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Post your "Decision event" suggestions

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Decision events are a great addition to the Strategic Command Franchise. Mr. Cater has indicated his willingness to see our suggestions for possible inclusion in a future patch.

Post an event and then we can vote on the ones we would like.

To get it started, I think in the scenario "Alliance of Evil", the Japanese should be allowed to decide whether or not they wish to subsidize the Chinese. Currently Japan does this without player involvement.

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Let me go first then:

A current problem is that when the USSR surrenders to Japan it will trap all German troops inside Russia. They don't receive any supply from Japanese cities and it takes about 2 years for them to get out of Russia because they only move 1 square a turn. On top of this Japan doesn't have a direct railway to the majority of Russia, which causes all cities to work on only 30% efficiency. This makes it very foolish to capture the USSR with a Japanese unit.

Of course you can solve this by waiting for a German unit, but it is not desirable for the Axis player to have to wait for German troops to capture their last capital as he would want to capture it straight away.

In addition to this, capturing the last capital with a German unit will cause very similar problems as those described above for the Japanese. The Japanese might want to use the Russian harbor in the east and keep the eastern Russian cities at 50% efficiency, rather then 30%.

So a better system for USSR surrender is needed. This can be done with a decision event that gives the player the opportunity to use the current system (giving the USSR to whoever captured it) or to split the USSR into a Japanese part and an German part. The Japanese part could then contain roughly the eastern 5 cities and the German part the rest.

The advantage of this is that it will deal with all the problems above. A disadvantage however is that it may be a bit of a no-brainer to accept. Perhaps a small price for accepting could be implemented under the label "reduced plunder".

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This is not a major decision event, but I think it could be included in the game. The more decisions the better IMO.

The decision would pop no earlier than July 1944. Under the conditions that an Italian city has been captured by the Allies.

Text as follows:

Brazil has offered to join us in the battle for Italy! Brazil has formed an Expeditionary Force that would arrive in Italy within two weeks. They will require our assistance readying for combat. Would you like to assist the Brazilian Expeditionary Force? It will cost 75 MPP.

As a result the Brazilian Expeditonary Force would arrive as a strength 5 corps in Italy.

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Once the Axis take Odessa, Kiev and Rostov they have the option of creating the Reich Kommisariat Ukraine. All Ukraine territory (except Crimea) is transferred to a new nation. General Vlassov HQ, a half strength army and fighter appear in Kiev. Odessa and Rostov both get half strength corps. It would cost the Acis MPPs to set it up but then negates all partisans on Ukraine territory.


For an inital MPP outlay, UK can activate SAS and then each turn there is a small chance of supply attacks on French, Belgian, Spanish (if active) and Norwegian ports occupid by Axis.

Poison Gas:

UK can use this on invading troops with negative reactions by USA, USSR and Sweden. Germany can respond with negative reactions by USSR an USA.

German Airborne:

For an initial MPP outlay in late 1939 Germany can "outfit" Karl Student's airborne and glider borne infantry battalions. Upon war with Norway and occupaton of Oslo, half strength corps appear in Narvik and Trondheim as well as matching supply attacks. Upon war with Benelux there are strength attacks on troops to represent attacks on Eben Emael and seizure of Dutch arfields and bridges. Upon Sealion one or two half strength corps appear behind UK lines.

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More advanced and probably requiring extra engine programming:

USSR surrender:

Upon Axis occupation of Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev, USSR offers an armistice. Stalin is deposed, Zhukov assumes power. All territory behind the Volga is transferred to a new minor nation with capital in Kuybishev. New units are added to the map to replace the old ones. Moscow is returned to this nation as part of the deal and any Axis units East of the Volga return West. The nation is 50% Allied but events will trigger a re-entry into the war.

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I think there are a number of decisions the Japanese could have considered regarding the war in China & their boarder wars with the Soviets. Also, German decisions, and British and French reactions, could have been different when it came to alliances and annexations in Europe.

How about a set of first turn DE’s that provide a different situation for the September 1939 start?

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Decisions for Axis side: Do you agree with greatly increased spending on saboteurs (etc.) in USA (or UK, or others) cost (example) 6*100MPP? If YES - activation scripts reduced sometimes supply in Cities/Mines etc. (the end of the game or not) such as "Resistance Activity In China".

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I think there are a number of decisions the Japanese could have considered regarding the war in China & their boarder wars with the Soviets. Also, German decisions, and British and French reactions, could have been different when it came to alliances and annexations in Europe.

How about a set of first turn DE’s that provide a different situation for the September 1939 start?

Excellent idea!

