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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

My two cents, for anyone that cares

Pas De Charge

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I was characterising this:

Originally posted by Ghost1:

The game's a mess. end of. Anybody who says the TRUTH will agree..Of course people defend it, MOST from Battlefront and the dev's in my opinion, but of course we will never know will we? ;)

And this:

Originally posted by Ghost1:

Quote by Rune...

"Show me ONE person from Battlefront who is posting under another name not speaking the truth.

So you would agree that people from battlefront ARE posting under a different name...

Game set and match I believe??????...ban away if you must..TRUTH HURT DOES IT ?????????????

I do not think that my definition of that post is that of a fanboy. I look forward to hearing your take on Ghost's post.

I have not even looked at the game, so I can not comment on actual criticims or praise regarding it.

All the best


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Originally posted by Andreas:

There's criticism, and there's deranged paranoid ranting about the BFC conspiracy of asking beta-testers to open multiple accounts to defend the game from people who have trouble producing coherent statements.

I am sorry you seem to be unable to see the difference.

All the best


PRODUCING COHERENT STATEMENTS...WELL YOU HAD NO TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING IT DID YOU ? Geesh it gets worse...Deranged paranoid ranting ! what the hell are you on about, are you completely F*****g insane?..... let's get out of this F*****g place.. Stick yer game and yer fanbois..Good luck you will need it!!! yeah I'm gone but there's plenty more that will see the TRUTH about this utter drek you call a game.
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Originally posted by Ghost1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andreas:

There's criticism, and there's deranged paranoid ranting about the BFC conspiracy of asking beta-testers to open multiple accounts to defend the game from people who have trouble producing coherent statements.

I am sorry you seem to be unable to see the difference.

All the best


PRODUCING COHERENT STATEMENTS...WELL YOU HAD NO TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING IT DID YOU ? Geesh it gets worse...Deranged paranoid ranting ! what the hell are you on about, are you completely F*****g insane?..... let's get out of this F*****g place.. Stick yer game and yer fanbois..Good luck you will need it!!! yeah I'm gone but there's plenty more that will see the TRUTH about this utter drek you call a game. </font>
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"PRODUCING COHERENT STATEMENTS...WELL YOU HAD NO TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING IT DID YOU ? Geesh it gets worse...Deranged paranoid ranting ! what the hell are you on about, are you completely F*****g insane?..... let's get out of this F*****g place.. Stick yer game and yer fanbois..Good luck you will need it!!! yeah I'm gone but there's plenty more that will see the TRUTH about this utter drek you call a game."

The more I read, the more I am seeing that the disgruntled customers (ie lunatics, cry babies, maniacs) are out numbering the fanboys, shills, and sycophants three to one.

I'm sure they will start censoring us off the board real soon with that rate.

I just hope that Battlefront doesn't produce a flawed product like this one, it was bad enough that they lent their name to it, which has damaged their credibility, if their developed products are going to be of the same ilk, I will never buy a Battlefront product again, as it is, I will never pre-order or buy one of their games without playing the demo again.

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I have well over 100 games on my shelf new and old, all had some problems out of the box I will agree, but I can honestly say that NONE played as badly as this.
I always thought that the most challenging part of a new game was getting it installed and working. Times have changed since the days when we only had space for one game at a time. Now the games are much bigger and dare I say better. I suspect the problem is one of expectations. I have learned never to read the hype just check out the demos. I thought T-72 was going to be a blast and was sadly dissappointed when I downloaded the full game. But then it was inexpensive and took me to the Battlefront website and the next thing I knew I was playing the TOW demo andloving it. Of course when I recieve the DVD and install it I may be disillusioned - but I have paid my money and noone has made me any promises. I have bought 5 games now from Battlefront and only T-72 was a dud. In my view that's a pretty good record.


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seppDieter, I don't either BFC or 1C cared whether I liked CC or CM for that matter. CC and ToW are as similar and different as the Sim City series and Civilization series. Both are games that start with building a small town and growing your city/empire through various stategies. Both can be engaging games about how to build a society. But both have completely different methods of modeling these things. The ONLY thing in common between any of the games is that they are set in WW2.

Ghost1, I do not have a top of the line system that you have and the game runs smoothly. I have also never had a MP game lose connection. Somthing is wrong. Either it is a hardware issue that you need to straighten out in the tech forum or it is user error that can also be helped in the tech forum. But if your framrate is that bad there is no way on earth you could or should ever enjoy this game. Also, if it is that bad there no way you are capable of passing judgement on how fun it is or isn't to play. With those framerates there is no chance of you being able to "get" the game because you would have to be too distracted but it's unplaybility.

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PRODUCING COHERENT STATEMENTS...WELL YOU HAD NO TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING IT DID YOU ? Geesh it gets worse...Deranged paranoid ranting ! what the hell are you on about, are you completely F*****g insane?..... let's get out of this F*****g place.. Stick yer game and yer fanbois..Good luck you will need it!!! yeah I'm gone but there's plenty more that will see the TRUTH about this utter drek you call a game.

