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Wolfpee is an imposter! No such Kinigggget ever roamed these halls!

Persecute the heretic!

I tend to agree, Berli recalls no such Squire and though he does a find job of "slinging the bat" (as Flashman might say), I don't think he's one of us.

If we can't persecute him we could at least prosecute him which would give us a fine excuse to call in the stenographers again.


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If we can't persecute him we could at least prosecute him which would give us a fine excuse to call in the stenographers again.

Damn, I was looking forward to a little persecution.

How about we go ahead and prosecute him, but tie up the stenos this time?

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Well lad there's the rub you see, for you presumably were Knighted under a different name...{pared back to mitigate the danger of sleep apnoea}...


*sigh!* Why is the return of a prodigal son always an unhappy affair? Never a door opened to the scene of hearth, home, and companionship, but always one of withered, dottering old men, aimlessly wandering about dressed only in black knee socks and prune juice stained skivvies, repeatedly insisting that someone removed the TV remote from its proper place on the coffee table, railing against the gods for this ill fate visited upon them, when all along, it is carried in their left hand. Each of you should have your medicare/medicaid policies reviewed by your court appointed caregivers to determine if the purchase of Namenda is covered; that or Cyanide (quicker and more humane than you deserve!)


Boo - Seriously...Have you regressed so far, so fast that your sole rejoinder is one of second grade pottie humor? Very well...I am rubber, you are glue...nanner, nanner, nanner!


Puka - Does Boo allow you to wear a cute little pirate hat on that parrot head of yours when you perch upon his shoulder and squak?

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Now look you here Wolfpoop No. 2 ... either pony up with your previous name or stop claiming that most prestigious of titles ... Knight of the CessPool!

The emails have been flying fast and furious (I think I've gotten two from Beril on the subject ... TWO) and no one remembers a KNIGHT with your name. We have a vague reminisence of a Marine Officer who wandered in for a short period of time but no Knighthood was involved that we recall.

It wouldn't be the first time that someone came in here claiming special privileges to which they were not entitled. You may or may not be one of the few and the proud, but in order claim to be one of OURS you'll need to prove it.

Until then you're an SSSN (SLIMEY Scum Sucking Newbie) ...


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{Sound of life being slowly sucked out of the room}...Until then you're an SSSN (SLIMEY Scum Sucking Newbie) ...


Dance puppets...Dance! Who but a true Knigget could cause so much mayhem in such a short amount of time; you can almost smell the ozone from the trons flying thither and yon.

Hmmmmm, this weak offer of demotion two steps down, with an additional "S" in SSN to sweeten the pot, intrigues me (if for no other reason then all the bad guys are on the Hajj, so I have some extra time to burn.) I cannot prove who I used to be, except that I know who I am now, which is who I was then, and who I will still be, which is what you are asking me to verify today, to confirm my yesterday, in order to move forward tomorrow; but, would any Knight willingly shed the moniker so easily, which would be proof positive to the naysayers that I am not who I say I am, nor was I ever, or could be again...AHA!..A conundrum. My feckin pw is four years old, and at this point in my life, I consider myself lucky if I can remember what I had for breakfast, or whether I ate at all for that matter. So, that route is definitely fubar. I shall have to go straight away to jack steele and get my big on whilst giving this some serious consideration.

In the mean time...Boo "nanner" is a perfectly acceptable idiomatic form of "neener" in these here parts. You just have to say it with a phlegmy sound emphasized on the second syllable.

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I somehow recognize the patois of this Wolfinsheepsclothingthingamajob. Then again, I recognize the beauty inherent in the soft glistening sheen on the stilled waters of the 'pool and the banality imbued into harsh sounds of stories mouthed like soft cowflops into the dark, dank, demented dredgings in the reCesses of this mythical mythtery of methuselahian mental patienths.

Yesth, that's it.

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The idjit is bolding SSN.

Ok, ok, it could be stoat, but I doubt it. stoat had trouble just hitting the "post" button. This one's ubb is too spot on.

I agree Lars, there does appear to be a degree of competence and even familiarity that is disturbing ... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced ... or maybe I'm thinking of something else.

In any case it's not stoat, but it's not a Knight either ... for only a True Knight would deny his Knighthood ... oh wait, he didn't did he, WE denied it ... three times before the cock crowed if Im' not mistaken ... or maybe that's something else too ...

In any event we'll have to have proof ... and my guess is that this SSSN is claiming that which isn't his to claim.


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I FOUND you, you old African you ... oh wait ... man I gotta stop watching so much TV.

It's Aces_and_8's ... or Dueces and Treys if he's not a Knight but is merely a Poseur!

As to his being a Knight as he claims, here's what I've found so far:

I don't know ... oh sure he seems to have the right attitude and a proper sense of things but damn it all ... Aces_and_8's (spelt but not bolded) just isn't EASY to type.

