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Meta Campaign for CM:SF?

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Work is slowly progressing on the Operation Nemesis Meta Campaign...


At the moment I'm putting together the ORBAT for the coalition side and I'm having some problems to come up with a plausible force for the Marines; the 2nd MEB will be in, composed pretty much like it is in the stock campaign.

Now, I would like to include two other bn sized marine units in the MC and have some questions:

-would it be plausible that these too were part of the same MEB (3 bn:s sized units in all)

-could all three bn-sized units have roughly the same composition? (based around an amphibious assault bn)

-would it plausible that all three bn:s came from the same marine regiment, say 6th regiment?

(that would then be 1-6, 2-6 and 3-6 for instance)



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Sdp, hi,

Once again good luck with your project… it all sounds great… I follow your develops with interest and am very keen to know how you do things and what experience “lessons learnt” you come up with.

I really am stunned by all the work you have done and am constantly tempted to volunteer to help but currently I know I do not have enough time to maintain the commitment.

One day I would like to umpire a MC game. To make things more fun for the umpires my belief is that some of the contact battles could be resolved against AI/computer controlled opponents designed by the umpire to deliver a certain level and type of opposition. At times the umpires could also play in human v human games… again to deliver a very precise type of opposition the umpire is looking for in that operational situation. It adds to their involvement at the fun end. But there must be trust between the umpires and players.

BTW… how are you planning to password protect the games to prevent players getting a look at them before play.. send them out as Saved game files in some way….?

All very good fun,

All the best,


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Sounds great, You're welcome to enlist when things get more clear. As soon as I have anything more substantial I'll need some playtesters - or "campaign testers" perhaps - to try out the rules and and campaign flow in a small scale. I'm planning on doing a public call for that - possibly late spring.

Your ideas for Umpire participation is noted with interest - sounds fun... Might include something like that!

For now I'll settle with an ORBAT for the 26th MEB (REIN) as follows;

1st Battalion 2nd Marines (1/2)

2nd Battalion 8th Marines (2/8)

2nd Battalion 6th Marines (2/6)

3rd Battalion 2nd Marines (3/2)

1st Battalion 10th Marines (1/10)

Company C, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion

Company A, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion

Company A, 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion (Attached to 1/2)

Company A, 8th Tank Battalion (Attached to 1/2)

Company A, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion

This means there will be four "seats" for players in the MC who want to play as USMC Tactical Commander - each will get to command a bn sized MEU (like the vanilla one in the editor).



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Sounds great, You're welcome to enlist when things get more clear. As soon as I have anything more substantial I'll need some playtesters - or "campaign testers" perhaps - to try out the rules and and campaign flow in a small scale. I'm planning on doing a public call for that - possibly late spring.

Your ideas for Umpire participation is noted with interest - sounds fun... Might include something like that!

For now I'll settle with an ORBAT for the 26th MEB (REIN) as follows;

1st Battalion 2nd Marines (1/2)

2nd Battalion 8th Marines (2/8)

2nd Battalion 6th Marines (2/6)

3rd Battalion 2nd Marines (3/2)

1st Battalion 10th Marines (1/10)

Company C, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion

Company A, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion

Company A, 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion (Attached to 1/2)

Company A, 8th Tank Battalion (Attached to 1/2)

Company A, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion

This means there will be four "seats" for players in the MC who want to play as USMC Tactical Commander - each will get to command a bn sized MEU (like the vanilla one in the editor).



There is no 26 MEB unless you meant 26 MEU which is smaller then MEB. You also have one too many marine rifle battalion, there should be just three not four. An MEB would be about seven (7) ships.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As promised before; here are some quick news of the Meta Campaign Operation Nemesis!

