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Seanachai Challenges Peng to the Inappropriateness of Shock Thread


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So has anything come to the whole Seanachai/rleete/stoat/’specialblood hamster thing?

Or have you all gotten bored of the whole bloody nonsense and just wish rid of the lot of them?

Oh & Boo I’ve decided I ain’t ever gonna have time for that huge, bloody scenario you sent me… I’ll pick something out myself.

I fancy a teeny weenie battle, like… you know ‘a jeep, a sniper & a Colonel walk into a bar’ kinda thing

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

So has anything come to the whole Seanachai/rleete/stoat/’specialblood hamster thing?

Or have you all gotten bored of the whole bloody nonsense and just wish rid of the lot of them?

I have become bored with my existence, and therefore no longer participate in it until it improves.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

So has anything come to the whole Seanachai/rleete/stoat/’specialblood hamster thing?

Or have you all gotten bored of the whole bloody nonsense and just wish rid of the lot of them?

I have become bored with my existence, and therefore no longer participate in it until it improves. </font>
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alright then, I got a package from Mr. Peng today, and after having the bomb sniffing dogs check it out, I opened it, and what did my wondering eyes behold?

two excellent movies, Zulu Dawn and 300 Spartans

razors for my Mach 3

a book by Terry Pratchett(like I can read..)

soap (trying to tell me something there?)

and wonder of all wonders, girl scout cookies.

I guess there is a bit of humanity in the old fellow anyway, or more likely, his better half took mercy on a poor soldier... cough, cough

hey, today was rough, our internet went out for almost 30 minutes!!!

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

alright then, I got a package from Mr. Peng today, and after having the bomb sniffing dogs check it out, I opened it, and what did my wondering eyes behold?

two excellent movies, Zulu Dawn and 300 Spartans

razors for my Mach 3

a book by Terry Pratchett(like I can read..)

soap (trying to tell me something there?)

and wonder of all wonders, girl scout cookies.

I guess there is a bit of humanity in the old fellow anyway, or more likely, his better half took mercy on a poor soldier... cough, cough

hey, today was rough, our internet went out for almost 30 minutes!!!

Not just any soap you sap! That there is a bar of Dove specialtythingymabobber. Try shaving with it - better than any shave cream in the universe. I actually get a coupon for a free bar from them fellers what makes it every month because I sent them an email telling them that very thing. Try it. Best shave you will ever have.

And the girlscout cookies were the idea of the girls. They are all scouts and they thought that it would be a good idea to send you a box. There was a bit of a row because I said we should only send one - they each wanted to send you one - but I told em you are a fat bastard and need to trim down a bit and one box is more than enough for the likes of you.

My wife on the other hand hates you because you play CM because CM is evil and everyone and everything to do with CM is entirely evil should be destroyed utterly, so she had nothing to do with the package at all and wishes I would stop coming to this forum and playing "that stupid game all hours of the day and night." Which translates to "You don't love me anymore because I am fat and old." which is of course untrue, I don't love her anymore because she is a nag and a scold. Hell, I myself am fat and old, so don't hold that against her, but I am not a nag and a scold...

erm, this was about a bar of soap I think wasn't it?

Pretty dang efficient of the US Mil to get that box to you in under a week. You aren't such a pack of incompetant, boneheaded, rednecked, booger-eatin morons after all.

Enjoy the films and let me know if 300 Spartans is corny or not. Like I said before, It was pretty awesome when I was 10, but so were rockets made out of foil and match-heads.

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Enjoy the films and let me know if 300 Spartans is corny or not. Like I said before, It was pretty awesome when I was 10, but so were rockets made out of foil and match-heads.
You can make rockets out of foil and match-heads?

Cool, then you could, uh, watch the rockets in the shade ... Obligatory 300 Spartans reference, and yes it IS cheesy.

As to "Zulu Dawn", I saw a documentary recently on the Battle of Isandhlwana that pretty much demolished the argument that the British couldn't get ammunition because the ammo boxes were screwed shut and they only had one screwdriver.


p.s. Gawd the Internet is a wonderous thing ...


[ February 28, 2006, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Not just any soap you sap! That there is a bar of Dove specialtythingymabobber. Try shaving with it - better than any shave cream in the universe. I actually get a coupon for a free bar from them fellers what makes it every month because I sent them an email telling them that very thing. Try it. Best shave you will ever have.

