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WEGO Challenge Peng in Real Time


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Hey all. I know I owe some turns, but a little Real Life has crept in. For those that don't know already, my dad died suddenly last Friday. I spent a few days in Massachusets with my family taking care of business etc.

I don't mean to bum anybody out, I'm fine, my family will get through it, I'm back home and I'll sort through email soon.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Hey all. I know I owe some turns, but a little Real Life has crept in. For those that don't know already, my dad died suddenly last Friday. I spent a few days in Massachusets with my family taking care of business etc.

I don't mean to bum anybody out, I'm fine, my family will get through it, I'm back home and I'll sort through email soon.


I'm not a pooler and I try to avoid the mutherlovin' stench, but my condolences Dale. Keep your chin up.
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Originally posted by dalem:

Hey all. I know I owe some turns, but a little Real Life has crept in. For those that don't know already, my dad died suddenly last Friday. I spent a few days in Massachusets with my family taking care of business etc.

I don't mean to bum anybody out, I'm fine, my family will get through it, I'm back home and I'll sort through email soon.


I'm terribly sorry my friend, I lost my Mom in 2001 and I know the pain. Hang in there buddy.


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Originally posted by **YK2**:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dame Emma I must ask you NOT to encourage the lesser lights who are recognized here ONLY as a courtesy. Having our Gracious Queen respond to them directly may give them delusions of adequacy and we can't have that.


Apologies Justicar Joe..

Someone cancelled my copy of the MBT enquirer so I haven't been keeping up with the news and assumed Abbott (spelt but not bolded until confirmation from JJ) was a Knighty or somefink..

Does that mean he's to be ignored? </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

Hey all. I know I owe some turns, but a little Real Life has crept in. For those that don't know already, my dad died suddenly last Friday. I spent a few days in Massachusets with my family taking care of business etc.

I don't mean to bum anybody out, I'm fine, my family will get through it, I'm back home and I'll sort through email soon.


I'm sorry to hear that Dale. May God bless your family in the coming days.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You are so lame ...

{iv} Victor McLaglen did it much better in "The Quiet Man"

(A-Q] Here's the CORRECT quote:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Feeney, get your book out.

Set down the name, the one Sean Thornton.


Feeney, have you written the name I gave you?

- I have.

Well, strike a line through it.

That´s for him. Sean Thornton...

<iiivvviii> You sir, are not only a plagarizer ... you're not even very good at it.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

Considering our age range I'd say we can all relate.

Take your time Dalem and our thoughts are with you and your family.

S'okay. We've been working on him, here in the Great North Country. Did a Wake for his Dad on the night he got back here, me, Papa Khann, and a whole raft of his other weird friends.

I, personally, stayed with him until...well, sometime around 5 AM, when I apparently lost consciousness. I woke up at 6 AM because his sodding pet, Joe the Cat, had crawled up on my chest and was meeoowwwing like a bastard. I started petting him, and telling him that he was a good cat, and pretty cat.

But when I quit petting him, he thrust his face into mine, and I thought he was just touching noses with me. And then the little swine gently leaned further forward and bit me on the fecking nose. In a tender, playful sort of way, and I thought it was just his way of saying 'continue to pet me, two-legs, or it will go worse for you'.

So I started petting him again, and reassured him that I harboured no resentment. And the playful little tyke started licking my face, as I thought at the time, to let me know that he was appreciating me. After a while, I chased him off and found my shoes and DVDs and staggered out into a New Day.

He was appreciating me, the little ****e. He was licking up the goddamn blood. When I got home I found I had blood all over my face, and all over the hand I'd swiped over my face.

Dalem, your freaking cat is a vampire. You need to have a talk with him about attempting to drain guests who've passed out on your couch.

I was kind of wondering why all the people I pulled up next to in Nor'd East all looked over at me with horror. By the time I made West Broadway, every other driver was lagging far behind me, probably trying to dial their cell phones one-handed to tell the cops that they'd just passed a guy who'd been in some sort of violent confrontation.

Sodding cats.

So, tomorrow Papa Khann and I are taking Dalem out to the Renaissance Festival. There, we will pour alcohol into him, and the manly amongst us will smoke cigars. Which means Papa will not be smoking cigars, because he is a little girl. And we will drag Dalem around to watch the belly dancers, and make much of him.

Today, I kayaked 10.5 miles of the Minnesota River, and I am tired. Tonight, I am smoking one of my new, 'La Aroma de Cuba' cigars (yeah, I'm pretty sure that should translate as 'the smell of Cuba'...I love the smell of Cuba in the evening...it makes me think of...victory).

Job ended last Wednesday. Used a chunk of the last paycheck to buy a cheap humidor and some expensive cigars on-line.

Also, the new Pratchett novel is due out mid-month. 'Making Money'. Can't wait.

I owe everyone turns. You'll get them as soon as I stop having fun. And then, you'll get them very regularly, for a change.

Because very, very soon, the fun will come to an end.

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