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The Peng Challenge Thread Sings For It's Supper

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Football? You want to talk about football, Sparky? You want to talk about a team that has NO CHANCE at all for the season?

The interesting thing is that Noba has been very subdued this year about his...


...favorite footy team!

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The interesting thing is that Noba has been very subdued this year about his...


...favorite footy team!

Swine. We won't despair. I watched your team thrash my team at Subi... stayed until the very end. (That was about half-way through the first quarter).

Mind you, I thought the umpires ruined the game...kept giving Geelong free kicks, just cos they got to the ball first - all game.


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Are we going to be forced to read more Australian Footie drivel? Lads, we don't CARE! I mean we don't even care about YOU, so how could we care about stupid sports that YOU care about.

In news that we ALL care about, I'll be in Des Moines from Sunday through Wednesday and may not have access to the MBT ... or perhaps I will, we'll just have to see. But the good news is that I'll likely still be able to see my Beloved Five Time World Champion Dallas Cowboys on TV there.

Stuka will just have to wait for a turn from me, of course he actually owes ME a turn at this moment but doubtless the bloody nose I gave him in our last turn has soured him on the whole concept of playing me.


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1. The fame of Joe as a teacher spread through all the land, and people came from near and far to hear His words of truth.

2. At Peng, on the sacred river of the Cesspool, he taught for many days.

3. And Berli, a wealthy man of Peng, made a feast in honor of his guest, and he invited every one to come.

4. And many came; among them thieves, extortioners, and courtesans. And Joe sat with them and taught; but they who followed him were much aggrieved, because He sat with thieves and courtesans.

5. And they upbraided Him; they said: "Justicar, master of the wise, this day will be an evil day for you.

6. The news will spread that you consort with courtesans and men will shun you as they shun an asp."

7. And Joe answered them and said: "A master never screens himself for sake of reputation or of fame.

8. These are but worthless baubles of the day; they arise and sink, like empty bottles on a stream; they are illusions and will pass away;

9. They are the indices to what the thoughtless think; they are the noise that people make; and shallow men judge merit by the noise.

10. Justicar and all master men judge men by what they are and not by what they seem to be; not by their reputation and their fame.

11. These courtesans and thieves are children of my Father Seanachai; their soul are just as precious in His sight as yours

12. And they are working out the same life sums that you have solved, you men who look at them with scorn.

13. And some of them have solved much harder sums than you have solved, you men who look at them with scorn.

14. Yes, they are sinners, and confess their guilt while you are guilty, but are shrewd enough to have a polished coat to cover up your guilt.

15. Suppose you men who scorn the courtesans, these drunkards and these thieves, who know that you are pure in heart and life, that you are better far than they, stand forth that men may know just who you are.

16. The sin lies in the wish, in the desire, not in the act.

17. You covet other people's wealth; you look at charming forms, and deep within your hearts you lust for them.

18. Deceit you practice every day, and wish for gold, for honor and for fame, just for your selfish selves.

19. The man who covets is a thief, and she who lusts is courtesan. You who are none of these speak out."

20. Nobody spoke; the accusers held their peace.

21. And Joe said: "The proof this day is all against those who have accused.

22. The pure in heart do not accuse. The vile in heart who want to cover up their guilt with holy smoke of piety are ever loathing drunkard, thief and courtesans.

23. This loathing and this scorn is mockery, for if the tinseled coat of reputation could be torn away, the loud professor would be found to revel in his lust, deceit and many forms of secret sin.

24. The man who spends his time in pulling other people's weeds can have no time to pull his own, and all the choicest flowers of life will soon be choked and die, and nothing will remain but darnel, thistles and burs."

25.And the accusers hung their heads in shame; and Joe went His way.

Not bad. Who'd you steal it from?


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Not bad. Who'd you steal it from?


verbatim ...quoting Joe ... who came unto me ...

in my dream ... or was it just a dream.. or maybe a rendition..

all around me portraits of young ,dynamic , harvard educated Mohamed the VI ..room full of thick smoke .seems he is loved by the people.

wherever he goes , he is followed by armoured division.

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...quoting Joe ... who came unto me ...

OK. That's quite enough.

Stop now and never, never, EVER put mental images out there for innocent people to stumble over.

Berli, would you be kind enough...er, wait... that's not right...

Could you please throw a brace of Mondays at him? Really bad ones full of hangovers and pointless meetings coupled with serious gastric discomfort?

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Stuka will just have to wait for a turn from me, of course he actually owes ME a turn at this moment but doubtless the bloody nose I gave him in our last turn has soured him on the whole concept of playing me.

Pah! A bloody nose? Is that what you call it? I sniped skillfully from the hedgerows, buttoning up your tanks and sending your jeeps running around in panicked circles, I then skilfully withdrew to alternative positions while you expended valuable HE in the general direction of the fire.

Your ass is mine Shaw and I mean that in a most platonic way!

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Who's the mookiest mook around?

Joe Shaw!

Who's the kookiest kook in town?

Joe Shaw!

When you need a kooky mook or you need a mooky kook

Take a looky-look, he's the Duke!

He's Joe Shaw!

Joe Shaw!


He's Joe Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!

That was pathetic ... I mean even by YOUR standards it was pathetic.


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That was pathetic ... I mean even by YOUR standards it was pathetic.


Bah! You just need to think of it as if it were a theme song for a late 50's or early 60's sitcom concerning a hapless, dimwitted character. Think Ken Berry as Capt. Parmenter in "F Troop", or Wally Cox as "Mr. Peepers".

Or you in real life.

It's Joe Shaaaaaaaaw!

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Depends who's making the compliment.

Just so. Compliments from Our Most Beloved and Gracious Queen would work just fine...

Compliments, insults, greetings, odd gurgling noises, etc, from That Most Foul of Toads, The Olde One Known as Seanachai have little to no effect what-so-ever...

Most of you are below the toad's belly

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Bah! You just need to think of it as if it were a theme song for a late 50's or early 60's sitcom concerning a hapless, dimwitted character. Think Ken Berry as Capt. Parmenter in "F Troop", or Wally Cox as "Mr. Peepers".

Or you in real life.

It's Joe Shaaaaaaaaw!

Maynard G. Krebs.

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eh? a fookin smiley?

Who has hacked your account?

fix or do somfink.

But the Smiley Joe used epitomizes Maynard's deep-seated hatred for work. Indeed, it was a four letter word to Krebs.

Well... it's a four letter word to ANYBODY really and not in the emotional sense. I mean, it contains four letters, so... well...

(Listens as all he can hear is the chirruping of a few crickets...)

Um... am I being pedantic again?

Oh, bite me! And where's my turn? I feel the need to pummel you with puny 20mm cannon fire!

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