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Eastern Europe 1939

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Originally posted by Emar:

It would be good marketing at that point to show the engine is capable of other battles. Especially when the engine will be farmed out to 3rd party developers. It would expand your possibilities to branch out.

When was it stated that other developers (3rd party) would be using this new engine? As far as I've ever read BFC has never wanted to get mired in the tech issues in helping a 3rd party learn their engines. But that may have been just for the CMBO era engine. Is there a source for this comment? No offence I am just wondering.


[ August 27, 2005, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]

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Originally posted by anteportas:

Well, if they can kill French they might be interested, but I am afraid you are right.

Lets say Kennedy won the presidential election and USA opts to get involved really early on and help Germany instead of the British, the French and the Soviets......
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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

If it doesn't involve Americans, it might not sell well in America, save the grogs and the CM diehards. Joe Gamer doesn't realize that WWII started before December 7, 1941, and he especially doesn't like the French.

Plus, it would require additional research, some of it hard to come by, which they may not have had time to do yet.


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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

If it doesn't involve Americans, it might not sell well in America

And that is why the first release will have to be on the Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia. You've got Americans on both sides and the research will be easy to do because its in Spanish.

And the Gran Chaco is lovely this time of year...


[ August 27, 2005, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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  • 1 year later...

I love how everyone picks their little niche of WWII and assumes it will be the perfect game for everyone. Haven't we gotten enough of WWII already with CM? Haven't we done those tank battles to death? Let's see what's different in modern warfare, instead of rehashing the same troops and equipment time after time. You have CMBB and CMAK for that (and CMBO for the die-hards). Let the rest of us have our change of pace. Also, let CMSF be where the bugs are ironed out in the new engine, so that by the time they make their way back to WWII, they can add in new features and deliver a perfect WWII game (again).

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No, you are all wrong. The first WW2 module will focus on the struggle for Kohima and Imphal on the Indian frontier with Burma. BTS has already begun the model the tennis courts, along with the inevitable malaria and jungle rot. British military sangfroid at its best. The only logical choice, really.

[ January 04, 2007, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: EarlofWarwick ]

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No one gets it!

Losing all of the plankton worlds in the Rigel counteroffensive of 3964, the space lobsters try one last desperate gamble: they travel in time back to May 1945 in an attempt to change human history by equipping a Hitlerjugend battalion with hover tanks and mertilizer ray technology.

Can fanatical teenagers equipped with advanced technology from the distant future defeat the combined might of the allies and win WWII?

Stay tuned. smile.gif

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