A new dedicated forum is on its way

With this new Forum the two teams will have their own secure areas, where orders and sit reports may be posted. If everything works as planned this is also where you'll be able to access the TACMAP archive. You're welcome to join the forum! The url (for now) is http://opnm.phpbb3now.com/index.php

A "Beta-Orbat" soon ready

In a couple of weeks a beta version of the Orbats will be presented at the new forum - however there will be the need for registration; both Orbats will be presented in the restricted areas. Fog-of-war in this MC is already beginning to spread! ;-)

Play Testers for TACBATs needed!

The Fundamentals of the Meta Campaign, the Rule Sets, are currently developing nicely. Still a lot of work to do, but no major delays. Now for the next step; to try out the rules for the Combat Mission games (the TACBATs)! They most likely will be needing some tweaking and here's where your help is needed...

As a playtester you will be supplied with different scenario files (one at a time..) and tasked to play them out with a live oppponent during a set period of time (approx. 2 weeks) We will try out the features of real-time and WEGO-modes. A dedicated sub-forum will be set up for playtesting issues at the OPNEM Forum.

Your opinion on how the battles play out will be very valuable when the final decisions on the Tatical Rules are made.

At this stage 6 playtesters are needed. You are required to have a internet connection (...well, you most likely already have) and the Marines module installed to participate.

Sign up by joining the new OPNEM Forum at http://opnm.phpbb3now.com/index.php



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Hi sdp,

I checked out your website and am amazed by the work you are doing with this. I can only apologies for having dropped out of the Meta-Campaign plans due to other commitments and wish you the best of luck. Maybe later in the year I'll have more time to lend a hand in some way.

In the meantime, if you want to have a look at the "counters" I did last year to see if they are any use to you, here is a download link.

CMSF Counters

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CPl Steiner;

Thanks a lot! Your counters do look very good, would be nice to have them in the campaign. Hopefully there are no copyright issues with this. You used Scipios artwork, did you?

When you find the time you're welcome to join the campaign. As you might have read it isn't scheduled to start until Q2 this year.


I understand, we all have our RL issues… Just to let you know – some of the conditions for the campaign will probably be;

- a set length of the campaign. It will most likely cover a period of approx. 14 campaign days (each campaign day 3 real-life weeks all in all).

- Blue side will have to achieve control of certain geographical key objectives as well as some political objectives (capturing/eliminating key characters, winning the support of specific groups etc.) Some of these objectives will be known to the players, others not. Red side will have to remain in control of certain objectives and so on…

- the strategic victory conditions will be the concern of the operational commanders (OPCOs). If you sign up as a tactical commander (TACCO) your only job will be to play CM battles…

- The campaign will progress in 3 week periods -1 week of planning and two weeks for the tactical battles to be played out – either in real-time or as PBEMs.

- as a tactical commander (actually playing the Combat Mission games) you will have 1-3 “combat battalions” under your command, which will give you the opportunity of playing one battle during a 2 week period. If you want to –and your superior commander has agreed to it - there will be the possibility of playing more battles during this period.

- If you as a TACCO are prevented from playing any games during the game weeks you tell your OPCO. The battles will then be resolved using the operational rules, alternatively some other player may “take your seat”. This will allow for a steady progress of the campaign. We won’t have to wait for any players to finish their battles.

- CM battles (TACBATs) will be fought on pre-made maps, ranging from 800x800m (urban) to 2000x2000m (open desert) and usually your BN:s will be represented on the battlefield by some 15 – 25 units (vehicles/squads/teams). Battles will have the maximum time limit of two hours (the ceasefire option may be used when deemed necessary to end battles prior to that).

- dedicated Hamachi networks will be set up for the meta-campaign.



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Hopefully there are no copyright issues with this. You used Scipios artwork, did you?

The layout of the counters is based on that of a freely downloadable VASSAL module from "The Armchair General" called "Operation Iraqi Freedom" but bear very little relation to them any more. The silhouettes were shrunk down and slightly modified from Scipio's equipment icons mod, except for the Marines which are an actual screen shot from CM:SF with a lot of modification. Personally I doubt this would have any copyright implications, especially as this is a non-commercial "hobby" project, but I can't swear to it. If you have any doubts at all I won't be offended if you choose not to use them.

