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NATO: NO german marder?

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Hmmm question - which out of those do you think would be the best IFV? I'm liking the look of the Marder - but why is it so heavy? Extra armour? How good is that 20mm? Does the 7.62 MG3 have any benefit over the other machine guns?
The 7.62 MG3 is the ultimate Machinegun. Perfected since 1942 and as any good weapon "Made in Germany"! Well, okay today it's made in Pakistan, but don't tell anyone... :D.
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the CV9035 hands down. its the newest of them with the superior tech and that 35mm gun is develish. But I dont know where it stands in armour thickness compared to the Marder thoe. but if I had to go into combat in any of those vehicles it would be the CV9035.

(ok im a bit biased, served in a swedish CV9040 Coy back in the days :P )

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In the game, and in real life too I suppose, the CV9035 is very powerful. However in the missions I played even the old YPR-PRI can be very effective. It all depends on the combination of forces that you are given and the task you need to accomplish.

The Panzergrenadier platoon, for instance is a very powerful unit. The Milan, mounted on the Marders, gives great AT capabilities to the platoon without having to dismount. And of course the dismounts are very well armed too. In this context the Marders are excellent.


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I can't wait for the CV9035 (if only because it's one of my favorites in steel beasts). The lack of ATGM isn't great, but I don't remember off hand what the dismounts have.

I noticed the LAVIII says "M242 with TIS", just incase this isn't just odd phrasing, the CV9035 has TIS too, as does the Marder (I think, I know the CV90s have it, pretty sure about the marder). Just saying.... :D

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Hmmm question - which out of those do you think would be the best IFV? I'm liking the look of the Marder - but why is it so heavy? Extra armour? How good is that 20mm? Does the 7.62 MG3 have any benefit over the other machine guns?

I can tell you one thing, they are all very fun to play with.

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The lack of ATGM isn't great, but I don't remember off hand what the dismounts have.

With the Dutch Mech inf coy you have, apart from other units:

3 Rifle platoons on YPR-PRI (HQ has the YPR-PRI with ERA) and 1 AT platoon on Fenneks MRAT. These have the powerful Gill missiles. So, unlike the Germans the AT weapons stay with some specialized units.

With excellent settings you get the YPR-PRI with ERA. One platoon and the HQ with the CV9035.

The Canadians also have AT weapons with their rifle platoons, however they need to dismount to use the ERYX for instance. They also have a specialized antiarmor platton in the Combat Support coy, that use the LAV III TUA.

As you can see even within the forces in the same module there is a lot of variety.

Actually the 3 campaigns are completely different in character because of the characteristics of each force.


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How good is that 20mm?

I can tell you, there's several weapons in the module that I was like 'ho hum" about playing with... until I got to actually play with them. Then my reaction changes to "Oh wow! This is cool!" Marder's 20mm has roughly four times the ROF of the 25mm Bushmaster cannon carried by the Americans, twice that of the BMP-2's 30mm.

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I can tell you, there's several weapons in the module that I was like 'ho hum" about playing with... until I got to actually play with them. Then my reaction changes to "Oh wow! This is cool!" Marder's 20mm has roughly four times the ROF of the 25mm Bushmaster cannon carried by the Americans, twice that of the BMP-2's 30mm.

That's exactly what I was getting at MikeyD! That ROF must be insane. Imagine being on the receiving end of some of that :D

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That's exactly what I was getting at MikeyD! That ROF must be insane. Imagine being on the receiving end of some of that :D


Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 880-1,000 rpm

= 15-17 rps (20 mm)

Focke Wulf FW 190 A-8:

2 x MG 131 (13 mm) at 900 rounds per minute (15 rps)

4 x MG 151/20 (20 mm) at 750 rounds per minute (12.5 rps)

= 30 rps (13 mm) + 50 rps (20 mm)

Just doing some math here ... :)

Best regards,


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I'd disagree with this. I've never found it completely one sided - i think the scenario designers do a cracking job with the balance.

I think he meant one sided as in new TO&E added per module, but there isn't anything left to add. The boundries of reality are already being stretched with the Red air power, T-90s, and ZSUs. Just a limitation of the setting. :(

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