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new player questions

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Ok so after I heard about this game I decided that I would give it a try. Of course, I tried the demo first.

Its ok so far, I really need more time to get into it since Im a new player to all of this, especially CM games.

Im pretty disturbed at the lack of a real tutorial. I mean, the game says that there is one but really, its nothing. So I move my men and Strykers forward and engage the enemy, flank with the Strykers while using my infantry to give suppressing fire. It gives me the bare basics, like moving my men and various orders, but I had to learn all of this myself. Ive been going through the manual, but, in typical manual form, it doesnt explain everything. For instance, I want to learn how to clear a town, storm a building, use my tanks as support for my infantry, and how to use MGs to give covering fire. Thats just me getting started. But Im starting to go through the guides on these forums so eventually Ill get it down. But I would have liked a proper tutorial. Or maybe Im just missing something?

Ok enough ranting and onto my questions.

Whats the best mission to play for beginners? After all, there is only so much that the "tutorial" mission can teach you.

Any other tips that you veterans can give me and any guides I should read?

Also, whats with the whole issue with the box vs. downloadable version? I hear that one is supported and one is not? Am I reading that correctly?

And why does the game/modules cost so much?

Thanks in advance!

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I think the best scenario for a new player is Al Huqf Engagement. It involves only a platoon of infantry with a single IFV.

The downloadable version from BFC is always supported. Some of the retail versions might not be.

And lastly, I consider them cheap seeing how much time I spend playing them. :D

Always double check your equipment. Remember to pick up Javelin launchers, AT4s and ammo and such if you expect a heavy fight. Javelins can kill any tank, anywhere. Syrian AT-14s can punch holes in any Western tank. Use smoke liberally, but remember not all types of smoke block IR sensors. I think brown smoke from Strykers blocks thermal. Area fire any locale you expect an enemy to be in. Love your air support. Be aware of set-up times for heavy weapons. Many ATGM vehicles require to be stopped before firing, such as Bradley TOW. The gunner of a remote weapon needs to reload them externally, do this somewhere safe...The list is long :D

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1. Well in terms of a suitable scenario you might want to read this http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94435 which is on that exact topic. :)

2. I’d probably suggest if you have the bandwidth to download / watch the walk throughs like this one:


There are also two “blow by blow” discussions about the Normandy game (not a module to CM:SF but a complete new game) here:



3. Battlefront, the guys who “make the game” offer it either by download or a posted out boxed version. Another company Paradox offered an on the shelf in the shop option.

As Paradox was another link in the chain there were issues with support, etc. compounded by their copy protection system which a lot of people seemed to have issues with (I don’t know as I didn’t buy mine from them).

I think they are no longer in the picture and if you buy it now (either as a download or mail out) then you are getting it from Battlefront.

4. Well there’s a heap of time put in getting stuff right and adding new gear. However as its a mature product now I think you can buy “bundles” with the base game and two modules for the price of the game and one module or something like that - have a look at the store for specific details.

Enjoy. :)

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So from what Ive been hearing, the Marines module is very worth it. What about the other two modules?

Also, if I order the boxed version, can I reinstall it, lets say, 2 years down the road if I want to?

Also, in terms of missions: the demo only includes these missions:

UK Out of the Wilderness: A mixed Mech Inf, Recce, and tank force fights to secure ground in preparation of a major attack.

Smashing Steel: A Syrian mechanized force heads south as an American Stryker and tank force heads north. (Battle begins before dawn in the dark, but as time progresses and the sun rises, visibility and lighting will increase)

Going to Town: Stryker infantry mix it up with the Syrian forces as they enter a small town.

USMC Going to Town: Marines combined arms force fights it out with a Syrian force in a small town. The battlefield is the same as the Stryker based Going to Town scenario in order to highlight the differences between the units in each.

NATO Die Festung: A German battlegroup assaults a Syrian defensive position centered on an ancient medieval fortress.

Which one of these should I start with?

Thanks for the input so far!

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Well I’d buy them all but I’m that sort of guy.

The modules are free standing so you don’t need one for another to work. Having said that the more modules you buy the more kit (blue and red) is available to you.

So personal choice, if you like the Brits buy them, etc.

Same same the demos.

If you aren’t going to buy the Brit module then I wouldn’t bother with the Brit demo as it uses stuff you wont end up having.

Personally I’d probably approach it the other ay round.

Play all the demos and let your experience there (plus looking at the walk throughs, etc.) guide you as to which module(s) to buy.

I’d probably do the demos in Module order so:

Smashing Steel:


Going to Town:

USMC Going to Town:

UK Out of the Wilderness:

NATO Die Festung:

Certainly playing “Going to Town“ followed by “USMC Going to Town“ would give you a good compare and contrast between those two (in terms of equipment, force structure, etc.).

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Also, if I order the boxed version, can I reinstall it, lets say, 2 years down the road if I want to?

Sorry missed that one.

Sure as long as you don’t lose it in the 2yrs.

The license lets you install it twice (so say on a desktop and a laptop). If in the two years you buy a new desktop, you need to:

unlicense the old desktop copy

uninstall the old desktop copy

install it on the new machine

license the new machine.

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Thanks again for the replies.

Also, whats WEGO?

And am I missing something to the tutorial mission/s? Are there more than just one mission to play? Ive been reading some of the topics dealing with new guys and Ive been getting that impressing. If so, how do I get to those other missions in the tutorial?

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I belive WEGO comes from "We go," going at the same time, instead of the traditional "I go, then you go" arrangement of turn based games.