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in 1939: attacking Finland (winter war)?

if yes, MPPs to pay for some turns, strength points to lose, a few tiles to gain, some experience to gain, "soviet winter" immunity

if no, no "soviet winter" immunity, Finland more likely neutral after a german attack on Finland, Sweden more likely to ignores Germanys demands for Ore

after a german attack:

transfering industry towards the urals?

if yes, losing some MPPs for some time, until the industries have been rebuild

if no, no MPP loss, but Germany plunders / loots from every captured russian city


prepare mulberry harbors in 1944

if yes, pay amount xy fro z turns

and on d-day all landing forces in france keep supply lvl X for Y turns


Plan Z continuation

upgrade (as originally planned) Scharnhorst / Gneisenau from 28 cm to 38 cm guns

fi yes, pay x MPP for y turns, remove Scharnhorst / Gneisenau CA from the game and put a Scharnhorst / Gneisenau BB into the production queue (somewhat weaker than the CAs were, from strength 8 to 7 as an example)

In general:

create for all scripted, free units some kind of decision event

create for all scripted events a decision event (Volkssturm, home guards, Tarent attack by Swordfish planes)

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The "FINAL" Decision: USSR is at the Beginning a Minor Neutral Nation. A Small City Moscow ( Allies ) is placed in the Arctic ( Non Takable ), And a small "Japan City" is Placed in the Arctic ( nontakeable ), and A "small China City" as well

On the Finnland War Time, Allies UK is Asked if it wants to support Finnland against the URSS Agression. If Yes ( nonhistoric ) FIN activates Pro Allies, and USSR Pro Axis(!)

To reduce the Axis Boost URSS becomes very low Units and regular Strength/MPP events ( Hunger Revolts etc ). USA Mobilizes early. a Minor Active Axis Japan Surrenders to a new Allies Japan, similar for the Allied China: Annexation Partly to a Allies (mayor)China and a Axis Kommunist China.

If NO: Axis is asked if it wants to help FIN. If Yes: URSS (Mayor1TileCity) Annexes the URSS Territory ( URSS becomes "must allies" ), Historical Ongoing.

If Axis DONT help Fin: URSS stay Neutral and may be "out of the Game" as Axis can focus elsewhere, total different outcome of the history.

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in 1939: attacking Finland (winter war)?

if yes, MPPs to pay for some turns, strength points to lose, a few tiles to gain, some experience to gain, "soviet winter" immunity

if no, no "soviet winter" immunity, Finland more likely neutral after a german attack on Finland, Sweden more likely to ignores Germanys demands for Ore

after a german attack:

transfering industry towards the urals?

if yes, losing some MPPs for some time, until the industries have been rebuild

if no, no MPP loss, but Germany plunders / loots from every captured russian city


prepare mulberry harbors in 1944

if yes, pay amount xy fro z turns

and on d-day all landing forces in france keep supply lvl X for Y turns


Plan Z continuation

upgrade (as originally planned) Scharnhorst / Gneisenau from 28 cm to 38 cm guns

fi yes, pay x MPP for y turns, remove Scharnhorst / Gneisenau CA from the game and put a Scharnhorst / Gneisenau BB into the production queue (somewhat weaker than the CAs were, from strength 8 to 7 as an example)

In general:

create for all scripted, free units some kind of decision event

create for all scripted events a decision event (Volkssturm, home guards, Tarent attack by Swordfish planes)

I really like these, especially the Russians choosing whether or not to relocate industry!

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Total war April 1941

Germany elects to go for total war and place it's whole country, economy, society on a war footing - Speer is tapped as armaments minister and given total authority over war production

yes- one time increase of 500 MPP- plus 25% increase in MPP production, cost 500 mpp (25mpp for 20 turns)

no-no changes

Hitler respects military institutions May 1941

Hitler gives his generals tactical and strategic oversight over German Wermacht,

yes- permanent morale increase 15% over all forces. Cost 1000mpps - 50mpps for 20 turns,

no- German forces suffer temporary morale decrease 15%.

Probably unbalancing but good what if historical situations

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I want to emphatically endorse Honch's suggestions. I was going to suggest an independent pro-Axis Ukraine, but Honch beat me to it.

Three other ideas:

An option for Japan or the USSR to sponsor a coup in Mongolia. The upside is an ally, MPPs, and strategic territory. The downside is the mobilization of the other side.

An option for the US and Japan to invest in forward operating bases in the South Pacific. This would be similar to the Penang and Nantes options currently available and would be historically accurate. I would reduce the repair capabilities on the smaller islands in the South Pacific to strength level 5 or 6 and no upgrade capability, unless the occupying power invests resources to build a real port. If the player invests, the island port would come up to the current level 8 capability.

I posted elsewhere that I think a huge mod to the Axis of Evil scenario would allow for either the USSR or Germany to turn on one another when one the Axis is played by a human. This would introduce an element of uncertainty throughout the entire game and I think it would enhance the scenario dramatically. Although this would be a variable event beyond the player's control, certain decision events could be inserted that would increase or decrease the probability of a betrayal. For example, the option for Germany to end subsidies to the USSR or a computer generated demand by one Axis power for aid and assistance could increase the chance of betrayal. At the point of betrayal, one of the Axis would become an AI player.

