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Question... will you be able to change the outcome of the Campaigns you enter? IE... will you be able to organize the soviets more effectively, can the Axis forces take Stalingrad? Basically can you change the outcome of the Theatre your in... North, Central or South? even though you only command I think up to a Division, you can still wreak havoc on the enemy?

Can you command different types of Divisions, Motorized, Panzer, Waffen SS? Can your Spearhead destroy Soviet, Axis Resistance, thus allowing you easy manouverability to a designated target, such as Stalingrad, Smolensk, a possible bridgehead or are the Campaigns pre-generated with the same units? Does what you do effect the Overall campaign?

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CMC is not a true campaign battle. It's divisional operations-only. But I'd bet with a fast machine it can be stretched to a corps level game.

For a true campaign game we are waiting for the tie-in between CMC and SC2. Then we can go from whole war to platoon level in 3 easy clicks of the mouse.

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"...a consumation devoutly to be wished", General Bolt. Unfortunately, given the pace of CMC's development, I may not live long enough to see the connection between and among CM:BB/AK, CMC, and SC2 realized and playable. <sigh>

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I guess I have another question... possibly somewhat related to CMC, and CMO. Is Battlefront going to come out with a new version for the Western Theatre, I would love to play the Poles, or even the French, Belgiun forces. It would be nice to take a division from start to finish, like you can in Talonsoft's West Front or East FrontII.

Just putting that out there if any Admins from Battlefront are Listening, I know it would take some development, and Battlefront is on the right track, but I know there are more persons out there that would love to play campaingns where you can change History somewhat, not totaly but somewhat. Falcon 3.0 was great, in that depending on how your squadron did, it could change the tactical, and somewhat strategic deployment of enemy forces, if you consistantly did well, then you were doing great damage to the enemy and you could see your progress on the Strategic map... somewhat of an analogy I was trying to make, that you could possibly do with a great game from Battlefront. Hats off to all of you at Battlefront... I love playing..and as a consumer I always want more....more...and more.. smile.gif


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Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

Shock Force is such a wasted effort. Many of us aren't going to buy it. I still don't understand why they had to make it first. They will sell 1000's more copies of a WWII module than they ever will Shock crap Force. IHMO. ;)

IMHO I think it was the right move, get the game engine to model complex weapon systems and physics of modern day military and WWII will be a breeze.

No need to reinvent the wheel every new release.

But I do agree, the whole subject matter of SF has me scratching my head.

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Originally posted by General Bolt:

For a true campaign game we are waiting for the tie-in between CMC and SC2. Then we can go from whole war to platoon level in 3 easy clicks of the mouse.

i suspect that will never happen ....... i mean dont get me wrong i wish they would, i just dont think they will ever get around to writing that unfortunelty :(
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Originally posted by WindyCity:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

Shock Force is such a wasted effort. Many of us aren't going to buy it. I still don't understand why they had to make it first. They will sell 1000's more copies of a WWII module than they ever will Shock crap Force. IHMO. ;)

IMHO I think it was the right move, get the game engine to model complex weapon systems and physics of modern day military and WWII will be a breeze.

No need to reinvent the wheel every new release.

But I do agree, the whole subject matter of SF has me scratching my head. </font>

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hopeduly this will lead to the Re-vamping... of CMBB, CMAK, and a Western european theatre campaing that would allow a start to finish. IE.. 1939 to 1945.

That would be great, there were many good battles between the Axis and Allied forces from 1939-1940-41 on the Western front and Balkans.


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Originally posted by scottie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jurgen12/26HJ:

hopeduly this will lead to the Re-vamping... of CMBB, CMAK, and a Western european theatre campaing that would allow a start to finish.


my fingers are crossed .... and have been for a while smile.gif </font>
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That is pretty jacked up... :( I have been waiting for 12 plus years for a campaign system where you could play from start to finnish, and possibly change the outcome of the War. Battlefront is great, and is extremely popular and has a huge fan base. It strikes me odd.... does anyone listen to the people actually purchasing these games in what we want.. they know that if the Masses want something they will pay for it.. so it strikes me odd why they wont fullfill our gaming desires.

ahh heck... I will still play CMBB and CMAK but without anything changing it will get old eventually. 2 cents.

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Simple matter of resources versus demand, it seems to me.

I've always defended the guys over at Creative Assembly when they said nobody (OK, not nobody, but not enough SOMEbodies) would actually play the multiplayer campaign everyone claims they want.

Same here. C'mon guys...gaming WWII from the SC2 level and resolving battles at the CMX level? Our lives aren't that long.

And, for me -- and this is just for me -- all those "story campaigns" where you bring a group of brave young boys into battle and forge them into men suck. Casualty rates are too high in the real deal to make them anything other than a fondly-crafted, ahistorical joke.

I confess, though, I do not get the Shock Force thing. Then again, Steve and Charles have already shown they know more about games than I do...





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Originally posted by Cyrano:

And, for me -- and this is just for me -- all those "story campaigns" where you bring a group of brave young boys into battle and forge them into men suck. Casualty rates are too high in the real deal to make them anything other than a fondly-crafted, ahistorical joke.

As compared to the single stand alone battle with it's inevitable flag rushes? I've finally started an ROQC campaign and aside from a dubious core force composition it plays far more realistic then anything CM has had to offer up to now, including operations. No more sacrificing a squad to deliver a mortal blow to the enemy if you suspect you won't see replacments for a long while.

With all the nattering on about force multipliers in the Shock Farce forum the refusal to add a 'game mutiplier' campaign is surprising to say the least.

I'm willing to bet most people playing Steel Panthers post CM did so because of the campaign system. SP isn't very good when compared to CM yet it's still being played today. So why not add to CM that which made people return to SP long after it's sell by date expired?

[ June 28, 2006, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]

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Originally posted by Cyrano:

...I'm willing to bet most people playing Steel Panthers post CM...

Ya caught me! Alas, Im not thrilled with Shock Force either, I mean, bleh, we played CM #1 for a great wargame and #2 (big number two) that I love WW2! Noth this US vs Syria (SYRIA?!?!?) stuff.

I had this vision last night that the whole CMSF thing was a big cover-up for the REAL next gen game from BTS: More WW2 greatness.

Oh well.

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