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Favorite Scenerio

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I've been playing alot of the player made scenerios lately(since I was taught how to download them). I am not sure why but I'm finding them quite alot of fun.

My question to all of you, which is your favorite scenerio? I don't care if its player created or came with the game. I just want to play the most fun ones.

I'd admit I'm having a tough time picking any single as my favorite right now, but have loved playing the entire Task Force Panther and El Derjine campaigns. But also enjoyed the 3:10 to Yuma scenerio, even if it kicks my ass repeatedly(anything that has the cavalry saving the day has to be good, LOL).

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For play against the AI or a real tricky heart stopping live game - try A Fistful of Doodads. MOUT action with a great map and many many possibilites to tear your hair out should you forget about the balconies or not recon the building entry and exits :) Channeled kill zones in the form of high walled alleys, doors to execution cells and nasty LOS surprises makes this a scenario where a victory or draw feels thoroughly deserved.

For head to head play, give Blue to the less experienced player so to allow for a little more forgiveness when that first rocket flies in :)

Great scenario.



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I've mostly been making my own recently but the one I've probably played more than any other was 'Hammertime' by George MC which came out not long after the game first appeared. I haven't played it since the Brit pack came out so I don't know whether there are any changes to the code that affects it or not but it's a great mission. Take a US mech force along a highway to compete objectives in the town. Lot harder than it looks with a clever map that rewards careful tactics.

From the disks, my favourites are Al Amarah from the original game, where you're tasked with clearing a small town of insurgents, and 'The Crucible' and 'Breaking the Bank' from the Brit pack which are both wonderful in different ways.

The most painfully addictive mission, though, is 'Streets of Hama' from the Marines pack. when you first start it up it doesn't look like much but, by God, it gets to you...:D I managed a total victory last time I played it. Usually i've lost half my troops by the time I'm half way through and I'm still not certain what I did differently. I'm guessing it was a different Ai plan that kicked in.

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If by 'favorite' you mean the scenario you're most likely to click on when you first sit down at the computer, for a long time after the initial release it was 'Al Amarah'. Then the Marine module came out and it was 'USMC Hills and Highways'. For the UK module I've replayed "UK Outmanoeuvred" much more than I had ought.

But 'most likely to replay' may not be exactly the same as 'favorite'. Like your 'favorite' meal is likely not the same as your 'most often prepared' meal. A couple scenarios have absolutely blown me away but for some reason I haven't gone back much for a repeat performance.

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There's too many to name them all, but I prefer scenarios that don't have a too strict casualty threshold for your forces. I find it frustrating and too much like hard work if I have to intensely micro-manage every squad because I know one wrong move is going to cost me a win. I play for enjoyment I get enough stress at work.

I prefer scenarios where achieving the main objective is enough for a victory and if you make a wrong move that costs you a squad it's up to you to deal with the situation, re-evaluate your strategy and continue on without knowing your doomed to failure. That said being reckless with your troops lives should be penalised.

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I just finished playing SNAFU (USMC campaign) and I must say... I had an absolute blast with it. I think i'm confidant enough about my experience to say it was my favorite scenario so far. Nothing like calling "Broken arrow" when you're in a jam!

A close second is the 1st mission in the CMSF campaign: Breakthrough at the Berm.

As far as user made scenarios go... Joint Venture is one hell of a good time.

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There are so many I'd like to add, as I have no single favorite. But here are some of my favorites:

*One I just tested from Imperial Grunt: USMC and UK_15th MEU Helo Assault.

*USMC Circle the Wagons. A great little ambush scenario.

*Scoops Big Adventure. (for the laughs!).

*USMC Rahadnak Valley Search. (with added time).

*USMC Fish. (with added time).

*UK The Mouse Trap. (Had a lot of fun with this one).

*Baker 1_1.

*Dawn Raiders.

*Hold the Line v3 Elite Edition. (what a crazy attack!).

*USMC 310 to Yuma. (very cinematic).

*USMC Clean Sweep.

*Many of the different campaign missions are great too. One of my favorite campaigns is From the Dawn to Setting Sun.

I could go on and on with many more, so don't feel bad if I didn't include yours! But these stick out in my head.

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Like others I find some scenarios grab me and I keep going back to them until I have finally squeezed the last drop of enjoyment potential out of them. The "Pooh" mission in the USMC campaign being a case in point.