Regarding the modules, I bought all of them and haven't regretted it. Each of them has great campaigns and scenarios (hell, the NATO modules has 3 campaigns, one each for Canadians, Dutch and Germans) and equipment to play around with. The Brits are possibly my personal favourite due to their very distinctive (IMO) set of gear. Very accurate, long range assault rifles, Jackals, Scimitars and much more. :D

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1. Well in terms of a suitable scenario you might want to read this http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94435 which is on that exact topic. :)

2. I’d probably suggest if you have the bandwidth to download / watch the walk throughs like this one:


There are also two “blow by blow” discussions about the Normandy game (not a module to CM:SF but a complete new game) here:



3. Battlefront, the guys who “make the game” offer it either by download or a posted out boxed version. Another company Paradox offered an on the shelf in the shop option.

As Paradox was another link in the chain there were issues with support, etc. compounded by their copy protection system which a lot of people seemed to have issues with (I don’t know as I didn’t buy mine from them).

I think they are no longer in the picture and if you buy it now (either as a download or mail out) then you are getting it from Battlefront.

4. Well there’s a heap of time put in getting stuff right and adding new gear. However as its a mature product now I think you can buy “bundles” with the base game and two modules for the price of the game and one module or something like that - have a look at the store for specific details.

Enjoy. :)

Seems to be a few new guys showing up; anybody think that a 'New Guy' sticky would be useful...

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Ok so I played the mission Shattered Steel. Its the one where I have to basically set up an ambush point for Syrian armor thats entering the area. So I sent my Abrams forwards to deal with the Syrian armor that was in the area at first, used my mortars to deal with the ATGMs that were in the treeline. When that was done, I moved my tanks (one tank and one Stryker was knocked out by ATGMs) to the opposite side of the map where they could give support to my men as well as knock out Syrian tanks as they appeared. I then sent my Strykers around the buildings, and assaulted the top floors of the buildings where Syrian infantry were holed up. I lost 8 men and a Stryker when a BMP (I think) that was hiding opened up on my men who were assaulting a building. But I took the building and won.

First successful mission!

I think I like this game, and I may just buy it.

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Personally I found reading the manual fully better than the tutorials. Problem with many game tutorials is that the game interacts with you to give you hints etc, pointers to command etc etc. Not a criticism of the game us such but CM doesn't (and I suspect can't) do that. In that sense I find the tutorials to be worth little, in particular they don't 'teach' you to do anything, just perhaps limited practice against enemies with restricted fire ROE.

I only recently got CMSF as moderns is not my bag. Only got it to get to grips with the engine prior to the release of Normandy which is what I'm really waiting for. I just got the NATO module and that will be enough for me. If I was looking at buying two modules though I'd definitely go for the bundle though as you can (or at least could) get all three modules for the price of two.

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Stick with it mate, and hope it doesn't get its hooks in you as you'll be doing nothig else but playing it!

I bought the retail CMSF which was really well packaged, came with a lovely map and a short printed manual and I downloaded all the modules, and I honestly think they're all superb value for money.

As for tutorials, have a look at the page below, there's some excellent stuff on there:


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Ok so I replayed Shattered Steel and I ran into some problems. I didnt seem to win as easily as I did last time.

So I started out with sending my Stryker with my FO to the hill on my right. I did this to give the best LOS for my FO. So my FO is on the hill, looking for the ATGMs that are in the grove on the far side of the map.

In an effort to lure them out, I sent my tanks forward to engage the enemy vehicles. They launched ATGMs, but they missed, somehow. So I called in fire support, and the ATGMs were eliminated. When the initial Syrian vehicles and first wave of the Syrian strike force were eliminated, I sent the rest of my forces (the Strykers with infantry, namely) to the complex. I had half of my tanks lay down area fire on the buildings to suppress any enemy movement there. En route though, Syrian infantry came out of the grove in front of the complex and opened fire on the Strykers. Two Strykers were hit, and my infantry bailed out, only to get pinned down. I quickly sent in my other three Strykers to suppress the enemy in the grove, and sent one squad of infantry to hunt down and kill the last ATGM which one of my MG teams was laying down suppression fire on them, but for some reason could not kill.

While that was going on, my tanks were knocking out Syrian vehicles as they were appearing. Then four enemy tanks appeared and knocked two of my tanks out. I dont know how, they just did. After a brief firefight, I was able to knock out one of their tanks and they surrendered, resulting in a major US victory. But I lost two tanks and two Strykers, as well as eight men.

Was this because I was fighting at close range? Should I, for next time, keep my tanks on the other side of the map so they can engage the Syrians at long range? That seems like a good idea, because early on, my tanks were engaging at long range and seemed to be impervious from Syrian fire.

Also, after I called in mortar fire to eliminate the ATGM positions, I couldnt call in support again. Is there a limited amount of support that one can receive?

This game is really sucking me in, and I think Ill buy it soon.

Now then, which module should I buy? Which module is best for what kind of combat? I heard that Marines is for infantry, NATO is for tanks, and British is for... well I dont know.

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The Brits have smaller squads (sections) and lots of lightly armoured vehicles that won't put out as much firepower as Bradleys or Strykers at your disposal in most scenarios. Therefore you are challenged to use your infantry more cautiously to locate enemy positions while positioning your light vehicles to provide fire support to smaller areas while limiting their exposure to other areas of the map. You are also challenged to use artillery more accurately because of the generally smaller amount of firepower in your on-map units compared to U.S. forces.

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But what about the Marines and NATO modules?

I'd recommend playing the NATO demo and seeing if you like the German kit. The other two nations aren't in it but they share many of the vehicles. NATO scenarios are on average the toughest of the modules, though.

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