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V1.11 Notice to QBG Quick Batle Map Users


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The entire CMSF/Quick Battle Maps file has been revised and enlarged for V1.11. Many...BUT NOT ALL... QBG maps have been revised and added to the "Official" game file. They will overwrite your exisiting QBG maps downloaded from CMMODS. But, Again...NOT ALL... Keeping the older maps will not create any problem but MAY reduce your Quick Battle gaming enjoyment compared to the new maps. Here's a suggestion:

Rename your current "CMSF/Games/Quick Battle Maps" file to something else. Make a new (empty) file named Quick Battle Maps ...don't forget the "s" in maps ;) When you install V 1.11 the Quick Battle Maps file will have ONLY the new work.

If you decide later to use all the old QBG maps or any others you may have added from other sources Be certain to first copy and past the V1.11 file to your older Quick Battle Maps file. I will also be placing a V 1.11 Quick Battle Maps Rev.zip on the Repository...just in case :) The old QBG Quick Battle Maps have already been removed from CMMODS.

I'd like to thank all the members of the QBG whose efforts helped many players to enjoy Quick Battles early on...Especially my friend and partner in QBG, Mishga...

Merry Christmas and Happy Wargaming in the New Year!

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do quick battles work now though?:)

QB's have been "working" for quite some time now. But - unlike CMx1 where QuickBattles were a sort of in-game function with little player input (everythign was randomly generated), QBs in CMx2 depend (a lot) on the map that you provide as "input". The forces and some settings are selected randomly but the core of each QB is the map. If you have some "stinker maps" (early versions or custom maps from dubious sources) in your QuickBattle Maps folder, then your QB experience will be problematic at best, regardless of the latest improvements. You really should follow MarkEzra's advice and take a good look at your QB Maps folder and clean it out as necessary...

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Thanks for the hard work to all the QBG and the heads up on V1.11.

BTW: The official QBG is Mark, Mishga and:confused:

I appreciate all the time spent in designing decent "non stinker" maps. I have created a few stinker bombs of my own for home:rolleyes:

It takes a good eye time, patience and did I mention time... to create a notable CMx2 QB landscape.

"The entire CMSF/Quick Battle Maps file has been revised and enlarged for V1.11."

Can you describe what changes we are likely to experience in QB 1.11?

If I were to want to "patch" any of my old (non stinker / 1.11) QB maps, how / what should do?


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I mentioned this hint to someone earlier. If you really don't like the 'random' (TO&E-based) force selection you could simply bring a bunch of QB maps into the editor, plop in units to your liking then resave as (renamed) proper scenarios. A well made QB map is 7/8ths a full scenario already, just lacking in units. Drop in units, resave, play, discard, repeat. That way you can finally have that BMP-3 vs MTVR trucks battle you always wanted! :)

About updating your 'non-stinker' maps. I'm not 100% certain but I believe it only involves opening them in the editor and resaving so additional map info is embedded that can take advantage of the v1.11 updates. Old maps will work fine, resaved maps will work better.

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Nice..going to clear my folder too :)

So has the 3d map drawing routine imrpoved with 1.11? One of the things I'd like to see further improved in 1.11 is terrain drawing, LODs etc. Since 1.01 3D maps have moved a huge step forward but still some issues like random redrawing of terrain and less than desired distant shadowing and tree LODs remain. In CMx1 due to the simpler graphics, terrain redrawing for Frame rate reasons was non existant. It looked plain but gave you a sense of stable environment, a solid earth feel. Terrain in CMSF is much nicer but it doesnt feel as believable and "being there" because of this desert mirage effect, where a hill can change form and a tree can turn into a bush with a little scrolling. 1.10 is pretty close but I'd love to see even smoother transitions, with LODS, hills etc.

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Cognative: Actually the V 1.11 revisions was not a QBG project... just myself. Re: Your maps. Once you have installed V1.11 put the scen you have in the editor.

1. Is set up area for the attacker (and in he case of meeting engagement...both sides) totally out of view of the enemy?

2. Is the set up area large enough to handle any kind of troops the AI selects?

3. Are the pathways to the objectives reasonable for all types of troops?

4. Does the map have lots of small objectives? Better to make a large one or just a few. Keep in mind the AI, with what ever forces it is given, will have difficulty getting to or defending a lot of small objectives. The human player won't appreciate it much either.

5. The AI pathing should have at least two different attack/defend positions (Revised map have minimum 3... many use 5). And they should be large enough to accommodate any type of troops. But it should not be so large that unit cohesion is abrogated...!

6. Defense AI setup should use some common sense...Forward slope, reverse slope, flanks, kill sacks...all need to be set for whatever the AI gets to use...It does no good to have a city map set up for roof tops only..when the AI gives you a company of T90's...But painting the entire map isn't such a good idea either... The pure beauty of a CMx2 QB is the helping hand the map designer can give to the AI.

7. Movement to objectives pathing need to be not too complicated. give the AI a series of well spaced orders that take advantage of terrain generally. Do not design these like you would a scen... no micromanagement of placement and time....Given good general orders you will see he AI perform nicely.

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Thanks much for the check list tips Mark. I am sure you named some sources of my home brew stink bomb maps:)

Thanks again for V1.11 improvements.

MikeyD, If the additional map info is embedded after a trip to the editor that is great news. I did not toss my pre 1.11 map collection.

Sounds like 1.11 will be fun for the holidays:)

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I believe the actual Official QB Maps file CMSF count is 79. I expect you had some QBG Mods in your file. If that's the case then some but not all of those will be revised...often to the point you wont recognize them from the originals. They do retain the same name so will over-write not only the original 79 but many of the QBG maps. Also There are many brand new maps as well You'll see them listed usually as QB A *** for attack or QB M *** for Meeting Engagements. The final total for V 1.11 Official QB Maps is 163. So we doubled the size.

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Down loading 1.11 now. Should be fun for the holidays! You know it is funny how I have barely scratched the surface of how to use CMx2's Editor, or QB system and the mention of "re-vamp QB's engine with Normandy" has me ready to go to Europe.

"The final total for V 1.11 Official QB Maps is 163. So we doubled the size." Fantastic Mark and all.

Happy Holidays,

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does anyone know any settings to play a QB and get a normal force load out? I've been trying to play a small village assualt against Syrian infantry and I've been trying/hoping to have a marine platoon to fight them with. So far I've got a load of hummers, and then next battle some LAV ATGMs and stationary TOWs :(

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does anyone know any settings to play a QB and get a normal force load out? I've been trying to play a small village assualt against Syrian infantry and I've been trying/hoping to have a marine platoon to fight them with. So far I've got a load of hummers, and then next battle some LAV ATGMs and stationary TOWs :(

1. Use Attack Village Small

2. Choose USMC Infantry and Medium Infantry

3. Reduce Attacker force by 10%

I got this twice in a row:


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It is such a pleasure to load the new QBs! I just went a little wonky with v1.11 last PM for @ 30 minutes not even a cough of protest and some very playable games! First Class improvements IMO. I will need to play more with it (holidays) but congratulations on a nifty ace Mark and all. And a QB overhaul for Normandy 2009...crackerjack!

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Just a little something about the QB Timer. I just finished a Random blue attacker vs Red defender. This was a med sized battle I think that's a 30 min battle. But the QB battles as time variable. It was a big map so the blue force of BMP and inf on foot had a good long walk, ran into my ambush and still needed to climb a small hill to get the objective. The QB AI gave them the time they needed to reach their destination. I notice this happens all the time. It's like the AI adjust the clock to allow for maneuver and attack.


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