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Dislike the new Editor change (naming units)


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o In the unit editor, when you rename a unit that is not a formation (e.g. squad, vehicle) the name change applies to that unit's leader, not the unit itself.

I dislike this tremendously - Why can't we give names to units (and have it show up that way on the map within their icon, like before).

This has completely messed up much of my prior work - Or at the least made it much more confusing for me on the map to know which units are which.....

Why was this changed? Why take away options? Instead of inreasing them for the player. As was, one could change BOTH / ALL units names, including the unit squads along with the units leader....

Is there anyway to turn this feature off? Or I likely would have been much better just waiting for the 1.30 general patch to come out. As the new NATO units themselves likely aren't worth the complications the new naming situation has caused me. But wanted to support the game/BFC with a purchase.

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It simply makes no sense to take options away from the customer, here. There was no ground swell of threads on the forums here to make it so we couldn't name units as we saw / needed fit - Being able to do so...was one of the few work arounds to other issues steaming from the lack of mod ability within CMSF to begin with.

This is just a silly and not needed taking away of customer options here. With us paying $25 to boot.

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I dont understand why they would want to put this feature from afghanistan into CMSF, no sense.

to be honest, afghanistan was probably the worst purchase of my life, 27 euros and ive only played about 4 missions into the first campaign. reason? I felt it was simply a game. I felt no atachment to the units I was commanding.

im not saying work did not go into it, but when I bought it I was expecting briefings such as the ones in CMSF, not the regular, "the enemy is comming, kill them" we get in a scenario briefing...this also went into the generic "1 platoon, Alpha Coy, 1st batallion" on the units, what did you just pop the units you wanted in the editor and didnt bother to give them a back story? it felt that way. the best thing about CMSF is that everywhere you look you get a sense of belonging with these small, but important details, with this gone...It removes modders to deliver this sense of story in their scenarios, campaigns and stories...

its just sad :(

I strongly wish that this can be rethought, reimplemented, and our happYness reinstated


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Not sure what you mean Meade?

I've just had a wee check and I can rename platoons and their parent unit - company and battalion. What I did find is I cannot rename the battalion HQ - although it allows me in the editor to make the chnage the change does not show up in the game. Is that what ya mean?

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hmm I just checked, you CAN change the unit names, but they need to be whole companys, batallions, platoons etc etc you can no longer change the name of a particular unit, say a sections name or a jav teams name...

sorry for that rant up there :) it was 3am, im ill, I became depressed (afghan part still true thow...)

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No. You can only remame the unit (within the editor). For Fireteams, for example. But once in the game....It will only show up as "first fireteam" to whichever leadership unit. It will not show up as the name you have given it within the editor. Only the units Leadership unit has the name change once on the map.

There is a huge difference here as is now.... as to how it was prior. Before, you could rename any unit at any level and that is how it would show up on the MAP (not just within the editor).

I would like the option to switch it back, as it always was. Or for me at least, it wasn't worth purchasing NATO. I would have been better off just waiting for the 1.30 patch to come out. And to a point, now....regardless if this is how BFC first wanted it laid out.....this isn't how it has been....and thus it is another option being taken away from the customer who was otherwise satisfied with what he had.

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reason? I felt it was simply a game. I felt no atachment to the units I was commanding.

I've got to say I disagree, I am constantly ****ting myself in CMA due to the smaller squads + worse equipment by the russians. You get a real feel of fear from the battles and trying to conserve your force.

However I do agree the briefings are shorter. I think this is due to it being based on a real conflict as opposed to a fictional one as in CMSF. Still, more depth could have been given.

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No. You can only remame the unit (within the editor). For Fireteams, for example. But once in the game....It will only show up as "first fireteam" to whichever leadership unit. It will not show up as the name you have given it within the editor. Only the units Leadership unit has the name change once on the map.

Correct. The way it works now is the way it was ALWAYS supposed to work. There was a bug in previous versions that is now fixed. The feature is supposed to allow you to rename Formations and Leaders, not the names of individual Squads, Teams, or Vehicles.

I would like the option to switch it back, as it always was.

We are not planning on changing it back to the way it was. There's very little reason to have Squads, Teams, or Vehicles individually named. Which is why we never intended the game to behave like that. On the contrary, there are a LOT of reasons to want the Leader renamed. We hadn't realized there was a bug until people started trying to rename leaders for historical scenarios in Normandy.

Or for me at least, it wasn't worth purchasing NATO. I would have been better off just waiting for the 1.30 patch to come out.

You can't possibly be serious. Or more specifically, you can't expect me to take a statement like that seriously.

And to a point, now....regardless if this is how BFC first wanted it laid out.....this isn't how it has been....

So what you're saying is we shouldn't fix bugs if someone liked the old behavior? That's not a line of reasoning I think most people would agree with.

and thus it is another option being taken away from the customer who was otherwise satisfied with what he had.

What are the other features we've taken away from you? Please list them because other than removing bugs and adding new features I'm unaware of things which have been removed.

Bottom line... I understand that you liked the bug in the game as it was before. But it wasn't the way it should have been and now it is. If there was a need to retain the ability to rename Squads, Teams, and Vehicles then we might possibly add a feature to do that. But we suspect the demand for such a feature pales in comparison to hundreds of other requests. Therefore, we have no plans to change the functionality for any CM game in the future.


