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Pacific World Campaign

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Thanks - needs work to fix bugs - some are mine, and I have found a couple that could be with the game:

1) The territory issue, which is known and will be patched

2) A new one when I used forced surrender for France.

greetings, Man, your mod as seen in the scenario preview in cmmods looks very promising, just want to know if by the moment there are some minor bugs or there are gamebreakers, beacause i are thinking on buying pacific theater these days with my game's budget and are very interested in your scenario,

by the way, great work, with adjustments just can become better, i think is the best scenario available for pacific theater,

with best regards,


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It does have some bugs, but I am confident they will be worked out. However I can't promise it is playable as-is. I will get a working update hopefully later today. I have to find out what this bug is first - I may need to delete the forced surrender script until it is patched, which will mean France will not surrender as quickly as it should (since it is classified as a minor).

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It does have some bugs, but I am confident they will be worked out. However I can't promise it is playable as-is. I will get a working update hopefully later today. I have to find out what this bug is first - I may need to delete the forced surrender script until it is patched, which will mean France will not surrender as quickly as it should (since it is classified as a minor).

thanks you very much for the advice and very fast repply, i hope you the best of luck with the scenario,

with best regards,


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Oh and another thing, perhaps you would like to test it with me as it is only human vs. human play right now? you can email me

thanks you very much for the offering, indeed would be a pleasure to play with you but i have not time for all i are doing, have some projects on some games and only can play few time, anyway thanks you very much!!!

with best regards,


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I have uploaded my new Pacific World War Campaign (using the new rules) to CMMODS. It is currently human vs human only (no ai)

documentation is in the folder

greetings, i are testing the mod and scenario with some minor changes, are on january 1940, all works almost perfect and do not see even a single script error, i think this mod is a must have for any fan of world war and so for any strategic command player, the work with the maps is great and loops too seem all working, will be a big bunch of work to implement the AI scripts but anyway, AI opponent on these big maps allways and in each game available play much poor than a human opponent, i will give in cmmods score when finish my playtest, so far i think it deserves a solid 5/5,

only issue... the USS colorado, based on seattle starts in port but cannot leave it, i prefer upgradeable minors but this is only my point of view,

thanks and thumbs up for nupremal for this awesome scenario!!!,

with best regards,


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another note by now, i do not know if it is not intended feature but i miss some port, north of paris between brest at west and antwerp east that can support english troops send to france, anyway is a minor note, the scenario is great anyway,

best regards,


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- check the newest one because there are some errors - for instance when you sign neutrality pact russian siberia activates instead of NOT activating - I fixed.

I rather intended that there by no port for game play purposes. It is too easy for axis to swing ships through channel via ports, and also makes it a bit too easy for allies - here they need a port and they also want Caen as that is their supply center if they can take it.

The ship will be able to move once USA and CAN are both active

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greetings, i sorry that there are some problems, but it is a mighty endeavor this scenario, played until mid 1940 and start to work on my own version for play as i prefer to play world war 2, basically is as 1939 is 1942, make 2 heavy task forces from japanese and give better research, fixed to germans and troops experience, will be painfull to redoing all the work my friend but as said with such great scenario is easy that some problem arise, will try to play from begining to 1945/1946 and maybe can play togheter if you want, only issue is that i dislike fog of war at this level of play, SC is some kind of mixture between tactical and strategic theater, anyway these are the better games on the market, i do not know if you have the time or want to play the previous version but we can find some time, my email is marhault888@hotmail.com feel free to send me your answer and very good luck with the scenario, if you want to play my version i can send it to you, maybe we can set up to off the scripts that have problems, will be a pleasure to play togheter,

my best regards,


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Thanks! Yes I had to do what I could. Another thing that would help for future would be to allow cut and paste on maps? It is horrible if you make a mistake on some area and have to move it...

So far play seems good into 1941 for Rambo and I - fixed some minor bugs - also considering at some point need to re-do east africa again make it much smaller.

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playing it with last version scripts and my modded order of battle, i am very pleased, probably the best scenario i have played on all the strategic command series, thanks for the effort of making it available, nupremal,

with best regards,


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Way to go Nupremal! Excellent use of loop arrows to navigate the map, wonderful focus on the regions of WW2 interest.

Happycat and I will be starting a game this evening......anyone interested in seeing a transparent AAR?

OK, I don't mind confessing my ignorance. I know what an AAR is, but what will make it transparent?

Also, I hope you're volunteering to do the AAR, because I don't think I would have time to keep it up to date.

NOTE TO NUPREMAL: Nice map, and I like what I see so far of the balance between the various powers. The only thing I'm curious about is China---why is it neutral? The fighting had already been raging for two years by 1939, hadn't it?

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Transparency....=.. I'll telegraph my moves, if I really knew what I was doing.

To tell you the truth, the campaign is a little confusing about the defined belligerents, but the war map helps with the diplomatic orientations.

Yeah, I noticed that too, maybe Japan will have better flexibility without being embroiled in China from the start. Its obviously not an historical start.... No problem.

I'm trying to find my way....the hallway is dark...no light..after this first turn, this will be a different playing SC.

OK..... Der Fuehrer... has summoned me, Feld Marshal Schneider, to begin immediate hostilities leading to the collapse and occupation of Poland. General Bock in command of Army Group North has overrun Poznan with a brilliant envelopment by the 4th Army in conjunction with the treacherous ruse of the Brandenbergers. 2nd Panzer group has surrounded and reduced the Lodz garrison and abteilung patrols are in sight of Warsaw.

3rd Army sealed off Pomorze and the Luftwaffe was based forward for future strikes on Warsaw.

Meanwhile Rundstedt's Army Group South ran into a minor setback in attacking Krakow, casualties were acceptable and the necessary provisions(infiltration of XXII Gebrigs w/Slovak AT support)were positioned for a seige if the garrison fails to surrender.

Spearheads of both 1st & 3rd Panzer groups have threatened the Polish HQ of General Stachiewicz, but were unable to attack the Polish airfields as the Luftwaffe failed to neutralize them with a first strike, there could be trouble if the ME 109s supporting are unable to provide aircover.:eek:

I have assured Der Fuehrer, Poland will surrender in the next week's actions as we consolidate our gains.

Elsewhere, Wehrmacht forces eye their French counterparts across the Alsace-Lorraine fortifications in a sitzkrieg deployment.

Il Duce has been notified of impending operations directed at the French of which he should consider joining in.

The Japanese have been practicing their Bushido code so that they won't crack under USN interrogations.:D All is well...OMMMMM....

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Scott ...are you referring to my ever present hypocritical position? Moi? How dare you point out my human frailties!:o

I thought this was the age of understanding? Of humility,..and compassion..economic bail outs. We have to subsidize bad behavior, so we contribute to dishonesty and so enable criminality......ohhh the humanity!!!:(

OK scott you got me, I don't want to be a part of all that CRAP!!!! in the above paragraph. I promise to try to do better.........friends???:confused:

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Of course we can be friends. Relax I was just kidding. Like I've said in a previous topic I want to know what my errors are so that I can improve upon them. Even if that error is moving a Japanese carrier two tiles to the left, because out of the entire map of Midway that was the only thing that you noticed.

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