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I am playing axis of evil. Would be nice if after defeating China option for axis to improve a port for the communist chinese in a manner similar to the Brest option in France for the Germans. This would allow them to produce naval units and place them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The UK could get a decision event regarding sending help from Egypt toward Greece once the Italians declared war against Greece.

If the player decides "no", than he should suffer somehow, maybe he could generate less convoy income (for a certain amount of time or forever), as the Greek merchant ships might be handed over to the Axis or to other NEUTRAL countries.

Or Crete might be handed over to the germans after the Greek capitulation (which should come soon once a german unit entered Greece).

If the player decides "yes", let him get a reinforcement somewhat later in the game.

I write this just to hand over another decision to the player. Right now Greece simply "happens" through scripts.

I don't really care about what exactly should happen once the player decided "yes" or "no". I only care about the option to decide something which right now is not allowed for me to decide.

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DE: Institute Draft in Canada?

1 turn after Canada declares war -There was a lot of debate in Canada about the draft until it was instituted in Nov 1944 - Some politicians wanted an immediate draft upon entry into the war.

"Not necessarily conscription, but conscription if necessary".

- William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada's Prime Minister during WWII.

No: (Historical - everything as-is)

Yes: Canada gets a strength 5 army(?). Cons could be unrest, additional mpps to outfit unit and/or decreased morale for Canadian units.

Or how about a wacky one:


DE: Project Habakkuk: Construct Pykecrete Aircraft carrier

May 1943

"Lord Mountbatten and Geoffrey Pyke are proposing that a movable island made out of ice and wood pulp (pykecrete) be constructed to be used as an aicraft carrier which will be invulnerable to submarine attack. Should we dedicate the funds to construct this project"

Yes: cost 1500 mpp's and either an aircraft carrier with high sub defence (L3 ASW or maybe 5?) be placed in Halifax - maybe with reduced movement if possible . . .) *or* you could place an ice tile somewhere near the French coast that can be used as an airbase? Delivery late 1944. Don't know if that's doable with the game mechanics, but is an interesting idea. . . . .

No: nothing happens

DE: Activate War Plan Crimson -American occupation of Canada

If the Axis land in Canada, this DE will have the US invade and occupy central and eastern Canada. This was part of the US's War Plan Red created in the 20's and updated in the 30's in case of an axis landing in Canada.

Yes: Canadain territory and MPPS tranfsered to US, and Canadian Convoy to UK stopped. Cost 500 mpps, and the US also receive under strength corps in a few Canadian cities. There could be diplomatic consequences as well like Mexico swinging towards axis out of fear. Negative reactions from some neutrals etc. Temp morale hit to American and Canadian units.

The game has so few late game DE's, this may be an interesting one, especially with the axis of evil campain where a landing is likely.

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You know ....SC decision events feature just screams out for an all new "even start" WW2 scenario. Like I've said before, something along the lines of WiF's "Days of Decisions".

You could start sometime earlier, like maybe 1936, no one at war, only diplomatic possibilities based on the real decisions of pre WW2 events. Occupation of the Rhineland, the Kwantung Army, Italy's escapades in Ethiopia, etc. etc. Each decision causes a random increase in belligerence until someone is at war.

All tech, starts the same, everyone equal, equal amounts of MPPs...to begin with, then comes manufacturing, infrastructure, military doctrine decisions costing MPPs per turn....or not, or you take control, you create and follow the Kriegsmarine's Z Plan for instance. Sure if you follow the historical path, you get something that resembles history, but if you don't?

Sure gets old starting with the invasion of Poland, how about, Hitler uses his diplomatic prowess on Poland first, going for UK sympathies regarding the disposition of upper Silesia and the Corridor and then invades Czechoslovakia for the opening conflict. Maybe gets Poland to join him, diplo the Balkans and go get USSR first? Forget it, I want to make friends with UK and get Alsace-Lorraine back from France so I invade the west first, keeping USSR and the East as my potential accomplices?

So many potentials, could have been just a little thing here or there, a military attache' that takes Hitler out and Goering valts to the leadership role, so many variables, no longer the cookie-cutter unfolding...Poland, Denmark, LC, Norway, France, USSR. We need "Days of Decisions"!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honch and wushuki have the best ones.establishing Ukraine as minor at an MPP cost is very interesting. Also a decision on Axis dividing USSR upon surrender. The present situation penalises Axis units for success as it takes a year or two to limp them home.

Icebergs as aircrafts. Genius. We must have this as a hugely expensive option for the UK in the next patch.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The british would be offered the decision of commencing Operation Catapult, at a cost,

Yes desicion and there would a high chance of all french med fleet been destroyed.

no Descision the italian's would take ownership of the french med fleet, automatically placing them off italian ports.

To counter allies simply moving the fleet to belfast, I would suggest that Italy receives a bonus payment for ever turn that the french med fleet is not in the med.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In December of 1940 Stalin wanted to be a full partner in the Axis camp.

In June of 1940 Churchill offered to completely join England and France as one nation.

Both are quite historical, just not choosen by the other side.

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