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What are your expectations towards CMC?


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I am sorry Rune but that is not my experience of e-licences. They are a pain.

I bought the CMBB strategy guide 18 months ago. Since then I have had a major computer failure and lost my email account and access to all past emails. So now I cannot use my guide which has an e-license with Direct to Drive. They want an order number, to use my old email address, my old password, etc so that I can transfer the manual to a new computer/account. A MANUAL THAT YOU CAN BUY IN A BOOKSHOP!!!!!!

So e-license mean that I am out of pocket by $16 only 18 months later for a game MANUAL. An e-license only last as long as the computer on which you use it. A major failure means you lose it.

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My expectation for CMC - sorry to return to the thread topic! - is to be able to play a multiplayer campaign in less time that the original war required; to be able to play such a campaign with fewer referees or umpires than players and have the campaign run fairly smoothly; to be able to fight a campaign-related CM:BB battle more often than once every three months. Think that says it for me.

Now back to your regularly unscheduled off topic stuff, already in progress.

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I think my expectations would be a true campaign where you can alter the war of world warII. I think there should be a German campaign from start to finish. Example, from Poland to France/UK to the Balkans or North Afrika, and of course the East Front. I think you should be able to alter the course in either a positve or negative way. As the Allies, of course it would be their job to stop the German advance, and then counter attack and push them back to Germany. It escapes me now but for the WWII PC Gamers of the mid 90's there was a game where you could pick your country, then pick what you wanted to lead, ie.. (Armored, or Infantry,) and for the Germans (Panzer, Motorised (Waffen-SS) or Infantry. It then took you from basicaly 1939 to the end of the war. I dont think you could change history... element lacking in all campaign games except for (Battle Fronts Strategic games). Im tired of being led down a Hallway with no doors, no options to change things. Battlefront did an excellent job with CMBB, and CMAK as far as editing units and such. I want a true campaign from start to finish. I was disapointed with TOW, and how it is not a campaign or Theatre of operations game, but just merely a battle, and then another battle with meaningless victories, or defeats. I do like what I saw with CMC, as far as awarding medals, maybe even promoting. How do you get reinforcements? what type of support can you call on, Air, Artillery, Naval fire? Can I seen an overall Map of my "Theatre of Operations"? I Take it you will be in command of a certain size of force. Example If Im in charge of a PzRegmt, and im in Army Group SOuth, and I have been kicking butt, at the end of the mission will I see our lines advance into the enemy... like what was done with an old 1991 game called Falcon 3.0 which was a true dynamic campaign. I want to be emersed in the camapaign. If I want battles, I will just go to CMBB, or CMAK and create my own. What I want and what I think most everyone here anticipating this game wants would be a campaing where we are imersed into a Campaign with options. Will we start with a Battalion, get promoted to a Regimental Commander, and if we do well get promoted to Divisional Commander and finaly Army Group Commmander and or Korps commander. I think the Allies were called the same but it escapes me right now. Will Air bases be shown, so we have to protect them if our lines get breached by the enemy. Maybe all of the above is too much to ask, but I think everyone has been waiting for something of that nature.

Best regards,


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Will CMC allow for multiplayer campaigns? I mean, more than one player per side, such that teams of players could fight several CMBB battles in a turn, and have CMC collate their results in creating the next turn?

Originally posted by Ike:

My expectation for CMC - sorry to return to the thread topic! - is to be able to play a multiplayer campaign in less time that the original war required; to be able to play such a campaign with fewer referees or umpires than players and have the campaign run fairly smoothly; to be able to fight a campaign-related CM:BB battle more often than once every three months. Think that says it for me.

Now back to your regularly unscheduled off topic stuff, already in progress.

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I own some of those WWII Operational games that came out in the later 90s. One is called Panzer General 2 from SSI, with each unit a Company or Battalion. You pick the nationality you want, and go thru several campaigns on either the eastern or western front.

The other ones are called East Front, West front, and Pacific Front from TalonSoft. Each unit is a platoon and each turn is 6 minutes. You can choose several scenarios or campaigns just like in CM. I also own the New John Tiller's Campaign Series, which is just a remake of the older out of print East, West, and Pacific front. ( this time all 3 games are on one CD ). You can check it out over at Matrixgames.com

If you have any other questions about these games, just feel free to ask.


[ May 14, 2008, 06:12 AM: Message edited by: JoMc67 ]

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Awesome... Thats the game I could not remember. I know "C'Rogers" said I will be disapointed, and he is probably right. It still amazes me to this day why a company can not complete a really good Campaign type of game. talon Soft had a really good game, and I still cant beleive know one has tried to make a game like that better but with todays standards in the 3d world like CMBB and CmAK. Anyways I may check that out again JoMc67.

Thanks for sharing. I hope one of the developers looks at this thread again. Falcon 3.0 had the right stuff for an air campaign, now someone just hast to use the same concept but on a ground campaign, with todays graphics and developers it could be something really interesting. I assume CMC if ever launched will be like TOW... just one Battle after the other with no real Campaign picture at all... no meaning of what it really means to Participate in your "Theatre of Operations" in successive battles win or lose, with a front that moves as you battle.

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"Redwolf" I have read the entire description a couple of times, and no where does it says that the campaign progress, or not if you win or lose. Again it just sounded like playing a bunch of battles and moving an icon around the map board with the option to play at a tactical level. Prove me wrong. What I wanted in this game is a dynamic campaign editor, not the capability to design my own what if scenerious.. christ.. I can do that with CMAK and CMBB already. Check out the games from Talon soft East Front II and such. Now that was a terrific dynamic Campaign game with editor. Albeit the graphics now are way outdated but a great platform like that could be used today.. just better. And thats all im gettin at.