When you find the time you're welcome to join the campaign. As you might have read it isn't scheduled to start until Q2 this year.

I may very well take you up on that offer but will have to wait a bit to see how things pan out.

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I just checked out Vassal last night and wow, where have I been? Holy smokes this is one of the coolest utilities ever!!!!! What a great way to play Warhammer 40k and not dump $100's of dollars into miniatures. I think this meta campaign is a brilliant idea and anyway i can help sign me up. If only as a player, please keep me updated, I would love to participate.

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If you play PBEM you have to check this out, it is pretty amazing and I think the learning curve is minimal. I also like the fact that you can play either of two rolls depending on how strategic of roll you want to play or how tactical. I think This will be a lot of fun and everyone who has Marines! should hop on over to their website and sign up. One more thing that will take this game to a new level of multiplayer fun.

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Spd, hi,

Once again congratulations on the great work you have done.

I have hesitated to join up due to the time element… I know how much time this can take but am now off to your forum to see if there is an operational opening available and try to see how much time will be involved in your chosen system at the operational level..

All good fun,

All the best,


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With a limited set of game maps (scenarios) during testing you should get some valuable predictability. As members increase, the demand to keep ahead of a dynamic campaign (both in terms of results and frequency) it could be tough keeping members from complaining of too much repetition without a dedicated team of designers. Quality also becomes an issue. In a mature game, you certainly don't want to play the same map against the same forces in the same position very often (even though a different opponent will play differently.) There will be an advantage for players who have played the same map two or more times.


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Yes, very true. No one wants to play the same map more than a few times, that's my guess too. At the moment there are some 120 maps available for the campaign to start with. Have a look; (more maps have been added since this gallery was made) http://molnhavet.se/sdp/docs/tacmaparchive/index

As the MC progresses there will be added more maps. Hopefully those that are done by now will suffice to start with. This campaign will be rather short; the coalition will have to achieve its objectives in 14 campaign days so there won't be a huge number of turns.



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Yes, that's the idea; setup zones will reflect the direction of the units on the operational map. Following pictures from the first TACBAT tests might explain things better;

meeting engagement, open terrain, like this;


would look like this on the TACMAP;


and an attack into a rural hex like this one;


would look like this;




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Well, at the moment there are 7 types of terrain on the operational map and the corresponding CM battlefields;

open (open desert, uninhabited, maps approx. 2000x2000m)

intermittent lake (as open but with rocky/muddy ground restricting movement, approx. 2000x2000m),

rocky desert (typically around Jabal ad-Duruz, restricting movement and LOS even more, basically open rocky terrain, approx. 2000x2000m)

rough (steppe with sparse vegetation, none or very few settlements, approx. 1500x1500m)

rural (cultivated land, moderate density of population, some built-up areas or villages, fields and groves, approx. 1500x1500m)

urban (approx. 800x800m)

mountainous (approx. 1200x1200m)

- and of course there are maps of these terrain types both with and without roads.

The campaign can always use more maps - if you have any to contribute do send them over and I'll include them in the TACMAP archive. You will of course be duly mentioned!



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  • 5 months later...
bumbing this old thread...

How is this progressing? is it still alive?

Im still werry intressted in this, I would love to lead a Marines unit thrue this war :)

Check out this url :http://opnem.net/

Since the campaign is not scheduled to begin before the release of the NATO module, the game master is completing the operational and tactical rules... The dev blog can provide you some useful informations about the progression of the making process.

I let sdp, our game master explain this :D

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Well, yes Clevinger is right, still alive and progressing slowly...

Since the start of the meta campaign is still in the future and develoment still going on I haven't felt like it was the right time to promote Operation Nemesis on this forum at this stage.

First the OPrules and TACrules will be finished, then additional GMs have to be recruited and finally we'll start recruiting players for real. You can of course enlist even now at this early stage - you're welcome to sign up at the forum. (had some problems with forum servers unfortunately...) But you will have to be patient ;-)


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