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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

8:00pm 18th no game so far


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear franz,

How did I not see their fiendish plan before. By creating just enough of a game to make a "demo" and post a few "in game" movies they can rack up thousands ...maybe even millions... of preorder greenbacks. Sitting in their lair clicking refresh like monkeys wastching the money pile up, smoking cheap cigars and drinking Jim Beam. I've seem photos of Moon and Matt and can picture them doing that all of last night....They have that "look" about them if you know what I mean. Not since the great Underwear Gnome, scheme that was exposed on South Park, has such a devious plot been unleashed on poor unsuspecting good folks like you and I.



LOLZ Elvis you pulled a good one! smile.gif
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Originally posted by franz:

so if the pre-release has gone out the window, I want to know how I go about receiving a refund or compensation.

I paid early for early delivery. BF have not held their part of the contract so where is my refund/compensation ????

Doesnt that mean you'd pay THEM 10 extra dollars? After all, you got it 10 dollar off. Or maybe you mean you won't play the game at all simply because real life walked in and delayed the pre-pre-release. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Originally posted by JudoHedgehog:

I understand it's a big launch but business is business. If you promise something and then don't deliver then you have to expect upset customers.

But JudoHedgehog how you don't get it? This is marketing ploy to create hype. You just fallen on it. ;)
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Originally posted by Bloodstar44:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JudoHedgehog:

I understand it's a big launch but business is business. If you promise something and then don't deliver then you have to expect upset customers.

But JudoHedgehog how you don't get it? This is marketing ploy to create hype. You just fallen on it. ;) </font>
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Dissapointed with the lack of pre-order downloads like so many others here - certainly not be in any hurry to pre-order from Battlefront again - sorry, but there it is, too much credit simply burnt up by not having a clear & upfront communications policy. (so & so says in this thread that maybe, and if you could only read german the man says that etc. All we needed was a date for the pre-order as promised, and when it became blindingly obvious that that date was unassailiable, then a clearly stated revised date for BOTH pre-order & full release.(I notice they're still taking pre-orders with the same message of 'download early/date to be announced later')(com'on, at least edit that one paragrapgh!)

I guess what stung me most was, having waited up till nearly 04.30 GMT in the hope that the deal would be fufilled at least for the American contigent, that Rune et al made such a fuss over releasing the demo ('John has a big moustache etc' - fine & well but leave the hype for the full release - if you have any faith in it. Oh well 'over tired' (though not over-whelmed).

I'll wind up with a quick question: from what I've gathered the game is already 'gold' & in the press processes for dispatch. Alot of people are giving credit to Battlefront for holding off on the digital realease to counter various last minute software bugs .... my question : does this mean that the retail version as shipped (ie more than likely already burnt to thousands of disks) will be fatally flawed? ie will it require a visit to patch heaven immediately we get it? If so - why delay the digital release, ALL of the copies will need patched anyway?

Ho hum , back to the demo (I cracked and had to d/l it anyway) ... rather ejoying it!

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YOu guys are over reacting, think about it, would you like for something that is liable to fry your hard drives? I say be patient, it is after all them who are making the game not you, so they can release when they want to

oh and elvis, do you happen to think that Kennedy had more than one assassin, maybe one on a grassy knoll? lol ;-D

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"it is after all them who are making the game not you, so they can release when they want to"

Yep, fair point, except that 'it's us that's paying for them to make the game' Business & customer I think the relationship is called: ie it's ok/a consumer right to complain, just as long as it's not a personal attack on one of the team's character (that cowbell thing went way too far in my opinion ;) )

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Yes, it's important to keep a few things in mind. Firstly, they still got a few hours left.

Secondly, if there is a delay then they AREN'T DOING IT BECAUSE THEY ARE MESSING WITH YOUR MIND. They are NOT DOING IT BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL.(probably) They are doing it because there is something that needs looking at, and quite possibly it's in your best interest that they do so. These are smart people, who have made the greatest wargames series ever. So when you perceive them doing something stupid, it's likely the perception that's wrong, not what they are doing.

[ April 18, 2007, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]

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Get out the whipping post. 100 lashes to me for trying to get some excitement over the release of the demo which was being asked for. Silly me, not bolding the title of the thread and stressing demo in 14 languages. Silly me making someone stay up to 4:30 [altho we have all been doing that for months] for the retail download which I never mentioned in the DEMO thread.

After the just whipping, I will go forth into traffic and wait for the first semi to throw myself under.


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As long as they release a relatively bug free product, I don't care if they delay it just a bit longer personally. After all, we all got $10 off didn't we? I think that's a good enough deal for a pre-order and is more than some game companies offer you out there. I know this because I've bought alot of game in my day.

On the other hand, if the game is a mess or has problems running even with the delay on most machines then we have bad business issues and need to confront them. There's just no excuse for it.

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Two totaly seperate issues, One game going gold, Two game being set up on teh seervers and having the installers work, therse goofy little things can corrupt files, etc etc . so while a game my"technically"be gold, in reality the game is still having installers and other tweeking done, and tested etc.. SSOO

I will be happy if they do not do a SEGA and say: "oops, sorry guys that you bought a Nov release of a bugged out MTW2, butthe second patch is screwed, wait a little longer"

FYI I am pplayingthe leaked 1.2 patch and a mod and loving MTW2, just feeling burned by Sega.

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"Silly me making someone stay up to 4:30 [altho we have all been doing that for months] for the retail download which I never mentioned in the DEMO thread."

sure get the whipping post out if you're into self-flagellation, but don't imply you made me stay up late - i'm a big boy & make my own bedtimes, as well as being able to read. I was stung by the fact that whilst the demo was being heralded by a fanfare, no-one had been able to stand up & say 'Not tonight Josephine'. Still, I get that you're strung out & tired...

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Originally posted by rune:


Get out the whipping post. 100 lashes to me for trying to get some excitement over the release of the demo which was being asked for. Silly me, not bolding the title of the thread and stressing demo in 14 languages. Silly me making someone stay up to 4:30 [altho we have all been doing that for months] for the retail download which I never mentioned in the DEMO thread.

After the just whipping, I will go forth into traffic and wait for the first semi to throw myself under.



I love it when a plan comes together. :D


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