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Peng Challenges Seanachai in a Thunder Run


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

A close call on the Olde Woman (aka Peng's Mom) front yesterday.... SNIP

I wish your mother well. Anyone that puts up with all that 'stuff' deserves a long life. May she continue to keep you in line for many years to come.


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Alright! Shut your incessant yapping, the lot of you, and listen up!

Just got word that there's been a new addition to the 'Pool.

One Hope Kathleen born to Mr. and Mrs. NGcavscout.

She's 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 20 1/2" long born this a.m.

So break out the bubbly, the 30 year old scotch or whatever else you prefer and celebrate!

Congratulations to Mrs NGcavscout...And the old man as well.

Kathleen starts off life blissfully unaware of Seanachai and Joe. Long may she remain so.


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Originally posted by rune:


Dag Nabbit...where is the grammar police when you need them?


Go to the web site that NGCavscout posted, and tell me what you see wrong there.



No Joe, it's not a phonetic sound as per whistle, but 'referee'. And I'm typing in my 3rd language. What do they teach in America? American?

Kind thanks to the ever watchful rune

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Originally posted by rune:


Dag Nabbit...where is the grammar police when you need them?


Go to the web site that NGCavscout posted, and tell me what you see wrong there.


Emrys while you are at it, talk to rune about the title of the thread, it is embarras... embarassi... humiliating! Especially when my 8 year old can spell better than the man that took me to squire.... Sigh, what is the Cesspool coming to?

[ March 24, 2006, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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PENG! You wall-eyed swine! I'm glad your mother is doing better!

Me old mum was in the hospital a week ago with an arrhythmic heart beat. While she was there, she complained about:

Alpha: The noise.

Bet: The bathroom.

Soup: The positioning of the sink in the bathroom.

And: The placement of the overhead light.

Toasted: That the hospital didn't even HAVE CABLE!!!

Cheese: The temperature of the room, to the point where she put her winter coat on over her hospital gown.

Sammiches: The damn blood pressure cuff is TOO. DAMN. TIGHT!!!

But, with the judicious use of electical shocks (Probably administered in some sub-basement with a car battery), they got the old girl's heart back up to snuff and tearfully sent her home, where she will continue trying to poison my dad and overfeeding Murphy-The-Dog.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:


Dag Nabbit...where is the grammar police when you need them?


Go to the web site that NGCavscout posted, and tell me what you see wrong there.


Emrys while you are at it, talk to rune about the title of the thread, it is embarras... embarassi... humiliating! Especially when my 8 year old can spell better than the man that took me to squire.... Sigh, what is the Cesspool coming to? </font>
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Originally posted by WineCape:

Yup, I married above myself. BTW, you cut my friggin head off in the picture Joe - to make me shorter?

Short sommelier's only serve garden gnomes in wendy houses.

Consider yourself fortunate that I didn't cut you off at the neck to better showcase the photo of your wife.

As to the spelling, I had considered your version but upon further review I found the following definition:

REFEREE: noun: (sports) the chief official (as in boxing or American football) who is expected to ensure fair play
Well, OBVIOUSLY we weren't talking about a REAL game like American football but only soccer, and second ... fair play ... YOU ... so I went with an alternative instead of posting an obvious lie.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

But she's hardheaded and holds a grudge and will make us ALL PAY for keeping her alive. I'm looking forward to paying that tab.

And we're all looking forward to you paying it too.

Here's to hoping your Mom has many years left of tormenting you.

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Joebob , you non-branching family tree marsupial...

If you knew ANYTHING about the world's game. Heck, if you knew ANYTHING at all it would be a giant step, but if you knew ANYTHING about soccer, you would know that FIFA is the governing body. What is the motto of FIFA you may ask:

Fair Play

If you had any brain cells left, you would know this by looking at the Bottom of this page to see that.

Now, Young Winecape has the skills to become the top of the top of referees, A FIFA referee. We have chatted often on the ins and outs of the beautiful game, and refereeing it.

Oh, and the watch is nice Winecape , and the place I send you stuff from is now the official source for the UK. So, let me know if you need any gear, as it is still cheaper to et it here.

*Shows the yellow card to Joebob , and books him for impersonating an intelligent creature.


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Much obliged, as usual, for the watch offer. At moment have enough time pieces and running out of space on my arm. But will need one by next season. Plus wifey is of the opinion that I've spend enough this year on wines, so no extra goodies... yet. But will remember the offer nevertheless.

Billy-bob is at least fast wrt to my web details, so I'd rather chide him to play fair henceforth, if not, I'll swipe the bugger with more than my cards. I'm tall, after all, despite being cut to size at his low-attandance website.

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Originally posted by rune:

Joebob , you non-branching family tree marsupial...

If you knew ANYTHING about the world's game. Heck, if you knew ANYTHING at all it would be a giant step, but if you knew ANYTHING about soccer, you would know that FIFA is the governing body. What is the motto of FIFA you may ask:

Fair Play

If you had any brain cells left, you would know this by looking at the Bottom of this page to see that.

Now, Young Winecape has the skills to become the top of the top of referees, A FIFA referee. We have chatted often on the ins and outs of the beautiful game, and refereeing it.

Oh, and the watch is nice Winecape , and the place I send you stuff from is now the official source for the UK. So, let me know if you need any gear, as it is still cheaper to et it here.