I suppose we have no choice, even though he WAS proposed as Serf by no more than rune, which is just about as low as you can go without having ANOTHER Serf propose you. Still, rune you have rights of first refusal on the Serf Aces_and_8's (spelt but not bolded) should he prove worthy of elevation to the rank of Squire. But remember, I have to judge his worth ... and I'm not going to go easy on the lad, a Marine he may be but a CessPooler ... time will tell, time will tell.

That was from Nov. 2003 so I've more searching to do ... as well as, apparently, the time to do it in.


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stoat (no capitalization) was my squire, not Berli's. He (stoat, not Berli) was made kniggit after successfully completing three challenges given him.

He (stoat, not Berli) is now attending college, and has not posted in some time.

He (stoat, not Berli) is/was twice the kniggit that this imposter even hopes to be.

Damn, it looks like a WBS news post!

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That was from Nov. 2003 so I've more searching to do ... as well as, apparently, the time to do it in.


Time? TIME!! you go to it you...you Joe Shaw you. If anyone has time it is you. After all, now that bankers have finished sucking every last penny out of our economy and given it to filthy rich CEOs of poorly operated corporations, what else would have have to do??

Oh yeah, I guess now is the time to start squeezing blood from stones....eh Joe?

Oh and I have lined up some retired Somali pirates.....they are looking for nice homes in suburban areas around San Diego...no references, but lots of cash...can you fix them up with nice low interest home loans?

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I FOUND you, you old African you ... oh wait ... man I gotta stop watching so much TV.

It's Aces_and_8's ... or Dueces and Treys if he's not a Knight but is merely a Poseur!

As to his being a Knight as he claims, here's what I've found so far:

That was from Nov. 2003 so I've more searching to do ... as well as, apparently, the time to do it in.


{strolls by while whistling a jaunty tune}

Whoa! Ya gotta be kiddin me...It's me...or it was me then...Glory be, hallelujah, praise the lord, pass the ammo, bring in the cat, throw out the baby, someone find me a burning bush cause I need to lite something on fire!


Now, what was that freakin password...BooRadleystinks...no!; Stukaisasastupiddoes...nah, didn't even know the twink then; rleetehassmellyfeet...uh, uh; JoeShawsticksinmycrawl...CRAP!

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{strolls by while whistling a jaunty tune}

Whoa! Ya gotta be kiddin me...It's me...or it was me then...Glory be, hallelujah, praise the lord, pass the ammo, bring in the cat, throw out the baby, someone find me a burning bush cause I need to lite something on fire!


Now, what was that freakin password...BooRadleystinks...no!; Stukaisasastupiddoes...nah, didn't even know the twink then; rleetehassmellyfeet...uh, uh; JoeShawsticksinmycrawl...CRAP!

And, I suppose, that the radicial expedient of actually emailing BFC and .... I dunno ... ASKING THEM ... would be beyond your capabilities?

In any case I'm still trying to find the evidence of your supposed elevation to Knighthood. I did find an instance in which I'd bolded your name so you were apparently at least a Squire ... at a minimum ... and minimum is the operative word when we're talking about you.


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And, I suppose, that the radicial expedient of actually emailing BFC and .... I dunno ... ASKING THEM ... would be beyond your capabilities?

In any case I'm still trying to find the evidence of your supposed elevation to Knighthood. I did find an instance in which I'd bolded your name so you were apparently at least a Squire ... at a minimum ... and minimum is the operative word when we're talking about you.


Joe has the chemical compound found in abundance around your neck of the woods dried your brain to jerky? One would think, if I were clever enough to email BFC for my old u/n, I would also ask them...to...reset...my...password...Hey, wait a minute.

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Lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread has, through much labor in the vineyards of BFC (okay technically it was the archives but it's pretty much the same thing), confirmed that Aces_and_Eights is indeed at least a Squire as evidenced by the following post from Nov. 16, 2003:

So let it be written, so let it be done say I. I hereby proclaim and agree that Aces-n-Eights (spelt but not bolded) be and hereby is Squire of the CessPool in the House of Berli ... normally not a fate I'd wish on a Marin ... oh right, well he'll fit right in won't he then.

As to the Knighthood ... the search continues ...


But wait, that's not all ... here, all the way from December of 2003 ... our own lovely and talented Dame Kitty!

Dame Kitty, far be it from me to suggest alterations in your quest instructions for your Squire ... did I ever acknowledge that, what with being on the road so much I can't recall ... oh well, Aces-n-Eights is Dame Kitty's Squire, there, done and done.

But to continue, I fear for the precedent that might be set if we require our Squires to actuall WIN games of CM in order to advance to Knighthood. Let's face it Milady, they aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer and this one is duller than most being a Marine as he is.

Don't get me wrong, PLAYING a game of CM is all well and good and represents a fine quest, but requiring him to WIN ... I suspect he'll be challenged enough simply by remembering to press "GO" each turn, which, as we all know, represents the level of tactics employed by the Marines.


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