents under the tree at the same time. What can I say... I am a consumer and what everything now.. LOL

Dang.. Patience.

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I think the overwhelming Vastness of the Eastern Front for one, or how could such a small country like Germany take on Mother Russia? Well even though the Germans lost, they racked up some pretty impressive ratio's. For the Russians.. trying to defend such Vastness was Epic.. I think of all the river crossings (Huge Rivers) cities..and places like Sevestapol, Stalingrad, the oil feilds, the steppes, rolling Hills that when on forever, the villages here and there... and other large cities like Kharkov, Kursk, Kiev, Leningrad, Brest Litovsk, Smolensk. I mean can you imagine at least game wise.. massive Urban Combat in Moscow, or Berlin... make or create your own adventure thanks to the Devs of Battlefront.. and their commitment to their loyal fanbase.

From a wargaming perspective I've always found the Russian front more interesting on the strategic and operation levels. But at the tactical level the Western front seems more dynamic in terms of different nationalities involved and variety of units and equipment. The Russian infantry's lack of good organic anti-armor capability means you have to be careful about what armor units you allow in games. IIRC, outside of 1945 and spring '42 one side or the other has a strong advantage in armor.

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Looks pretty accurate to me! For Bulge we are currently planning:

Module 1 = Commonwealth

Module 2 = Spring 1945

Module 3 = Misc. stuff

As for the content of Module 3 it's similar to the way we're planning Module 3 for CM:BN... we're keeping it flexible until we get to it. For the Bulge's Module 3 I could see things like Volkssturm, E-100, Pershing, IR Panthers, etc.


Wait Bulge is a separate game? I thought it was a module for CMBN.

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But I thought they said Commonwealth was next and that's a module for CMBN right? I'm confused... anyone know what the modules planned for CMBN are?

He meant a Commonwealth for the Bulge module, which would be different than the Commonwealth for the Normandy module.

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Right, the same thing confused Ghostrider. There will be two Commonwealth modules. One for the Normandy game and one for the Bulge game.

I can see why they would want to start a new family with the Bulge. All new winter terrain, unit re-organizations and new types of units such as Volksgrenadier divisions. Then there's new features we'll probably get. The whole thing would become rather top heavy if they kept it all in one family.

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I believe these are the modules that will be included in CMBN.

1. Commonwealth (Brits and Canucks / German SS)

2. Market Garden (should include at least updated US & Brit Airborne, Updated Brit 30 XXX, Polish Abn.,Updated German TO&E, new Holland terrain)

3. Battle Pack (Catch all.. rare vehicles, guns and TO&E not included in the first 2 Modules).

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Right durh... lol thanks.

So what's #2 for CMBN? SS formations?

Dang you guys post fast... LOL

Thanks everyone for clearing my confusion up. It helps alot. I think I am so anxious for the game I am having a hard time looking at my PC... Knowing there will be mass amounts of Carnage soon.

Dang I am so excited to Blow the crap out of small villages..... Minus the Villagers of course.

Are we there yet! :P

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Right, the same thing confused Ghostrider. There will be two Commonwealth modules. One for the Normandy game and one for the Bulge game.

I can see why they would want to start a new family with the Bulge. All new winter terrain, unit re-organizations and new types of units such as Volksgrenadier divisions. Then there's new features we'll probably get. The whole thing would become rather top heavy if they kept it all in one family.

Hello again, with more questions:

I know with Shock Force the terrain was pretty much... well dry and dusty, day or night.

My question is, when designing or creating your own scenarios, we will not be able to edit ground conditions? Winter, vs Fall etc like in the older BF games. Sunrise, Midday, sunset and Night? Again I could be hyperventelating and being over anxious.. and want to know as much as possible with things I dont know or cant find explained.

Anyways Thanks for everyones assistance and replies.... everyone has been most helpful.


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And just to verify what I said, can someone confirm that there were no Volksgrenadier divisions actively engaged on the Western front in Sept. '44? I believe they were just beginning to form at that time, thus we won't see Volksgrenadier units until the Bulge game.

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My question is, when designing or creating your own scenarios, we will not be able to edit ground conditions? Winter, vs Fall etc like in the older BF games. Sunrise, Midday, sunset and Night? Again I could be hyperventelating and being over anxious.. and want to know as much as possible with things I dont know or cant find explained.

You can edit the time of day, down to five minute granularity I think. The game will automatically do the light conditions based off of the calender date and time (I like doing sunrise scenarios, watching the sun rise and change the light conditions as the battle progresses is cool). For CMBN you will be locked into June to August Normandy conditions (until the 2nd module comes out and it gets extended to Sep for Market Garden), although you can reasonably simulate any weather condition seen during that time in Normandy.

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You can edit the time of day, down to five minute granularity I think. The game will automatically do the light conditions based off of the calender date and time (I like doing sunrise scenarios, watching the sun rise and change the light conditions as the battle progresses is cool). For CMBN you will be locked into June to August Normandy conditions (until the 2nd module comes out and it gets extended to Sep for Market Garden), although you can reasonably simulate any weather condition seen during that time in Normandy.

Ok well thats cool... LOL I guess there will be alot of Disc swapping later on with all the add on Moduals etc. It will be awesome regardless.

Well I know it did rain at times during the first couple Months.. I mean hell the invasion was postponed due to weather.

Thanks for your insight.

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As a matter of fact there shouldn't be any disc swapping. This wasn't the case with CMSF either :) It's just an install and you're good to go :) I have to say though that I have only used the download versions up until now.

Ah right, I have been away for awhile. Once installed its just clicking on the right executable right? From the sounds of it there will be 3. Normandy, Bulge and East Front, god Who knows maybe Meditereanean...

but I wont hold my breath, although simulating fighting in Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy and North Africa could be cool, once everyone is bored with the lush greeness of Europe... LOL Well maybe alot of Africa was dusty and brown, but Italy and other parts are very nice.

Anyways good to know, thanks Gryphonne.

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