One that has been occupying far, far too many of my waking (and sleeping - I have even dreamt about it) hours this last week or so is the excellent Royal Mud Marines scenario by Arefu.

It has a fiendishly clever and very attractive map, a challenging correlation of forces, tight timescales and it even models the UK Government's refusal to fund its armed forces properly (the ammo supply for the Bootnecks is, in my view, woefully in adequate). So far I would guess I have spent about forty hours on this scenario and have yet to come close to achieving a win despite numerous restarts.

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My favourite scenarios :

Red Stream - i have yet to win this one, hmm rather than study Ancient History tonight i think i am going to give it a try again..

Breakthrough at the Berm - 1st mission base game - i enjoy putting my javelin teams up on the dune/berm and giving those dug-in tanks some pain. Nice one !

The Airport Battle (Ash Shammas ?? ) - 2nd mission, base game - cant remember why i enjoyed this one so much, maybe because of that high tower where you can deploy your sniper team in ?

Night Stalkers - night mission, great to watch my tracers and other thingies that go bang illuminate the night sky.

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Red Stream - i have yet to win this one, hmm rather than study Ancient History tonight i think i am going to give it a try again..

wow i am honored, thanks! in case you want to know some stuff, after possible repeated defeat, about the mission just post in the thread, wich is linked in my sig, what you want to know.


its hard to pick just a few out of so many good ones but i would say the ones wich left the most lasting impressions on me are;

The King Copper Mines


Armored Attacks

Paradise Road MKII(didnt tried MKIII so far)

TF Thunder Mission 1 & 2(Airport)

also the brits got a lot of verry good stand alone maps as far as i saw but they are large and i didnt played most of em so far, i am stuck to RED on RED QB´s most of the time i play :D

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Thank all for the kind words, I did the Breakthrough at the Berm and Ash Shammas [airport] mission. I also did baker 1-1, which a lot of people liked.

If you like those, try my guarding the far flank, which I still enjoy playing a night mission.

Some day I will release a scenario based on the Iran-Iraq war, and my Marine and British scenarios.

Thanks again for the kind words.


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There are so many I'd like to add, as I have no single favorite. But here are some of my favorites:

*USMC Circle the Wagons. A great little ambush scenario.


True :) If you want to see more for this very good battle, check this series of videos i made several monthes ago :

(first part, i'm currently uploading the others).
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I'm wondering, what do people like about the scenarios they like?

- Do you prefer the 'realism'? The feeling that this is an actual situation in an actual place?

- Do you prefer the 'difficulty?' The more impossible the odds the better?

- Do you prefer the 'slaughter/spectacle'? Hordes of infantry coming over the hill in waves to be mowed down?

- Do you prefer 'playability'? You've been given a task and there's a reasonable expectation it will have been done successfully?

- Do you prefer 'novelty'? An odd/original combination of forces to work around?

I'm wondering because often a 'favorite scenario' gets mentioned and I think "Really? That's your favorite?" And that scenario then gets multiple raves. People are obviously judging their favorite scenarios by a different criteria than I am mine. :o

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well for me, i cant fix myself on any of these especially. for me the battle just needs to has "it". if it has "it" it doesnt matter wich of the above things it is, i like em all.

but if i need to boil it down then "difficulty" "slaughter" and "novelty" are the things i look for the most, especially if they are put together in one mission :D

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I personally dislike difficult missions - perhaps because I like a degree of realism or believability in a battle. If I am with a depleated platoon against a mechanised infantry battalion I just think WHY? Why should anyone in their right mind even attempt this suicide mission in the first place? I will play a mission once and won't restart so I get frustrated when I start doing badly an hour in and quite often Ragequit (Withdraw and wait for support :)) battles that I feel a real commander would not attempt to fight.

Also I enjoy PvP too much, unbalenced missions are terrible for competative play. I am a bit of a surrender monkey there too actually - if I don't like how a mission is going I will do what an honerable commander would do and not fight to the last man!

So I suppose I like realism and playablity overall

Edit - lately I have made a number of Novelty 'roleplay' type missions for myself to test out genuine (read: very simple) Soviet small unit tactics. I have enjoyed them immensely but None of my unfortunate playtesters seem to agree :(

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