Ah, that explains it. The lads were wondering how your legs always look so smooth...
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Not just any soap you sap! That there is a bar of Dove specialtythingymabobber. Try shaving with it - better than any shave cream in the universe. I actually get a coupon for a free bar from them fellers what makes it every month because I sent them an email telling them that very thing. Try it. Best shave you will ever have.

Ah, that explains it. The lads were wondering how your legs always look so smooth... </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Not just any soap you sap! That there is a bar of Dove specialtythingymabobber. Try shaving with it - better than any shave cream in the universe. I actually get a coupon for a free bar from them fellers what makes it every month because I sent them an email telling them that very thing. Try it. Best shave you will ever have.

Ah, that explains it. The lads were wondering how your legs always look so smooth... </font>
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My recipe for match-head rockets was a bit more potent than your linky there PShaw! and was taught to me by my older brother whose pyromaniacle exploits, while fairly significant early on, paled in comparison to my later madness. It seemed that at about the age of 14 my sole purpose in life was to extract the powder from Estes D sized solid propellent rocket engines for nefarious purposes typically involving plastic scale models of Panzers and Stukas and Zeros and green plastic army men... but I digress. A lot.

Match-head rockets:

as many packs of paper matches as you can safely squirrel away without the parents noticing




x-acto knife

form a tube with the foil around the pencil using the point to make a nice nose cone.

scrape the heads off of as many matches as you can stand before it gets too bloody boring.

stuff - GENTLY - the match-head scrapings into the foil tube.

Snip the tube off so that it is even with the last of the scrapings.

cut one match-head off and stuff it in the open end of the tube and pinch the tube so just the tip of the match-head is sticking out.

rest the rocket on the paperclip launcher.

light the rocket.

You will get MUCH BETTER results than the paltry 1 meter the linky PShaw! gave us with sissy-girl single match rockets. If you can stand the boredom of scraping 3 or 4 match-books worth of match-heads you will be rewarded with seconds of thrills as your rocket travels 2 to 3 meters and maybe more.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Ten men for each woman was the rule way back when on the prairie,

And somehow those cowboys must have kept themselves warm late at night.


{answer may vary by country, county, or whether or not anyone is watching}

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We should start a wives club..... Dear Mrs Peng could be the chairwoman, and all of our wives and girlfirends could belong...you see if we let them in somehow, they can see for themselves that this is not some evil place where we go to get away from them and their incessant nagging , but a place where they too can belong.

If they choose not to join, then we can say, "I gave you the opportunity to join the "CM Wives and Girlfriends Club" and you couldn't be bothered. Now leave me the f*** alone and let me play in peace.....

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Lads I have received a photo from my former Squire Lars of he and the loverly and talented Shary getting hitched ... not sure it's really LEGAL and all, on a beach with some clown wearing a "Aussie" hat officiating, but whatever ... here's my problem:

{b} Lars said it looked better than the Moose ... I don't know about that, the Moose is a damned FINE Moose after all.{/b}

{i} He seemed to imply I should use it INSTEAD of his photo. Now it has the advantage of not showing his face as well, so that's GOOD.

It also has a Princess Di Up In The Tree shot of the Loverly and Talented Shary in her see through skirt over the bathing suit ... at least ... I'm ASSUMING there's a suit there ... so that's GOOD too.{/i}

{quote}Anyway I can't see a good way to actually USE the photo in the Official Justicariate Website*. Here it is for YOU to judge ...{/quote}

*PREMIUM Members of the Official Justicariate WEbsite receive ... uh ... Premiums ... and stuff.


[ February 28, 2006, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

God Shaw , could you make it any friggen smaller?

I looks like an old movie poster for "Mutiny on the Bounty"...thats about all I can make out of it.

God Shaw ... I like that, thanks Nidan1 ... you're picky ... try it now.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lads I have received a photo from my former Squire Lars of he and the loverly and talented Shary getting hitched ... not sure it's really LEGAL and all, on a beach with some clown wearing a "Aussie" hat officiating, but whatever ... here's my problem:

I could say it was your complete lack of UBB skills, but we both know you'd come up with some lame line about "Meaning to do that!".

Yeah... like we believe anything you say.

My question concerning the photo is, is the dude in the Aussie hat the ship's Captain? And if so, aren't they only allowed to marry people while on board the ship?

Clearly, if they are on an island, they are not aboard ship and so, ipso facto-my sharona-Bess you is my woman now, Shari is still a free woman and can kick that total waste of space, Lars out on his keister. (And really, Lars. With legs like that, shorts are not your friend. Know what I mean, fella?)

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