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Oh yeah one more thing Mr. Redwolf.. if your implieng something, just go ahead and be a man and say it... You called me Mr SS, which sort of implied you may take me as some Nazi... Read a freaking Factual book about them before you make wise crack re-marks.. Waffen SS soldiers were just that.. and there are plenty of forums that talk about their excellent fighting ability... and just to cut you off at the pass.. every nation commited barbarism of some degree. War is ugly.

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In all fairness to CMC, atleast you can fight large battles at the Grand Tactical level ( each unit a Company or even Battalion ) that would otherwise not be practical with CMBB.

John Tiller's Campaign Series is pretty much identical to the old TalonSoft EastFront and WestFront II ( Just re-packaged ).

The main problem I have with JTCS ( just like in EastFront, WestFront ) is that you are able to move one unit, then fire, find the results, then move another unit, and do the same for each subsequent unit, all in the same turn. To me this gives unequal or unrealistic combat results. However, there is a rule I believe which allows a player to move all units in a Company or Battalion at once ( I am still play testing it out ). Now in saying that, I prefer CM and its WEGO system better.

I still like JTCS, because its a Platoon level game, and with some player house rules will make this game much better.

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I think you are getting too defensive with Redwolf. Your handle ends with SS, so he just called you by that. Maybe he should have said Mr 2SS, but he was trying to keep it short and adding waffen doesnt do that. You are right, all countries are guilty of atrocities. And your 2nd SS wiped out a town in 1944 France, men, women, kids. I remember a guy in my unit shooting 3 guys trying to surrender and laughing. War sucks and different people handle it differently between liking it and being sickened by it.

Further some of the things you ask might be answered in the FAQ thread here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=53;t=000071

Another game that has a campaign similar to what you are wishing for is Steel Panthers. I think they still have a free download of that over at matrixgames for SPWaW.

Good luck in your battles... salute... BvB

PS: as for my own expectations? I will just be happy to see it finally released so I can buy it. It should breathe new life and interest into CMBB. While it would be nice if it would upgrade to the CMAK standard, it wont bother me if it isnt. If it was then we could see things like the T28 multiturret tank. For those that want whole war campaigns I am sure players on their own could moneky with this to edit their force and link campaigns of the scale this was intended to do. I am happy with what I see...

Originally posted by Juergen2SS:

Oh yeah one more thing Mr. Redwolf.. if your implieng something, just go ahead and be a man and say it... You called me Mr SS, which sort of implied you may take me as some Nazi... Read a freaking Factual book about them before you make wise crack re-marks.. Waffen SS soldiers were just that.. and there are plenty of forums that talk about their excellent fighting ability... and just to cut you off at the pass.. every nation commited barbarism of some degree. War is ugly.

[ May 15, 2008, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]

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I am sure going to buy this when it comes out, thinking positively, I just hope the developers leave an easy way to edit campaigns. I also hope that they add CMAK to it in the future as well, so that we can have Normady campaign, "West Front" and an Italian Campaign, with Greeks, and Balkan theatre.

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Originally posted by Parker:

[QB] Will CMC allow for multiplayer campaigns? I mean, more than one player per side, such that teams of players could fight several CMBB battles in a turn, and have CMC collate their results in creating the next turn?

Yes, sir, it will. As I understand it, from the "Features" pages, there will be - for instance - a division on each side with either real players or AI-directed players in each command and principal staff position within the division. And I believe that collating the results of multiple battles to produce the next turn is exactly what CMC is about. Plus a lot more, but that's the core of it. I think.
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Originally posted by Friant:

Hi all,

I would like to have a Stategic Command 2 with fighting the battles at CM level.

Thats it.

Well...er, sorry, that would be nice (if long!) but it really doesn't work.

Each single battle in SC2 would translate into a very large CMC campaign, that would take perhaps days or months to play out at the CMBB level.

CMC sits in between SC2 and CMBB, and you can play out campaigns over hours, days and even weeks.

I know the idea of a dynamic campaign is really cool too. Unfortunately, that is not what CMC allows, at least initially. You could MANUALLY make several campaigns and use the OOB that survived from one to start another, but it doesn't auto-generate campaigns or anything even remotely like it.

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Long time no see! Thanks for the input. Great to see some activity on this project. Really looking forward to it.

My expectations are to see something maybe just a little more complex and graphically pleasing than RoBo's quick battle generator, which has been hovering over at the CMBB forum for some time now, and which really gave a kick (its limitations being repetitiveness of battles generated).

I won't ask about a release date of course, but any indication in terms of percentage of completion?



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Originally posted by Hunter:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Friant:

Hi all,

I would like to have a Stategic Command 2 with fighting the battles at CM level.

Thats it.

Well...er, sorry, that would be nice (if long!) but it really doesn't work.

Each single battle in SC2 would translate into a very large CMC campaign, that would take perhaps days or months to play out at the CMBB level.

CMC sits in between SC2 and CMBB, and you can play out campaigns over hours, days and even weeks.

I know the idea of a dynamic campaign is really cool too. Unfortunately, that is not what CMC allows, at least initially. You could MANUALLY make several campaigns and use the OOB that survived from one to start another, but it doesn't auto-generate campaigns or anything even remotely like it. </font>

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Originally posted by Conte Malaspina:


Long time no see! Thanks for the input. Great to see some activity on this project. Really looking forward to it.

My expectations are to see something maybe just a little more complex and graphically pleasing than RoBo's quick battle generator, which has been hovering over at the CMBB forum for some time now, and which really gave a kick (its limitations being repetitiveness of battles generated).

I won't ask about a release date of course, but any indication in terms of percentage of completion?



Percentage complete? Been at 99% for the last year tongue.gif
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