This is great!!!!!!!!! Really... this dude is about to lauch into the stratosphere right here on the ToW forum.

I've never seen anyone this crazy before....


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Battlefront.com Discussion Forums>>TOW

definitions found at dictionary.com


A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.


an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., esp. to explore solutions; informal debate.

Come on guys,,its a place to discuss, explore solutions,,,U didn't like it ok,,we hear ya,,,we understand but no name calling,insults to the people who liked it and are trying to input ideas to make it better. Say what u don't like and maybe or maybe not u will be heard,,,but please no more insults,,for crying out loud it is only a game. What would happen if u bought a car that was a lemon? I don't wanna know (joking).

Peace guys...


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It did look to me that Elvis and Elmar were asked by BFC to help with the deluge of questions on release day as they were on the boards from day one doing just that.

They certainly did not say only positive things about the game, but seemed to be inclined to defend the game they had invested time testing.

Since they are not moderators, nor was their presence on the forum announced or made official, some new/casual members may mistakenly believe that they were planted here to heap praise upon ToW.

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Originally posted by Pas De Charge:

After buying and playing the game (bought on the strength of the demo),I decided to come to the forums and see what other people thought..

well what can i say? Wow. On the one hand we have people who preordered the game on the basis that it's from the same WEBSITE (not, i understand, the same developer) as the combat mission games. These people then after playing the game, come to this forum and make various compaints about it and then call anyone who defends it a fanboy (irony anyone?).

I've even read of one person who said if they'd known more about the editor, they wouldn't have preordered... Personally, if i'm planning on buying a game MAINLY to use it's editor (which is not something I can see a single good reason for doing), I just might wait for the release to see how good it is. After all, what miracles of map-editory are you planning on achieving the second the game is released? Can they really not wait?

Anyway, as I was saying on the one hand we have what im politely calling "Battlefront fans" (I know its not everyone, or even a significant majority, but it's just enough people to annoy me), who bought the game because it was from battlefront, then for reason/s x dont like the game and for some bizzare reason think they have a valid grievance against the game itself.

This is where it really gets weired, the support of battlefront that led you to buy the game in the first place is suddenly dropped and forgotten about as you proceed to constantly insult and criticize both theatre of war, its developers and the people who've soo far played and enjoyed it. I read one person who now said they would not preorder the next combat mission game because of some sort of perceived deception on behalf of battlefront over theatre of war.

Fickle much? I don't really know what to say about this to be frank but hopefully you can see my point. I've never before seen such a bizarre situation over the release of a game (not saying there hasn't been one).

I am still waiting for a review/first impression by some established CM board old timer. What you describe is often done by quintuple-digit members who registered within the last year or so. Dont get me wrong, Im not out to diss newbies, its just that I want an opinion from someone whos been with the CM board/crowd for a while and who I *know* from past posting history.

Im not saying I would take their view as gospel - its just that I know where that opinion comes from.

Originally posted by Pas De Charge:

Am I the only one who thinks thats a little odd? Lets ignore for a second the fact that a significant portion of the complaints made are more or less "it isn't enough like CM" and just focus on the fact that "you" bought a game apperently, JUST because it was distributed by the company who made a game you liked (im hesitant to use the word "like" as it doesn't seem strong enough, love? idolise?). If there was ever a bad reason for buying a game, that has to come fairly near the top of the list.

I dont think buying a game based on the reputation / your opinion of a company or your past experience is one of the worst reasons for buying the game.

Especially in the case of BTS/BF.C it is only natural that people who have followed them since their inception, who benefitted from their company policy and hence products in the past, will trust them to deliver good products again in the future. Especially given their original manifesto, their - btw mostly justified IMO - critique and "holier-than-tho" attitude re. the evil conventional big gaming/software companies. With CM they mostly delivered in my book.

Plus BTS has repeatedly stressed ever since announcing their cooperation with 1C for TOW, that they will ensure that this game will meet their high standards. After all, that is what took the game so long to be labeled done by BTS even after it had been considered "finished" in russia.

One day I may be able to find out myself what the game is like. Until then I am really curious to hear what CM board "veterans" think about this game.

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Hoolaman, I understand what you are saying. Elmar and I knew when the game was going to be released and as you can imagine were hanging out to see the reaction to the game. I can only speak for myself when I say that during testing I grew to really dig this game. I became immersered in the battles and campaigns. When I saw posts from people that, from my experience, either hadn't given it the proper chance or were dead wrong in thier assumptions I posted to try to clear things up. Not for BFC or 1C so much as for the poster.

And M Hofbauer, my old CM friend, my member number is lower than yours if that is any help. Hell, mine might be lower than Matts. Been around these boards a long long time. My registration date was changed during the night of a thousand monkeys (of which I was one). So I am one old CMhead. And my take is this....This game might not be for everyone but for the ones it works for it sure is fun.