*Shows the yellow card to Joebob , and books him for impersonating an intelligent creature.


rune haven't you some NDA matters to attend to?

As to FIFA I know very well who they are, having played, coached and refereed my fair share of games. As to their motto, I'm not questioning that it is THEIR intent to promote Fair Play, I'm questioning whether or not WineCape will do his bit ... I've seen photographs of him in action and while I can't PROVE that money changed hands, well, let's just say that those cleats he's wearing aren't cheap.

That being said, a FIFA referee is the top of the pinnacle and I'm duly impressed ... that he managed to make it that far without being found out as the sort of person who will frequent a place like THIS is remarkable.

As to your yellow card, I wave my hand in dismissal. If I worried about a silly little yellow card I'd never have taken any prissy wing forward's legs out when he thought he had the dribbling skills to get by me ... which he did ... if his legs still functioned.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Joebob , you non-branching family tree marsupial...

If you knew ANYTHING about the world's game. Heck, if you knew ANYTHING at all it would be a giant step, but if you knew ANYTHING about soccer, you would know that FIFA is the governing body. What is the motto of FIFA you may ask:

Fair Play

If you had any brain cells left, you would know this by looking at the Bottom of this page to see that.

Now, Young Winecape has the skills to become the top of the top of referees, A FIFA referee. We have chatted often on the ins and outs of the beautiful game, and refereeing it.

Oh, and the watch is nice Winecape , and the place I send you stuff from is now the official source for the UK. So, let me know if you need any gear, as it is still cheaper to et it here.

*Shows the yellow card to Joebob , and books him for impersonating an intelligent creature.


rune haven't you some NDA matters to attend to?

As to FIFA I know very well who they are, having played, coached and refereed my fair share of games. As to their motto, I'm not questioning that it is THEIR intent to promote Fair Play, I'm questioning whether or not WineCape will do his bit ... I've seen photographs of him in action and while I can't PROVE that money changed hands, well, let's just say that those cleats he's wearing aren't cheap.

That being said, a FIFA referee is the top of the pinnacle and I'm duly impressed ... that he managed to make it that far without being found out as the sort of person who will frequent a place like THIS is remarkable.

As to your yellow card, I wave my hand in dismissal. If I worried about a silly little yellow card I'd never have taken any prissy wing forward's legs out when he thought he had the dribbling skills to get by me ... which he did ... if his legs still functioned.

Joe </font>

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Stoat is a referee....granted one for IHSA, but still... I may actually have to notice him instead of paying as much attention as I do to the road kill in front of Joebob's house...which is none.

Stoat, you young pup. maybe I will get the chance to do a game with you, I have done the regionals and sectionals for the past 8 years. We may need someone to hold the balls...and I will instantly think of you.

I have the full alphabet soup of refereeing.





Am an instructor and assesor...but slowly winding down as getting too old to keep up with the youngsters. If you ever need anything ont he referee side, just let me know.


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Originally posted by rune:

I have the full alphabet soup of refereeing.





Am an instructor and assesor...but slowly winding down as getting too old to keep up with the youngsters. If you ever need anything ont he referee side, just let me know.


I'm IHSA certified, and the highest level of SAY official, but the latter is a sissy youth league. Due to the lack of local referees, I find myself doing anything from U-16 games all the way down to U-8. I'd rather not do girls games, as they can get vicious.
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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

MrPeng, I am sure that any human woman capable of bearing and raising the likes of you would be strong, of mind and body, and I am certain that she will do great.

And what's all this talk about "football"? Is that kind of like soccer?

Is THIS the thanks I get? Is this the mark of a lad who APPRECIATES the great and high honor bestowed upon him? Is this WORTHY of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread?

You, sir, have been granted the boon, the great and high honor, of being appointed BY YOUR Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread to be the FIRST Deputy Assistant Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread!

And where in your sig line do we see notice of this? NOWHERE! NADA! NOTHING!

It's like being a cop, lad, if you can't show the badge you can't make the bust. If you want to make a bust, or make someone WITH a bust, you have to have your bone fides in place.


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All right, Justicar. You get your way this time. But considering the amount of back-talk Boo gives you, I'm a model citizen in comparison.

So, I guess I should start Deputy Assistant Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicating or something. I'll have to spend my Friday evening composing some wordy, incomprehensible post that no one will read, with bullet points and numbering and facts and such. The life is a thankless one.

Wait- does this mean I have to go to crappy states all the time now too?

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Originally posted by Noba:

Kathleen starts off life blissfully unaware of Seanachai and Joe. Long may she remain so.


Aussie halfwit. All worthwhile children begin life knowing that I'm here. It is I that will teach them about the Peng Challenge Thread.

It's like a very strange, very limited version of 'racial memory'.

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Originally posted by WineCape:

And I'm typing in my 3rd language.

Oh yeah? Well, in my previous existence I slapped the snot out of your previous incarnation while hand-maidens watched and tittered over it.

By my reckoning, you've spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars sloshing wine over CMer scum all over the world...and yet I AM STILL SOBER RIGHT NOW!

Subjected thus,

How can you say to me, I am a king?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Kathleen starts off life blissfully unaware of Seanachai and Joe. Long may she remain so.


Aussie halfwit. All worthwhile children begin life knowing that I'm here. It is I that will teach them about the Peng Challenge Thread.

It's like a very strange, very limited version of 'racial memory'. </font>

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