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You can't possibly be serious. Or more specifically, you can't expect me to take a statement like that seriously.

So what you're saying is we shouldn't fix bugs if someone liked the old behavior? That's not a line of reasoning I think most people would agree with.


Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying, taken seriously by BFC or not. And having the ability to name squads as we see fit, I wouldn't exactly call it a "bug" or "flaw".....It seems it was more or less a long established feature you did not want the customer to have. But they did have for well over 2 years with CMSF, that has now been taken away / declared a "bug" because of situations involving another game "Normandy". On all the threads of "bugs / fixes needed" for CMSF. I don't believe I have ever seen the need to NOT allow us to name units/squads as we see fit being on any of those lists.

My gameplay with CMSF does not need the use of Germany, Cananda or Norway (?). So yes, losing features of CMSF that I became use to using, that I found very valuable not only as an in-game reference but in a small way for "quasi-modding" of CMSF that otherwise BFC doesn't allow for......was not worth gaining units I won't be using. I was simply purchasing NATO as support for BFC ($25) and grabbing the updated patch instead of the Free DL version that is coming.

Obviously a bad choice on my part. I'll be sure to rethink my concern of commitment on future BFC purchases with that being the case. No bad feelings. Best regards.

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with all due respect, but all that over naming the bottom level units in a scenario editor? By all means go apesith over the QBs or somefink. But this seems a bit of an overreaction.

Not that I don't agree that it is a bit weird that this feature apparently got taken away. Don't use it or particularly care, but I disapprove on principle.


if implementing the renaming of units is a low priority, then why was taking that option away from them high priority? To the untrained eye it is completely baffling. Why do you care that Lt.Winters is going to be in every second scenario in CM:N? Care enough to prevent it, no less. It apparently wasn't causing issues.

This cannot possibly be what it it looks like.

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Or for me at least, it wasn't worth purchasing NATO.

You wanted more? For me at least it's the most new content since I got the original CMSF, and even then it's almost as much, only let down by the fact that all 3 new armies are on the same side ................. well, theoretically at least :D

Personally I find the new system a bit strange, but that's just because I'm not entirely sure how it works. Does it rename just the top leader of each group? If so why does the [little button you press to select commander's unit] have the name of the leader instead of the group? Shouldn't it say 3rd Plt HQ instead of "Crazy Man of Babylon"? And what happens if [the] Crazy Man of Babylon dies? Does "Bob" take over?

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Personally I find the new system a bit strange, but that's just because I'm not entirely sure how it works. Does it rename just the top leader of each group? If so why does the [little button you press to select commander's unit] have the name of the leader instead of the group? Shouldn't it say 3rd Plt HQ instead of "Crazy Man of Babylon"? And what happens if [the] Crazy Man of Babylon dies? Does "Bob" take over?

exactly, atleast thats the theory

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Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying, taken seriously by BFC or not. And having the ability to name squads as we see fit, I wouldn't exactly call it a "bug" or "flaw".....

All in the eye of the beholder. It's not unusual for us to take flak for fixing things. The most classic one I can think of was the MG behavior change in CMBB from CMBO. And that, unlike naming a unit, actually affected gameplay itself.

It seems it was more or less a long established feature you did not want the customer to have.

No, it was a bug that we fixed. We honestly never thought about anybody actually using it, not to mention someone having a tantrum over its removal.

But they did have for well over 2 years with CMSF, that has now been taken away / declared a "bug" because of situations involving another game "Normandy". On all the threads of "bugs / fixes needed" for CMSF. I don't believe I have ever seen the need to NOT allow us to name units/squads as we see fit being on any of those lists.

Doesn't change the fact that it is a bug. We've fixed hundreds of bugs that haven't been reported here. Some that weren't even reported by testers. Should we NOT fix bugs unless you personally have seen it?

My gameplay with CMSF does not need the use of Germany, Cananda or Norway (?). So yes, losing features of CMSF that I became use to using, that I found very valuable not only as an in-game reference but in a small way for "quasi-modding" of CMSF that otherwise BFC doesn't allow for......was not worth gaining units I won't be using. I was simply purchasing NATO as support for BFC ($25) and grabbing the updated patch instead of the Free DL version that is coming.

The purchase of NATO or not is irrelevant since everybody gets v1.30. We're working on the patch for non NATO users.

Obviously a bad choice on my part. I'll be sure to rethink my concern of commitment on future BFC purchases with that being the case. No bad feelings. Best regards.

Man, if that pushed you over the edge...


with all due respect, but all that over naming the bottom level units in a scenario editor? By all means go apesith over the QBs or somefink. But this seems a bit of an overreaction.



if implementing the renaming of units is a low priority, then why was taking that option away from them high priority? To the untrained eye it is completely baffling.

That's because the eye is, well, untrained :) The bug was fixed because Normandy is a historically based game and people wanted to rename the Leaders for historical battles. Hard to have Villers Bocage with the senior Tiger commanded by some random German name, right? Right :D CM:SF was not a historical battle so, apparently, nobody missed the fact that they couldn't rename leader names. Which is why it wasn't brought to our attention earlier. If it was, the bug would have been fixed earlier.


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