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I'm an old CMer, registered on the forums in 2002, didn't post much, because CM was flawless in my book, the mods and the add games were spectacular.

This game on the other hand is pretty bad, and since it wasn't developed by BF, I don't know why everyone of the fanboys here seem to think that they are going to be coming out with a patch real soon, it isn't their product, capeesh?

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I've been trying really hard to get into this game, but I too am getting more and more frustrated.

I was baffled by the defense tutorial mission, which apparently was a freak occurrence.

But I find myself confronted by exactly the same problem in the first Polish campaign mission.

You have 4 guns and another entering as reinforcement. How the hell do you keep them alive to kill the 14 German tanks that spill onto the battlefield ?

One time I got to 9 kills playing, I believe, on medium difficulty level. I had the guns hold fire until the tanks were getting close to the first trenches. The remaining 5 German tanks just waltzed over the rest of my force.

I just tried it again on hard. This time my guns were being spotted before they fired a shot (yes, they are deployed 'in cover'). So I let them open up but as far as I can tell they didn't score a single hit before dying.

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I think the bottom line is this release will have an adverse effect on the release of CMSF now. BF have pissed some people off, perhaps a lot of people off. I've traveled around and this game is getting good/bad all over the place not just here. Some places it's more bad than good, it looks like about a 50/50 split for the most part though. But, as I said I think this release is going to have an effect on the bottom line of CMSF now. Some people will now be in the leery state of mine, skeptical, wait and see mode of purchasing the next game.

Me, I'm waiting on CMC anyways, so, it doesn't effect me either way. I KNEW I wouldn't like this game because it's an rts kiddie clickfest and I just don't care for clickfests pause or no pause. Plus, I already KNEW I wasn't going to buy CMSF because I am not interested in modern day hypothetical warfare. When/if they do some WWII modules then I might find interest again. Going to be a long cold spell from BF games I see for awhile. It's already been awhile since CMAK.

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Originally posted by Ghost1:

Quote by Andreas...

"I have not even looked at the game, so I can not comment on actual criticims or praise regarding it."

And that just about sums it up! :rolleyes:

You are still not getting it, but that is not really surprising, since you seem to have mental issues.

You can criticise the game all you want, and I would not comment (and in fact haven't, anywhere). It's when you indulge in paranoid theories about BFC and beta testers manipulating the board that I start to care, and I'll comment.

I doubt you'll get it this time round, but it is always worth trying.

All the best


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Originally posted by Ghost1:

The game's a mess. end of. Anybody who says the TRUTH will agree..Of course people defend it, MOST from Battlefront and the dev's in my opinion, but of course we will never know will we? ;)

Ghost1, we would never do this, and never have. There's one very good reason - if somebody like you would ever find the tiniest proof that we're messing with the forum, it would be far more damaging than it's worth.


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Originally posted by CaptainBly:

I KNEW I wouldn't like this game because it's an rts kiddie clickfest and I just don't care for clickfests pause or no pause. Plus, I already KNEW I wasn't going to buy CMSF because I am not interested in modern day hypothetical warfare. When/if they do some WWII modules then I might find interest again. Going to be a long cold spell from BF games I see for awhile. It's already been awhile since CMAK.

I didnt even read anything about the game before downloading the demo - just saw the name of game, BF's name on it, and the pic, realised it wasnt CMSF and away i went - then my first comment was "WTF, RTS??" smile.gif
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I pre ordered the game, why, beacuse I trust BF and companies that stick their necks out to bring us these games need our support.

Am I disappointed ? Yes. I run all other games fine on my system but get frame rate of 1 every 3 seconds in tutorial and games all the same.

Haven't been able to play a single game.

Will BF fix it? I am sure they will but what would be really helpful is a statement from them. Here is what we agree is wrong. This is what we are doing etc... Because if all we are going to get is try this and so on then I dont think I will ever be playing the game.

A good company statement would put everyone in the picture and stop all this bickering online which is going to kill any future sales.

Just my opinion...

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Hoolaman, I understand what you are saying. Elmar and I knew when the game was going to be released and as you can imagine were hanging out to see the reaction to the game. I can only speak for myself when I say that during testing I grew to really dig this game. I became immersered in the battles and campaigns. When I saw posts from people that, from my experience, either hadn't given it the proper chance or were dead wrong in thier assumptions I posted to try to clear things up. Not for BFC or 1C so much as for the poster.

And M Hofbauer, my old CM friend, my member number is lower than yours if that is any help. Hell, mine might be lower than Matts. Been around these boards a long long time. My registration date was changed during the night of a thousand monkeys (of which I was one). So I am one old CMhead. And my take is this....This game might not be for everyone but for the ones it works for it sure is fun.


dont get me wrong, and I duly bow to your impressive #159 in an inverse-paradroidesque way,

but even tho you fit the criteria "old CMer/board member" you were also part of the team that made and tested ToW. So you're not exactly the impartial fresh prima facie onlooker I had in mind - no offense meant.

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