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Post 1.11 bugs here

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1) US Armour as defender on a tiny QB map, no units

2) I had a Stryker moving Fast and the turn ended. I cancelled the move order, gave the infantry inside a move order and gave the Stryker a replacement one. I started the turn and the infantry popped out immediately as the Stryker was at full speed to its objective.

3) I'm having trouble mounting troops onto Strykers who have multiple waypoints, even if I pause the Strykers. The infantry seem to sometimes go to the Stryker and sometimes it's final waypoint. How to I get it working? is it a matter of the order in which I make the orders?

4) Can't give dismount order to passengers if vehicle has other orders or if passengers drive. Similarly cant give orders to driver if he is mounting this turn.

I'm in WeGo btw.

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"4) Can't give dismount order to passengers if vehicle has other orders or if passengers drive. Similarly cant give orders to driver if he is mounting this turn"

I second this. I also had an issue when I gave multiple orders to mount strykers and one unit refused to after three turns of telling him to enter the styrker. Finally after the other two units had mounted I was finally able to get him to mount. Weird? That unit just stood next to the stryker.

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Well to answer your question Sgt, I am running Marines. What do you mean make sure the patches match. I installed Marines, then directly installed 1.11.

On another note, every time I exit CM:SF, Windows wants to generate an error report. I am sick today and going through all the scenarios i have downloaded so if an error is gonna pop, I most likely will find it. Aye aye!

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There is a patch for the base game which is for people who don't have the Marines module installed and a Marine patch for those who have the Marines module. I'm not sure if putting the base 1.11 patch in the Marines version would cause problems or not but usually when I notice things like that it is because the data file is incorrect.

Not sure what the error report thing might be.

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So far

1) US Armour as defender on a tiny QB map, no units


I have not been able to duplicate this UNLESS Force % is reduced in Tiny. Others have checked with the same result. I don't dispute that you have seen the problem nor your assurances that % was set to normal.

I have thought of a way for you to provide verification. Using a screen capture program like FRAPs, shoot a pic of the QB setup screen and each screen there after until getting to the placement screen. Make sure to get a pic of all blue setup areas. That should be enough for me to post a bug report. Obviously I'd do it myself but it's not happening to my setups.

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Not sure whether this is a bug or a quirk of Quick battles but selecting (Marines) Medium Map, Armour I am getting 12 "AAV-7A1" all of which are passengerless - I can get 4 Abrams as well at the default -10% but none at -30%.

My gut feeling (though not being a Grog regarding current deployment policy) is that these vehicles are carriers and while'st being armoured are not strictly tanks and should be catogorised as Mechanised Infantry (ideally full of same!}

I have avoided QBs in CMSF up until now but decided to give them another go...

Otherwise 1.11 seems really good - have replayed some scenarios where some of the bugs (now fixed) irritated me (such as the TOW vehicles sitting in the open while reloading)


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From what I hear (don't play QBs much) 'tiny' QBs are an invitation to trouble, especially with Marines. The larger your unit selection the more likely the various TO&E oddities will get averaged out. When you attempt a random QB with only 3-4 units on each side you shouldn't be surprised with strangely asymetric outcomes.

About bogging Strykers. Awhile ago I was lobbying hard for the cross country ability of wheeled vehicles to be reduced. Strykers in particular are said to be notorious under unfavorable ground conditions. But I never heard back from Charles on this and asumed he had ignored me. Maybe he did make a small tweak without telling anyone, or perhaps you simply had a bit of bad luck in you scenario.

And about Kilroy Lurking's problem. Marines do indeed organize their transport separately from their units. Blame the Marines on this one, they didn't see fit organize themselves to suit the game! You can imagine hearing Steve groan when he realized just how uncooperative the Marine TO&E was going to be.

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Not sure whether this is a bug or a quirk of Quick battles but selecting (Marines) Medium Map, Armour I am getting 12 "AAV-7A1" all of which are passengerless - I can get 4 Abrams as well at the default -10% but none at -30%.

My gut feeling (though not being a Grog regarding current deployment policy) is that these vehicles are carriers and while'st being armoured are not strictly tanks and should be catogorised as Mechanised Infantry (ideally full of same!}

I have avoided QBs in CMSF up until now but decided to give them another go...

Otherwise 1.11 seems really good - have replayed some scenarios where some of the bugs (now fixed) irritated me (such as the TOW vehicles sitting in the open while reloading)


I'm going to try o work through SOME of the murkiness that is a QB unit selector and list what it generally takes o get whatever... it's a task I've set for myself after the Holidays.

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