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Peng Challenge Thread: And Maybe, There Will Be Toast!

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Nonsense lad, Crodaburg was originally "designed" (to stretch the word almost to the breaking point) as a legitimate, if twisted, scenario.

It wasn't 'designed', Joe. I played the bloody thing. It was shat out by the Devil after a particularly disappointing diner meal.

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Whatya got sh*t in your ears? It was just a warning thanks to all you useless tattle-tell girlies with your panties in wad. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Oh, so the groveling and scraping worked out for you, then? Good practice for you, son. Given your almost complete lack of discretion and arrogant stupidity, combined with your inability to stand up like a man and honestly admit to a mistake while blaming others for your own errors in judgement, you're going to need a supple spine, an adroit tongue and an appreciation for a high gloss shine if you're ever going to maintain regular employment or something like social standing in the Real World.

It's beautifully circular, though. You behave like a clueless bastard because you are a clueless bastard, then, like a clueless bastard refuse to acknowledge that you've behaved like a clueless bastard, and as a result of being a clueless bastard you have to abase yourself like a clueless bastard for being a clueless bastard.

It's like 'The Circle of Life' for those who've achieved the ultimate cul-de-sac as an evolutionary dead-end.

You're like the 'Irish Elk' of stupidity...

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The undeniable uber superiority of your Old Unca Stukey continues unabated. Now it is time to report that [sneer]Boo Radley[/sneer] has felt the wrath and been crushed under the hobnailed boot of mine own goodself.




Has anyone got the neccessaries to defeat me? Seeing as Joe, Noba and Leeo have been squished to putty recently and Nidan1 is currently fleeing in terror before my forces i'd have to say NO.

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Okay, here we are in the new day, after midnight, as it were...tumpty-tumpty-tum...Just move this over here, put the last few strokes on that...prepare the string of lights...check the wind...refill the glass for a perfect one inch head of foam...lift it in the general direction of Ohio, which is to say, 'nowhere'... and:

Yes, I'm the first!


Congratulations on still being alive, you large, thuggish bugger.

As a special treat and acknowledgment of this day, I'd be happy to tell you all about that farm I'm going to take you to some day, and how you'll be allowed to keep rabbits, and maybe even guinea pigs, and where your hillbilly neighbours will be made to run on a huge treadmill to power the various engines that bring you cooling water, and roasted chicken, and a water-powered calliope that plays circus tunes all day that will remind you of your childhood...

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Yeah but did YOU send Boo a birthday present of a gift wrapped Facebook hampster???

No, I didn't think so.

Ummm... Stuka, how to put this?

What the f*ck is a 'hampster', eh? Most especially, what the feck is a "Facebook Hampster"? Is this some sort of sick Aussie code for Zoophilist Oral Sex?

I swear to all the gods, when you Aussies arrive in the Afterlife, the only beer you'll be imbibing will be Pabst Blue Ribbon super-heated to a thousand degrees and pressure-hosed up your arses causing your walnut-sized brains to explode out through your nose, and you'll still be drunk and happy.

It's impossible to properly punish people for whom Reality is just some place where they once threw up too much beer and pub food on the way to the next place where they threw up too much beer and pub food...

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It's Darwin's Day, then, eh? Probably appropriate that Boo's Birthday is the same day on which the World celebrates the 'Theory of Evolution'.

Here's to Alfred Russel Wallace! The man who truly gave us 'survival of the most fit', and, because of his work defining the 'Wallace Line' between Australia and all the rest of the World, is the Other Father of Evolution.

They call him 'Darwin's Moon', for the fact that he revolved around the greater name, and was always eclipsed by the man who got all the credit, but the fact is, he was the first to conceive of a General Theory of Evolution. He spent his years delineating the fact that on one side of the Eurasian Continent, there were mammals and birds that all the world was familiar with, and on the other side of the line of species demarcation was...Australia.

In some cases, the demarcation that came to be called the 'Wallace Line' was no more than 15 miles.

Anyone on the Peng Challenge Thread knows it doesn't take more than that to distinguish the various species that inhabit the rest of the world from the species that exist only in... Australia.

So, today we celebrate Darwin's Day, the birth date of the man who gave us the Theory of Evolution, may it grow ever more defined!

But to you lot, of drunkards, roisterers and fools; clever when needed but otherwise tools, I give you a larger toast:

A toast to Alfred Russel Wallace, who taught Darwin to know what we now know!

He put a line between Australia, and the rest of us; long may it stand!

This man collected, killed and shipped just about one of every goddamn thing that moves between Indonesia and Australia, and sent it back to England.

Lars and his cousins woulda been proud.

So: Darwin, Darwin, Darwin

Oi, Oi, Oi!

Wallace, Wallace, Wallace

Oi, Oi, Oi!

And to Evolution: the only Theory in the Universe that, with almost balletic competence accounts for both Myself, Boo Radley and the duck billed platypus, "Here's bloody to ya!"

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The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind. -Charles Darwin, naturalist and author (1809-1882)

The difference in mind between Man and Aussies, great as it is, is just a matter of how many beers have been drunk.

-Seanachai, drunkard and Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread

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The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind. -Charles Darwin, naturalist and author (1809-1882)

The difference in mind between Man and Aussies, great as it is, is just a matter of how many beers have been drunk.

-Seanachai, drunkard and Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread

My My. What a case of Aussie-Envy you do have. Almost every

time you post, you comment upon our wonderous land.

Filled with top-notch Sheilas and marvelous p*ss. (Beer to you unedumacated heathens)... it's difinately the place to live. As to your

famous 'line', we like it that way. Keeps the rif-raf out, dontcha know.

As to the status of your Australian Citizenship Application Form, posted by you two weeks ago' we must inform you that your Department of Homeland Security have advised us that your status of "Citizen of The United States" is about to be revoked and that "Take him, he's yours" was scrawled across the bottom of the Official Fax.

Also, as you may be aware, it can take the Government Department of Immigration up to five years to process an application. In this case we

would expect them to expedite your request via the "round file".. soon.

With this in mind, you joining a boat from Indonesia might be your best bet. If you get the next one, the cyclone forming off Broome will make

your trip a memory to cherish...


ps. I'll put some prawns on the barbie for your arrival.

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Okay, here we are in the new day, after midnight, as it were...tumpty-tumpty-tum...Just move this over here, put the last few strokes on that...prepare the string of lights...check the wind...refill the glass for a perfect one inch head of foam...lift it in the general direction of Ohio, which is to say, 'nowhere'... and:

Yes, I'm the first!


Congratulations on still being alive, you large, thuggish bugger.

As a special treat and acknowledgment of this day, I'd be happy to tell you all about that farm I'm going to take you to some day, and how you'll be allowed to keep rabbits, and maybe even guinea pigs, and where your hillbilly neighbours will be made to run on a huge treadmill to power the various engines that bring you cooling water, and roasted chicken, and a water-powered calliope that plays circus tunes all day that will remind you of your childhood...


You're too kind. Much too kind.

Wait... no you're not. if anyone deserves good wishes, it's me. I just got beat by Stuka!

Of course, he had a completely gamey set up with three 88 bunkers and huge buckets full of arty, but these are the kind of things you expect from someone like him.

But that's not why I've gathered you all here today.

I'm here to tell you to appreciate everything around you. Things that you might not even consider worthy, one day might seem priceless.

Like education. You don't appreciate a lot about school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman.

Stuff you pay good money for in later life.

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Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman.

Boo receives his daily childhood lesson.



Boo suffers through adolescence.



A middle-aged Boo spends a pleasant evening at home.


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